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Championship and Lower League Thread 2012/13


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I couldn't fucking believe it when I saw they'd landed O'Driscoll. Totally out of left-field. At least Barnsley half made a bit of sense because it wouldn't have meant much travel for him, but my god.


Pat, come on. What are you so pissed about? That's an astounding appointment for you guys after what your side has been enduring over the last few years. Seph too, I thought you'd be a little more hyped up about it.


Honestly, is supporting Bristol City really so awful that when something incredibly positive happens you can't show a bit enthusiasm?

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Of course you're not.


You wouldn't be happy if they brought in Sir Alex with Pep Guardiola and Jose Mourinho as his assistants, immediately signed Lionel Messi on a free transfer and offered free blowjobs from Michelle Keegan to every Bristol City fan who has ever found themselves stuck in their bath with no means of getting out.


Id have been happy if the club which is totally in a state of crisis, went and looked at something genuinely left field (managers from the 2 Bundesliga (Branschweig manager) or La Liga 2 ( Sabadell manager) or something similar a complete shift from top to bottom rather than papering over the cracks) stated that we were going for a complete change and been open and upfront about it. Given we are totally broke, and are heading to L1 at a rapid rate of knots the, Family Lansdown has hit the panic button and gone for someone who can 'rebuild' in L1 despite the continued spin that it's to keep us up.


We are backwards on the field. Our players havent improved or indeed cannot get the basics right under a number of different managers. We let our old manager sign new players 2-3 days before he was he was sacked, because it was part of the brave new strategy, erm read we are bollocksed and will cop a fine in L1 for FFP of the owner's son being talent scout for the team despite having not one iota of football nouse


It's seriously like they have just watched Moneyball.


Before the Lansdown dynasty took over we were a moderately successful L1/Champs Yo Yo club with debts totalling between 1m-2mill a year on average. Now courtesy of our 'Saviour' we have debts to him of 40million quid, losing 12 mill plus a season (spent on shit because they havent got a fucking clue. Signing James when was past it on Gazillions when he couldnt train because his knees were fucked and then wasting millions on marquee players who didnt fit in at all really dont inspire) and no longer own our own stadium, it's been split off under an umbrella company owned by the Owner, not related directly to the club


We will be new tennants at the new stadium, should it ever go ahead, and will only cop the matchday revenue, any extras go to Vence LLP. A company owned by the Lansdown's. The Lansdown Dynasty have been adamant on the if you build it they will come progress. IE they suddenly expect extra fans to come just because it's a new stadium. Indeed it was going to be 40k if the WC bid was successful. However we havent ever had high attendances, not as high as some predict, even in our glory days of the late 1970's and 4 seasons in what was the Prem. Barring becoming the most successful on the pitch we have ever been, we will be moving into a white elephant of a barn, which will look great with 8k in it if we are still L1



Please, for the love of god, look at the positives. You have appointed a man with a proven track record in league football, who is known for working wonders with a shoestring budget and is well respected within the game and will be able to make some calls and get you a few decent names in. It's not like you appointed Avram Grant is it?


If you can't see any of that, at least you don't support Rovers.


Sean O Driscoll doesnt have a great record in the Championship in general. His record averages at around 38% win ratio for Forest, and it's less for Donny and Bournemouth overall in lower leagues. We need to win around 11 of our remaining games to stay up., so he is going to have to really come out of his shell in order for this to happen. In this league he famously went something daft like 1 win in 16 one season and then 1 win in 9 for Donny before he got sacked from there. His record isnt pretty reading in the cold light of day. Indeed he was DOF at Crawley as in not a manager/head coach at all. before being poached for his short stint at Florist. He gets plaudits for his style of football and signing gems, however much like GJ did before him he has his go to players, like Coppinger and Sharp, problem is is that they arent young any more and dont fit the boards new sign everyone under 24 or as near as dammit philosophy ( The philosophy isnt new, Millen did it, he got no credit, but signings of young players has been there for a bit, only for Del to come and ignore it completely.) It's like signing Danny Wilson all over again (many of our fans are in his awe because Donny Thrashed us 5-2 ,3 years ago, when GJ was imploding and are basing that on the reasons why he will be great)


In short it smacks of prep for L1 next year but without coming and saying as much ( the Lansdown's are notoriously out of touch, see the Liaison Officer having to come and ask what was wrong and why people were starting to drift away from the club. It's their way or nothing).


L1 is a much different beast than it was when we were last there. many of the teams who have gone down with no cash have struggled (see PNE, Coventry etc) and even those who had cash had to change their manager to go back up and didnt have FFP to work around. We will be in for a shock should we go down, some of our fans think we will suddenly be top dog, they are very very mistaken


Basically, in 10 years or so, we have taken 1 step forward and about 15 steps back, and appointing SOD is just one more symptom of it. It might work, for sure ,but given our track record of over promising and under delivering. It's going to take alot to convince jaded fans that 'finally' the Lansdown's have this right



I couldn't fucking believe it when I saw they'd landed O'Driscoll. Totally out of left-field. At least Barnsley half made a bit of sense because it wouldn't have meant much travel for him, but my god.


Afaik O Driscoll lives in Bournemouth Nicko. So is less travel. As said in my original post, it's not left field. He was nearly appointed when Del was appointed. The Board have gone back for their 2nd/3rd choice from that list. O Driscoll , has been seen plenty of times at our games. It's been coming for a few years.


Pat, come on. What are you so pissed about? That's an astounding appointment for you guys after what your side has been enduring over the last few years. Seph too, I thought you'd be a little more hyped up about it.


Honestly, is supporting Bristol City really so awful that when something incredibly positive happens you can't show a bit enthusiasm?



See the response to Jaffa. It's not 'positive' it's papering over the cracks, to smooth transition to L1, but without saying as much.

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Unless we ship out deadwood in the next three weeks Phil Scolari wouldn't keep us up. A wholesale change of team mentality is needed, we need to cut this "yeah, this boss is alright ... [narrow losses, middling performances, ass-kickings] he's a cunt, let's get him sacked" stable loop permanently.



I agree we are down in all but name, shame the board still spin that we may stay up. Season ticket prices will be out soon, so will be hyping that, shocker.


Also totally agree about the change in mentality. However will not happen under the clueless Lansdown's. How someone can be so successful in business, yet so clueless when it comes to football is beyond me.

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Yeah, I got bored after the word crisis. Good luck with the left field appointment next time. I hear Henning Berg and Stade Stol....whatever are available. They did great jobs at their last clubs.


I was trying to bring just a wafer thin, anorexic little ray of sunshine into your bleak existance.

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Christ almighty, Pat, you are one miserable bastard.


I hope that post is stored in aspic, so we can laugh at Pat when he keeps them up and then wins the Championship for them, only for him to complain about the owners not preparing them for the Premiership earlier or some shit.

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