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Raw 05/03/2012 - Pre/Post Discussion


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Really enjoyed the Rock and Cena stuff


Does anyone else think its a double turn, HBK is going to superkick Taker in the cell to let HHH get the win, but maybe HHH decides he doesnt want to win it that way?


Myself i would say no. I don't think they would want to blur the lines where down the line they have people saying Taker streak was over at WM28 even if Taker went on to win it the match offically.


I loved RAW i thought Daz(I think?) was bang on the money when he said the opening match resembled a RAW from 1998 just pure chaos with random people (Kofi) just turning up. This Ace V Long feud is a great little story leading to Mania which hopefully gets a few people on the card and a good showing.


The Rock and John Cena are producing Gold for me at the minute. Still think the WWE have/had a massive plan for this whole story and it planning out perfect and as they aspected.

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Note how they cut away when Rock did the "Easy, big fella!" thing. Obviously decided that was a bit much for PG!


The best thing on Raw this week was Eve. The dirty mare. Don't stick her with shitty Kelly, though, for fuck's sake.


Punk's selling of losing to Jericho was a great effort, too, after a cracking match. He sold it like he was starting to doubt himself. Good effort. Selling the crappy Walls Of Jericho a week on? Come off it. Not building Sheamus v Bryan enough, though, and I bet that's the match of the night if they give it enough time.


Couldn't give a shit about Orton v Kane although the idea raised of a no-DQ match would make it more palatable. Cody's winding up of Big Show continues to amuse me no end as well.


Cena crapped on The Rock again, ad-libbing and improvising and actually making good points. The Rock was much better but he's way off the pace from Cena still and Cena's support is growing. That said, the merchandise bit was funny. I bet they didn't fish out afterwards, though.


Not sure about HBK in the HHH-Undie match. That said, good opening segment. What else happened? Oh, Santino. Well, fine by me, anyone but shitty Thwagger holding a title. That GM feud should be a good comedy match for the night, as you always need one at Wrestlemania.

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I watched the last segment again last night. Was even better on second viewing. The Rock's line about ripping his throat out was really excellent and Cena is absolutely gold after Rock left the ring.


Tel what I hate, the guys in the ring talking about what the crowd are chanting. Really don't like it. Especially when you can barely hear it so it's obvious they are just trying to get it over on TV. "Tooth fairy" chant was great though.


Who was the guy Cena jumped on at the end? Anyone in particular? Why do yanks always say "That's what I'm talking 'bout".

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The Rock's ex-wife is a bit average for a man of his status too. The Rock was getting his end away with Trish Stratus during that time though. I imagine Cena is the same, he's got somebody to do all his laundry when he's on the road and skirt in every town. Lad.

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The Rock's ex-wife is a bit average for a man of his status too. The Rock was getting his end away with Trish Stratus during that time though. I imagine Cena is the same, he's got somebody to do all his laundry when he's on the road and skirt in every town. Lad.

You mean Dani? I always found her to be quite attractive. :blush:


Saw the final segment, Cena wasn't as effective this week at last, despite ending in a serious manner he seemed more concerned with cutting the balls off the Rock this week. I know turnabout is fair play and all, but the manner he did it was clunky and awkward. Especially the interrupting. If he had to be a smarmy cunt (which I get and support), he could have done it by letting the Rock deliver his "6'4, 260" line and then smirking or laughing. Simply cutting in like that made for bad TV.


Off to watch the Rock history lessons, they sound like a riot. Not too concerned with the HHH/HBK rivarly/tension. It reads well done and will probably be a great segment in terms of delivery, but it's really treading over old ground. Hunter's inferiority complex concerning Shawn was the entire basis for their feud in 2002, a whole decade ago.

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The Rock's ex-wife is a bit average for a man of his status too. The Rock was getting his end away with Trish Stratus during that time though. I imagine Cena is the same, he's got somebody to do all his laundry when he's on the road and skirt in every town. Lad.

You mean Dani? I always found her to be quite attractive. :blush:



You can have her.

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