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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I rewatched Payback from last year and I forgot what a good ppv it was. However, its amazing in the space of a year how quickly WWE changes - Ryback main evented, Dolph Ziggler was the World Champ, CM Punk was still around, Kaitlyn was Divas Champ and the Wyatt Family were about to debut.


It will be interesting to see how much WWE changes over the next year.

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Payback 2013 will always be notorious as the beginning of the end of CM Punk's career. Payback was when it really showed that he'd lost a step. He looked absolute shit that night, and bar that one match with Lesnar, he looked shit for the entire rest of his time. If he'd not been rushed back just because it was a Chicago show, he might still be around now.

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Payback 2013 will always be notorious as the beginning of the end of CM Punk's career. Payback was when it really showed that he'd lost a step. He looked absolute shit that night, and bar that one match with Lesnar, he looked shit for the entire rest of his time. If he'd not been rushed back just because it was a Chicago show, he might still be around now.


Yeah, it all seemed so rushed. Considering how excellent his heel run was, him coming back as a face was such a wet blanket. Sideburns didn't help...

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I rewatched Payback from last year and I forgot what a good ppv it was. However, its amazing in the space of a year how quickly WWE changes - Ryback main evented, Dolph Ziggler was the World Champ, CM Punk was still around, Kaitlyn was Divas Champ and the Wyatt Family were about to debut.


It will be interesting to see how much WWE changes over the next year.


I thought it was a terrible PPV. About the only things I enjoyed on it were Curtis Axel winning the IC Title on Father's Day and Del Rio beating crappy Ziggler and making loads of people cry. Awful event.

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Payback 2013 will always be notorious as the beginning of the end of CM Punk's career. Payback was when it really showed that he'd lost a step. He looked absolute shit that night, and bar that one match with Lesnar, he looked shit for the entire rest of his time. If he'd not been rushed back just because it was a Chicago show, he might still be around now.


Completely agree with this. It seemed such short-sighted booking to bring him back so soon. They should have given him an extended break off after that long title run and losing to Undertaker. It would have refreshed his character and made him a more motivated performer on his return.

Edited by The Maestro
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Was watching THAT tag match from Royal Rumble '91 today and something occured to me...as good as he was, Marty Jannetty had the worst dropkicks i've seen....not in a doesnt look right or the tecnique is wrong, just in that i dont think i've ever seen him hit it...he is always at least 6 inches from his opponent....it looks utter shite.....and phoney as fuck....cracking match though!

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Random Thought.


Roddy Piper would have fit in ECW in the 90's as a heel.


Yeah, but I'd imagine he loved the 6 figures/7 figures a year that WWF then WCW gave him. Amazing to think of the money he must have made just in the 90's alone, when his best days were gone by the turn of that decade.

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Oh Lord I'm not suggesting it would have ever of happened. Piper was far too big a name to show up in the bingo hall. Just from a creative standpoint, I think it would have worked. Heel Piper could have been a riot ripping on the fans, wrestlers and ECW concept. Even in the ring, he could have had some fun brawls. He was of a physical size where it wouldn't have seemed odd. Unlike Scott Hall coming in and exposing how much the roster were midgets, he wouldn't need to be booked against Big Sal every other match.

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My manager attended Zippo's circus with his family over the weekend and showed me a vid of some tramoline act. He asked what I noticed and in true fashion I was distracted by the act. What he wanted me to notice was the WWF ring apron that surrounded parts of the trampoline. God only knows how that ended up in a circled square (?!).

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Probably a long-shot, but does anyone know if this match in April 1991 actually happened? I've seen Andre the Giant matches from

, but I'd always been under the impression his last match with the WWF was at Wrestlemania 6.


According to this, Andr

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Didn't they tape a show in London during this tour where Andre hobbled down to ringside with the aid of a crutch. If so I can't imagine he worked a match, or even climbed into the ring at a house show.

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Didn't they tape a show in London during this tour where Andre hobbled down to ringside with the aid of a crutch. If so I can't imagine he worked a match, or even climbed into the ring at a house show.


I think you're right. Wasn't it after Earthquake supposedly injured his knee with Jimmy Hart's megaphone?

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