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Motor Racing Nirvana


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The Goodwood Festival of Speed is this weekend. Sky are covering it live ,1500 SS3, and possibly ITV too. It's snuck up on me this year. Has anyone been before? From watching it on TV it looks an amazing event. Three days of Motorsport Nirvana. I really must book tickets for next year.

Would anyone reccomend going down at this late stage?



Edited by BigJag
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Why not just make a general motorsport thread? I know there's an F1 one on the go, but it makes more sense than creating a different one for every new event.

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I'd happily see this made into a motorsport thread. The F1 thread we had is lost in the depths of Off Topic and I don't think we've used it since the beginning of the year. Get that done BigJag, no doubt we'll find something to talk about. Maybe drag Monkee and get some discussion going about something.


Goodwood is another thing on my list of things I need to go to. One of my housemates from this year has been down there today with a friend and he said it was amazing. More cars and motorsport heritage than you can shake a stick at. Pure motorsport bliss. Sky are doing a show tomorrow evening and then showing a load of the time trial climbs up Goodwood Hill. I believe the coverage Sky have got live will cover pre and post war F1 cars, some endurance cars and the Shoot Out.


No doubt ITV will have a highlights show up next week at some point.


Since we've got loads of old motoring this weekend, Sky Sports F1 are showing some really old F1 footage. I caught a season review of the 1956 season earlier this evening which was amazing to watch. Seeing those cars going around tracks like the Nordschleife and the old Monza banking was brilliant. There's a fair few British Grand Prix races too, I think 1964 is on at some point over the weekend and no doubt a stack of other stuff. Keep an eye out for that if possible.

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Guys feel free to use this as a general motorsport thread. I have no idea how to change the title.

Thanks for the F1 headsup LariatTom. Will keep an eye out for it.

Goodwood is an amazing event. Will definitely have to go some day.

The website says that Aston debuted a car today.

SS2 are showing the preview show at 1900 on Saturday.

Sundays live coverage begins at 1500 on SS3. In 3D too.

Edited by BigJag
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  • Paid Members
Guys feel free to use this as a general motorsport thread. I have no idea how to change the title.


Just full edit your opening post, change the title and hit submit.

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I was there yesterday, it was awesome. Got to see/hear the current MacLaren, Lotus, Red Bull and Ferrari F1 cars roar by about a meter from me. You never get that close at Grand Prix.


The coolest car I saw by far was a Lotus Evora in full JPS facing trim. Sexy as fuck.

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They've shown some full season reviews from the 90s in the past, usually about 90-120 minutes in length. In terms of showing full races, they seem to be limiting themselves so far this year when it comes to showing old races. They've only done it for Monaco and Silverstone to date, and they've mainly been races from the last 5 years and then bits and pieces from the 50s and 60s. They're missing a trick by not showing some stuff like the 1987 race since it's one of Mansell's most famous victories with the wonderfully iconic images of him hunting down Piquet and then passing him down Hangar Straight with just a few laps remaining.


I'm hopeful that they start to show some stuff from the 90s, if not this year then hopefully for 2013 once they get more used to the channel and hopefully start to gain more access to the archives.

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It's that important it had to be posted in two threads, yeah?


Anyways, I've just been listening to some wonderful James Hunt commentary on Youtube. God, Jonathan Palmer was an absolutely fucking terrible replacement for him.

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It's that important it had to be posted in two threads, yeah?


Anyways, I've just been listening to some wonderful James Hunt commentary on Youtube. God, Jonathan Palmer was an absolutely fucking terrible replacement for him.


In retrospect they were a bit fucked, Palmer wasn't any good at all really but replacing James Hunt was a massive task. He was like the Jesse Ventura of F1 commentary. Stylish, cool as fuck, sided with the heels sometimes, an enormous character against Murray Monsoon. The Walker/Hunt races have some great commentary moments. Hunt wasn't a bad driver either, his statistics make him out to be a bit lucky in some peoples minds, but Hunt was grand.

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