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Boris Johnson

Devon Malcolm

Boris Johnson  

103 members have voted

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What do you reckon?


I was watching his interviews on David Letterman and The Daily Show yesterday:-






And I think he does better in them than he usually does, especially given they're Yanks who don't know who he is. Then again, he is a daft bumbling twat who probably only became mayor off the back of being so on Have I Got News For You.


Then again, he doesn't like Scousers....

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He is a fucking cunt, so are the people who buy the whole bumbling goof act he puts on.


So, to sum up, cunt.


I think I might make this into a poll.

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He is a fucking cunt, so are the people who buy the whole bumbling goof act he puts on.


So, to sum up, cunt.


I think I might make this into a poll.

Make sure to fuck it up and then say ahh, whoopsy a lot to endear yourself to twats.

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He's a cunt but a cunt who provides a bit of humour in the stale, stagnant world of British politics so I don't mind him as much as I do other Tories. Certainly seems more down to earth than the pair of bummers that are running the country (Dickhead Dave and Boy George)

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He's a cunt but a cunt who provides a bit of humour in the stale, stagnant world of British politics so I don't mind him as much as I do other Tories. Certainly seems more down to earth than the pair of bummers that are running the country (Dickhead Dave and Boy George)



Yeah, i'd rather do without the humor and showmanship in politics.


He knows exactly what he's doing.

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Keef and Merz are bang on. He's just as loathsome as his Bullingdon Club mates. This week he's been on about Islamophobia being a "natural reaction" to anyone who reads the Qu'ran, so now the EDL will be all over his cock.

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He's a cunt but a cunt who provides a bit of humour in the stale, stagnant world of British politics so I don't mind him as much as I do other Tories. Certainly seems more down to earth than the pair of bummers that are running the country (Dickhead Dave and Boy George)



I wouldn't call him more down to earth, but the one reason that I've got more time for him than the likes of Cameron is that he seems to have less of a filter on himself. On the political scene where it's the norm to have such a closely cultivated public image and message I feel like I know where I stand with Boris a bit more than some others, which I think is commendable despite the fact that I don't agree with his views on many things.

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I worked on his re election campaign. So I like him. Very much enjoyed my time working in his office.


And I think he does better in them than he usually does
Boris is incredibly good at interviews. He's not slick or smooth most of the time, but he always does well.
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  • Paid Members
He's a cunt but a cunt who provides a bit of humour in the stale, stagnant world of British politics so I don't mind him as much as I do other Tories. Certainly seems more down to earth than the pair of bummers that are running the country (Dickhead Dave and Boy George)



I wouldn't call him more down to earth, but the one reason that I've got more time for him than the likes of Cameron is that he seems to have less of a filter on himself. On the political scene where it's the norm to have such a closely cultivated public image and message I feel like I know where I stand with Boris a bit more than some others, which I think is commendable despite the fact that I don't agree with his views on many things.


Exactly, he's a toff who happens to make a bit of a fool of himself from time to time. He doesn't put on this fa

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