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Raw Discussion 12th March 2012


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Seriously, is this whole quarter hour ratings and who lost the most viewers nonsense still going on?

Stop crying. Ratings were the most reliable thing in the world when Diesel was the champion or when WCW died. Now its "nonsense", because its on an internet fav. 888,000 is terrible no matter how you look at it. That belts just a piece of tin anyway. The belt originally was a tool for the person who carried the house shows, PPVs and television to wear. Punk does none of those, so he can have the belt.


Not saying Punk is amazing or anything, but he isn't helped by the fact he's been saddled with a crap meaningless fued. The fact wwe are regularly messing around with his storylines (IMO) this past year hasn't helped either.

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Not saying Punk is amazing or anything, but he isn't helped by the fact he's been saddled with a crap meaningless fued.

Feuding with a returning Chris Jericho shouldnt be doing less viewers than Johnny Ace vs Teddy Long. Which gained 225,000 viewers. There are about half a dozen far more meaningless feuds than Punk vs Jericho. Might be something to do with them turning the core audience off. They even asked him to shave his beard to look more appealing to women and children (who are the main demograph who turn him off). I've said it for months. He doesnt work as a babyface. He's to unlikable to appeal to anyone other than people who have neck beards. He's comes across as a smarmy, arrogant cock. That never gets over with the paying audience.

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Seriously, is this whole quarter hour ratings and who lost the most viewers nonsense still going on?

Stop crying. Ratings were the most reliable thing in the world when Diesel was the champion or when WCW died. Now its "nonsense", because its on an internet fav. 888,000 is terrible no matter how you look at it. That belts just a piece of tin anyway. The belt originally was a tool for the person who carried the house shows, PPVs and television to wear. Punk does none of those, so he can have the belt.


It shouldn't matter how terrible it is from an audience's point of view. Why do you care how many viewers he loses? Does it really affect your enjoyment of him that much? And come on, that "internet fave" thing is surely irrelavent now. Punk is as much an internet fave as Triple H, at least on this forum and others I've been on.

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Seriously, is this whole quarter hour ratings and who lost the most viewers nonsense still going on?

Stop crying. Ratings were the most reliable thing in the world when Diesel was the champion or when WCW died. Now its "nonsense", because its on an internet fav. 888,000 is terrible no matter how you look at it. That belts just a piece of tin anyway. The belt originally was a tool for the person who carried the house shows, PPVs and television to wear. Punk does none of those, so he can have the belt.


It shouldn't matter how terrible it is from an audience's point of view. Why do you care how many viewers he loses? Does it really affect your enjoyment of him that much? And come on, that "internet fave" thing is surely irrelavent now. Punk is as much an internet fave as Triple H, at least on this forum and others I've been on.


That argument is really pretty redundant. It needn't affect someone's enjoyment to be a point of discussion on a wrestling forum.


I do agree about the internet fave, in a sense - he's both proven that he could get over with the whole audience if used right, and become markedly less popular with that audience. However, he's still playing to the internet audience, with the snotty 'tude that Ian mentioned.

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Does it really affect your enjoyment of him that much?

Did I say it did? Where did I say it did? I watch TNA and far more wrestling than gains a shit audience, so coming the whole "does if affect your enjoyment" is a daft thing to say. I love Sting, Bobby Roode, Hulk Hogan and Austin Aries. They dont draw donkey dick in 2012, but that doesnt affect my enjoyment one bit. Its a wrestling forum you gonk. We chat about wrestling and its many spin offs on here. Should we just all pretend its real and talk ONLY about the matches and their outcomes? Have a look through your own posts and edit everytime you have posted about ratings, specultion, rumours and whatever else that doesnt pertain to what we see with our own eyes on TV. What a ridiculous thing to say. Maybe Ryan Giggs didnt shag his brothers wife, because he didnt do it on the pitch infront of the Stretford End, as well.

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Does it really affect your enjoyment of him that much?

Did I say it did? Where did I say it did? I watch TNA and far more wrestling than gains a shit audience, so coming the whole "does if affect your enjoyment" is a daft thing to say. I love Sting, Bobby Roode, Hulk Hogan and Austin Aries. They dont draw donkey dick in 2012, but that doesnt affect my enjoyment one bit. Its a wrestling forum you gonk. We chat about wrestling and its many spin offs on here. Should we just all pretend its real and talk ONLY about the matches and their outcomes? Have a look through your own posts and edit everytime you have posted about ratings, specultion, rumours and whatever else that doesnt pertain to what we see with our own eyes on TV. What a ridiculous thing to say. Maybe Ryan Giggs didnt shag his brothers wife, because he didnt do it on the pitch infront of the Stretford End, as well.


Fucking hell, chill out. Where did I accuse you of saying it? I asked it as a question. What are you even talking about? Not at one point did I suggest we should only be talking about what happens on TV, what I'm saying is I don't get how peoples' judgement of a wrestler is affected by how many people turn over when he's on, how many birds he's shagged backstage or how many drugs he's done with Evan Bourne. Nothing about rumours and speculation has even surfaced in this conversation so what's your point?


I do agree about the internet fave, in a sense - he's both proven that he could get over with the whole audience if used right, and become markedly less popular with that audience. However, he's still playing to the internet audience, with the snotty 'tude that Ian mentioned.


Yeah you're right, but he hasn't been half as snotty recently. Somebody must have watched him during the feuds with Triple H and Nash and realised how annoying he was - and he was very annoying - and made the right call to tone it down. I don't even know what they were going for during that phase.

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Where did I accuse you of saying it? I asked it as a question.

And I answered it. I dont see why you're asking "Does it really affect your enjoyment of him that much?", when I didnt even hint at that in the slightest. You're essencially asking why anyone would bring up viewing figures on a wrestling forum. I answered it. It should have been fairly obvious why anyone would report wrestling news on a wrestling forum, and follow it up with speculation and discussion.

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Where did I accuse you of saying it? I asked it as a question.

And I answered it. I dont see why asking "Does it really affect your enjoyment of him that much?", when I didnt even hint at that in the slightest.


It wasn't necessarily just directed at you, more everyone that constantly bangs on about how many viewers Punk lost this week and how many he lost last week etc. People seem to talk about it an awful lot for it to not affect their judgement of him in some way.

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Yet he's still the WWE Champion and in a very prominent role every week. So what?


Seriously, is this whole quarter hour ratings and who lost the most viewers nonsense still going on?


Ratings are posted/talked about all the time on here. Stop having a period just because it involves one of your favourites.

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Yet he's still the WWE Champion and in a very prominent role every week. So what?


Seriously, is this whole quarter hour ratings and who lost the most viewers nonsense still going on?


Ratings are posted/talked about all the time on here. Stop having a period just because it involves one of your favourites.


Yes, he's one of my favourites, but that has nothing to do with it. The same issue could be brought up in regards to Alberto Del Rio, who is one of my least favourites, and I'd still feel the same about it.

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Ratings are posted/talked about all the time on here. Stop having a period just because it involves one of your favourites.

I don't mind the discussion in this context. Arguing about whether Punk should be champion when he appears to be a ratings flop is worth a debate. It only annoys me when it's used to argue something completely subjective.


I also think the quarter hour ratings are pointless in isolation. You need to allow things time to develop. When there's a pattern over many weeks though, that's different.


RIP Miz.

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CM Punk is a lucky lad. WWEs roster lacks star power and as such they're giving him time (that and he sells a lot of merchandise), a couple of years ago he would have been thrown under a bus. Similar to HBKs first run, CM Punk not doing numbers isn't effecting my enjoyment of him. I think he's been quite good since he got the belt back.


The Miz is fucked though.

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