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Strangest Job You've Ever Had

The Guvnor

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Reading a status on Facebook earlier about this Fifty Shades nonsense reminded me of a job I used to do years ago, working as a sex text operator, typing and sending filth back to people who'd seen those newspaper adverts and texted the premium rate service.


I ended up texting some pretty fucked up people, including one bloke who wanted to get his arsehole stitched up for Christmas, for some reason. It was pretty demoralising work, but saw me through a time when 'proper' work was thin on the ground. The pay was rotten too.


With that in mind, what's the strangest job you've ever had?

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At the tender age of fifteen i worked in the Limeyard at a tannery. Surrounded by convicted sex cases, Head the Balls & Social outcasts! Up to my knees in acid, Moving maggot infested camel skins from A to B. The only break i got from this was being bullied by the extremely rough women who worked there or popping out to the local hospital for an anti-Anthrax injection. What my parents were thinking of, I simply have no idea?

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I did a temp job for one day where I had to glue mini magazines to full size magazine. That was a low point.


It was in a freezing cold barn in the middle of the countryside with about 20 other desperates. There was a dog running around for some reason.


Must have been around 2004. Wasn't bad money if I remember correctly though.

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Going door to door trying to flog people Talk Talk, although I only did it for a day. The weird thing was not the job, but this habit the guy I was shadowing had whereby he would ring the buzzer of a ground floor flat, then after talking to the resident if they merely turned back around to go back into their flat with the intention of just letting the front door shut by itself, he'd get his foot in so we could enter the building once the resident was back in their flat, and he'd merrily go up the stairs/lift and start knocking on people's flat front doors. Living in a second floor flat myself at the time, I found this very creepy indeed and jacked it in. I now keep my creepiness to an office rather than taking it to peoples homes.

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Strangest job I had was the "big clean" back to my old school whilst in my summer hols during uni. Lots of movie style flashbacks, made a brew for myself in the mysterious staff room and it was way better pay than bar work.

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Just left a job on Edinburgh's Royal Mile selling swords and other old weaponry. It was a really cool job in that I basically got to play with axes, swords and helmets all day and have interesting historical conversations with customers. When I wasn't doing that I was upstairs in the stock room wrapping up swords in bubblewrap and then packaging and wrapping them in tape for shipping. I only left because of the long hours, minimum wage and cause I was offered a better paying job in a law office, but the people were great and while the job may be seen by others as odd, it was a fun one. That said I think I got out at the right time as I don't fancy being in there when the Edinburgh Festival starts!

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