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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Just seen the willow in TNA. Really loved the entrance, the music and lighting. Just a shame he looked shite once the match started. Really needs some better gear. Should paint himself up similar to devitt at wrestlekingdom, so that he doesn't just look like hardy in a mask.


Wouldn't he just look like Jeff Hardy in face paint? Why is that better? You can at least flog masks.


I didn't mean get rid of the mask, I meant go bare torso painted up around his ink, and get some better tights than those scruffy bottoms he always wears. I thought the mask look really cool.

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Just seen the willow in TNA. Really loved the entrance, the music and lighting. Just a shame he looked shite once the match started. Really needs some better gear. Should paint himself up similar to devitt at wrestlekingdom, so that he doesn't just look like hardy in a mask.

Would love to see his character in wwe, just think they could make the finished article much more appealing. Hardy needs to go back.

I just watched his match against Spud on Youtube after reading this thread and I completely agree. A pretty decent look and entrance (for TNA) and then he takes the entrance gear off and its just Jeff Hardy in a T-shirt and pyjama bottoms. He looked ridiculous. If you're going to go to the bother of doing the gimmick in the first place at least put the effort in.




Though, having just watched his debut at Lockdown, the T-shirt is better than that stupid looking thing he had on there. Maybe someone had a word with him after the PPV and the T-shirt is a temp thing until he sorts some new gear out.

Edited by CTXRussomark
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What is great about Willow wearing a t-shirt is that its a t-shirt with Jeff Hardy's "H" logo on it. Its like Batman turning up to a Wayne Enterprises board meeting in a mask and suit. Its great. Its like "who is this masked man, who's wearing Jeff Hardys pants, boots, t-shirt, sleeves and tattoos?"

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I just noticed on Twitter that wcw was trending. I thought maybe the WWE Network was the reason for this but looked it up. Apparently it stands for Women Crush Wednesday. Where people just post pictures of women they like.


A couple of weeks ago, TNA posted a bunch of knockouts' photos under the hashtag #WCW. As you can guess, the IWC troll patrol had a field day.

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They have made it clear its Jeff Hardy though

Did you watch Lockdown? They banned Jeff Hardy from the building and Willow walked through the door with open arms. Tenay and Tazz were asking "who is this masked man" throughout the match.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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They have made it clear its Jeff Hardy though

Did you watch Lockdown? They banned Jeff Hardy from the building and Willow walked through the door with open arms. Tenay and Tazz were asking "who is this masked man" throughout the match.



Yeah, and they mentioned the fact he had Jeff Hardy's tattoo's later on in the match, it wasn't until Impact where he was wearing a Jeff Hardy t-shirt by that point they had already declared Willow was Hardy




"The official T-shirt for Jeff Hardy's bizarre alter-ego WILLOW is now available at ShopTNA.com"


Nobody is asking who the guy in the mask is.

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So I had to know all of that to know that he is Jeff Hardy now. The fact you listed off all that shite tells me I need to know far to much about this storyline to follow it. Because I've seen enough of this Willow character and the thing I took away from it was that TNA's security are thick as fuck and Tenay and Tazz needed their hand held through the process of actually figuring out who Willow was. If they were doing the reveal that early, why make the announcers sound like silly bollocks?


And why the fuck is he Willow now then, if everyone knows who he is? I liked the idea that it was some Mr America thing. Now its just "who is Willow? Oh its Jeff Hardy, fair enough".

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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So I had to know all of that to know that he is Jeff Hardy now. The fact you listed off all that shite tells me I need to know far to much about this storyline to follow it. Because I've seen enough of this Willow character and the thing I took away from it was that TNA's security are thick as fuck and Tenay and Tazz needed their hand held through the process of actually figuring out who Willow was.



All of what shite? If you haven't watched this weeks Impact then you wouldn't know obviously.

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I watched the PPV. The debut. The thing they built to. The pay off to the vignettes. The thing the TVs are built around. I would expect to find out all I need to know there. And I found out the announcers didn't know Jeff Hardy and Willow are one and the same and the security guards let you in if you are banned from the arena and wear a mask. It was only until you began posting links to TNA's website that I was aware of this. Maybe they should have explained this on the PPV instead of making the announcers look like a pair of dribblers.

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To be fair, i thought at Lockdown it was pretty obvious Tenay and Tazz were making out they knew who Willow was. Tazz's line about the tattoo's looking familiar was the moment it was clear they weren't trying to pretend it wasn't Jeff Hardy.

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