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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Christian and Henry must be due back soon, so I'd be up for them being in the Rumble as surprises. MVP, Carlito and Boogeyman (was he ever in a Rumble before?) would all be good as well. I always want more Doink appearances. I reckon there's just as much chance of it being padded out with JTG, the Usos and Justin Gabriel though.


My dream Royal Rumble participant is Kenny Powers.

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Had a look at the WWE roster page earlier and, because I'm that sad, tried to get 30 Rumble entrants out of the active/television regulars. They're gonna struggle unless they've got a good few returns and surprises lined up. They'd be absolutely buggered trying to do a 40-man this year.


I don't know mate, there should be enough without the need to bring too many old faces back. Maybe one or two returning from injury might boost numbers.


1 - Sheamus

2 - Orton

3 - Cena

4 - Ziggler

5 - Mysterio

6 - Sin Cara

7 - Kane

8 - Bryan

9 - Rhodes

10 - Sandow

11 - Young

12 - O'Neill

13 - Miz

14 - Cesaro

15 - Kingston

16 - Ryder

17 - Santino

18 - Khali

19 - Otunga

20 - Barrett

21 - Ryback

22 - Epico

23 - Primo

24 - Gabriel

25 - Slater

26 - McIntyre

27 - Mahal

28 - Christian

29 - Henry

30 - Clay


I know they're not all on telly week in week out (which was your point I believe), but it's not gonna be too difficult for them to fill. That's before the likes of Big E and the Shield might be thrown in. As well as maybe the losers of the WWE and WHC matches possibly going into the Rumble and no doubt I've missed somebody quite obvious off that initial 30. (the numbers aren't what I think the entrance numbers will be by the way before somebody takes it that way)


Like I said, I think they've got enough without needing to bring in too many old faces or fill it with another Booker T entrance.

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From that list, Santino, Mysterio, Christian, Henry and Sin Cara are all out injured at the moment. Short of Santino (who only got injured last week) the others would be surprise returns. Ziggler in the Rumble when he's got the Money in the Bank doesn't make much sense to me, either. Obviously there's nothing stopping it and it's a unique story, and the show-off gimmick kind of works for it... But I've got a suspicion he'll either be champion by then or involved in the title match somehow.

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I'm going to be gutted if none of them do turn up, I've convinced myself they will. Ian, that doesn't mean Boogey won't be there, he's the perfect character to turn up, do something weird and never actually properly enter the match. Considering he turned up the other week, I was sure he'd be in there. Why the fuck was he there a few weeks back?


I reckon there has to be some surprises. It's become expected of the Rumble now, they're a highlight.

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Plus if The Rock loses he is eligible for the Rumble isn't he?


Same with the WHC match.


Ziggler lost to Punk in 2012 and entered the Rumble to be on the receiving end of a finisher by Karma. Which under all the circumstances was one weird fucking decision.

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I know a lot of people are excited about the return of Henry but last i heard Vince (I think) was pissed at how injury prone he is.


So what is his future?

Wouldn't surprise me if there's some truth to that. As a fan it pisses me off to see him on the shelf so much, but hopefully they haven't given up on him just yet. It's highly unlikely that he'll ever get another run like he did in 2011, but hopefully they still see the value in him as an upper card monster.


I'm just frustrated by the lack of news on his situation. I've no idea how close he is to returning.

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From that list, Santino, Mysterio, Christian, Henry and Sin Cara are all out injured at the moment. Short of Santino (who only got injured last week) the others would be surprise returns. Ziggler in the Rumble when he's got the Money in the Bank doesn't make much sense to me, either. Obviously there's nothing stopping it and it's a unique story, and the show-off gimmick kind of works for it... But I've got a suspicion he'll either be champion by then or involved in the title match somehow.


I thought Christian and Henry were fit again and just waiting for the right time to be reintroduced? I totally forgot that Sin Cara was injured and I weren't aware either Santino or Rey were injured - so ta for the heads up on them.


Hasn't Ziggler already confirmed he'll be in the Rumble though just to ensure that Cena doesn't win it if nothing else? And who knows, he could be in the Rumble and go on to win it, challenge and defeat the WWE champion at Mania then cash in on the WHC and hold both major titles. (I'm aware that's quite far fetched and is more tongue in cheek than anything)

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Plus if The Rock loses he is eligible for the Rumble isn't he?

Rock needs the belt before WrestleMania. He's not going to WrestleMania to win or successfully defend his title. Also Ziggler was only in the Royal Rumble to take bumps and get a kicking off a woman.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Just had a check on the website and you're right, Ziggler is announced for it already. Did that happen on Raw? I thought he was just going to be sticking around the world title guys from now on to get away from the Cena feud.


Yeah think it was the first RAW of this year mate. I think it was in response to the whole shit dropping on him and AJ on New Year's Eve.


But if I remember rightly Ziggler did say he was only in it, to ensure Cena didn't win it. Keeps that irritating and boring feud going for at least another couple of weeks.

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