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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'm still convinced that Harper is the most talented overall out of the 6 of them. You can tell he just gets it. Unfortunately his look will never let him be the top star and quite rightly they are pushing with Reigns.


Harper needs to be pushed as a monster heel sometime in the next two years or they may miss the boat.

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Absolutely, I couldn't imagine in any other role. It just needs amping up a bit. He needs to go down the Hills Have Eyes route and be a psycho hillbilly that genuinely scares kids in attendance. Avoid any comedy or him showing any real emotion and let him eventually become the real nutcase of the Wyatts that even Bray can longer control.


If any of you out there are Breaking Bad fans, imagine a more sinister Todd. Someone who will do the most evil and sinister things, but not even realise what they are doing is wrong.


If Sister Abigail ever does come in, let her be the one to control Harper and kick Wyatt to the curb. Let him destroy the family and go on a rampage of destroying everything in his path.

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I really like him as he is, but he would look completely different if he changed his hair and beard and clothes. He's a fantastic worker and is huge. He could get away with a complete gimmick change if need be... not that it is necessarily a great idea. (fingers crossed not Corporate Harper).

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What about an antitheism gimmick, ala Christopher Hitchens? He could spread the "infection" that is organised religion. It would be far too controversial for the WWE so I'm shooting down my own idea instantly. Plus I wouldn't want him ending up like Salman Rushdie circa 1988.

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Harper's look is perfect. It's just a shame there are various other big beard characters, and that Dean Ambrose wrestles in the same outfit as him. Harper would've been perfect doing the Kane The Rapist type storylines they did in the previous decade. Him kidnapping Bayley in his pickup truck until Roman Reigns or someone makes the save. They'd never do that kind of thing now though, so his use as a depraved nutcase is limited.

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Agree with Porky and Carbomb here, watching that match at the time I felt like I was looking at a bright future for WWE. Collectively, those six guys were fucking stars and the fans were so hot for both teams and the match itself. Two years on, not one of those guys is as over as they were during that period. Of course you could argue that some of them have 'gone on to better things' because they have held belts or whatever, but fan reaction tells the real story.

Agree with the above...holding belts doesn't mean being over. And with the exception of Lesnar/Cena/Reigns triple threat none of the participants have actually had a better match since.


The same is said every few years though, just those six raised the bar from what we'd seen prior with the likes of Ziggler, Benjamin, Kofi etc.

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Was thinking it was 10 years since "that" Mysterio push.


10 years before that HBK on the cusp of the boyhood dream.


My point here is how can 10 years between 1996-2006 feel like an eternity and 2006-2016 seems like a few months in comparison?

Edited by Fanny Pack
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Because the attitude era changed the pace of wrestling, and they've never really recovered from it. A million things a week happened between 1997-2002 or so. Things get stagnant faster now, and there's been a lot less going on for the last four or five years.


Mainly though, it's down to us being older, I think. In general, time passes a lot faster.

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Because the attitude era changed the pace of wrestling, and they've never really recovered from it. A million things a week happened between 1997-2002 or so. Things get stagnant faster now, and there's been a lot less going on for the last four or five years.


Mainly though, it's down to us being older, I think. In general, time passes a lot faster.



Yeah, pretty much this. Life in general seems to have zipped by pretty fast the past few years, while my GCSE and A-Level years were fucking interminable.

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