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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Could the Alberto Del Rio/Ricardo duo be one of the longest running "Main Event" pairings where they haven't had a fall out and subsequent break up in recent WWE history? They've been strong together since 2010, and I can't think of another duo that has had that longevity that hasn't been a jobber tag-team like the Colons.


I could of course be spouting bollocks and forgetting another massive pairing, but I genuinely can't think of a duo in the last few years - how long were Edge/Lita and Edge/Vickie together?

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Could the Alberto Del Rio/Ricardo duo be one of the longest running "Main Event" pairings where they haven't had a fall out and subsequent break up in recent WWE history? They've been strong together since 2010, and I can't think of another duo that has had that longevity that hasn't been a jobber tag-team like the Colons.


I could of course be spouting bollocks and forgetting another massive pairing, but I genuinely can't think of a duo in the last few years - how long were Edge/Lita and Edge/Vickie together?


Dolph/Vickie? Though thats hardly Main Event...


I know everyone probably doesnt watch Impact, but just watch this from last weeks episode, these two are phenomenal.

Edited by Cobra1000
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My journey through Raw '93 has just yielded a most disturbing discovery. They show a bunch of fans talking from Mania IX and they find Vlad, and in his strong Polish (I think) accent, he declares it to be the "best WrestleMania ever." My image of him is shattered forever.

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Oops, Is it just me or do they sound eerily similar?


Have to say the 3 man team makes a big difference, even if it's just a fresh sound compared to Taz(z?) and Tenay droning on ad nauseum

Todd is great. Really adds to Tazz and Tenay's ramblings. He's been around for a few years and is the go to guy for any startup or TV show. He did Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling, he did the Hulkamania tour, he did NWE and Championship Wrestling from Hollywood. He's got a good CV.


Here's Todd at his best.


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It really does help having a 3rd person, particularly as you can tell Taz resents the hell out of it, and is becoming a lot more snarkish, which is good as he's meant to be the colour guy and I always understood that meant being a little bit heelish and sympathising with the heels.

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It really does help having a 3rd person, particularly as you can tell Taz resents the hell out of it, and is becoming a lot more snarkish, which is good as he's meant to be the colour guy and I always understood that meant being a little bit heelish and sympathising with the heels.


Agree with this. As well I always found Tenay actually pretty good as part of a 3 on Nitro, smaller more effective contributions rather than desperately trying to fill in any silences despite having nothing to say.

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It's really funny when Taz rips into Tod for simply doing his job and researching the wrestlers.

The funniest one to me was when last week on Impact Daniels & Kazarian used the Hart Attack and Keneley said it was the Hart Attack and Taz had no clue what he was talking about.

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