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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Yeah that was odd. For those of you needing a recap:


- William Regal and Matt Striker open the show announcing a tag team special.


- Usos came out followed by Titus and Young doing the Usos war dance. After a pretty good match Usos won with a supersplash on Titus.


- Backstage, Percy Watson told Alex Riley he wasn't black enough to own a basketball, after stealing it Curt Hawkins knocked it out of Watson's hands leading to a big brawl. Regal came out and announced a tag match, if Hawkins and Reks lose they would do his dry cleaning.


- Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks beat Alex Riley and Percy Watson clean with a top rope elbow. Afterwards they told Regal to watch out. Regal looked nonplussed.


- Maxine was putting a picture of the queen in Matt Striker's lockerroom, when Kaitlyn ran in after playing tag. They had words and Derrick Bateman and Johnny Curtis came in. Curtis suggested a small orgy, but quickly retracted. Maxine went off in a huff, Curtis smelled Kaitlyn's hair and got dragged out by Maxine by the ear. Curtis is freaking amazing.


- Michael McGillicutty came out and was monotonous. He said Tyson Kidd was a loser. Kidd came out and said he may not have the DNA but he does have the heart. McGillicutty said Kidd will never be a Hart. They had a fun brawl. Kidd got the better of it.


- Derrick Bateman and Kaitlyn beat Maxine and Johnny Curtis in a disappointing match. Curtis was great gyrating at Kaitlyn while working over Bateman's leg. The finish was flat, KAitlyn half punched Curtis and Bateman hit his bulldog thingy.


- Bateman dumped Maxine (apparently they had already broken up) and kissed Kaitlyn, he told Maxine she could go and be with William Regal, to Regal's response 'No she bloody can't'!


Fun show, started out really good but the main event let it down.

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I watched a bit of NXT the other day, Bateman was on commentary and quoting Kenny Powers, which I enjoyed.


What was all that weird White Men Can't Jump-esque bullshit between Alex Riley and Percy Watson? And why were they playing basketball in the backstage area...when there isn't even a hoop there!

Alex Riley is a huge basketball fan in real life. It was on the WWE Youtube Cribs thing this week. He's always playing basketball in the garden and he's got a room in his house just for his basketball trainers. His house is massive as well, he must have been on some good wages when he was knocking about with Miz.

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yet another great week in the life of GM Regal




watch from 10:45


it gets better for the lucky sod




"To be honest love, the old bags I knock around with, I just keep the light off and get 'em in and get 'em out" :laugh:

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Two weeks of NXT turned into one review as I'm just catching up? You'd better believe it. This week and last week's happenings, all amalgamated below in a big yellow endless fog. I deleted my series link of Smackdown to make sure these bastards didn't get missed, two hours later and I'm back up to speed on the hottest brand in sports entertainment. Lots of pictures, videos and snappy points? I don't fucking think so. It's NXT, it's work to watch and work to read. Long blocks of text ahoy.


If we can get through this, then we can get through anything.


- "WHATCHUWANNAEAT?! I DON'T KNOW!". ChocCock brought the AWESOME as per, ripping the piss out of the Uso's entrance then building on that momentum by promptly looking at the lights in spectacular fashion for the Rikishi Boyz. The future saviours of the tag division were terrific as usual, unwittingly advertising Boss Regal's blowjobbing on team wrestling better than the Uso's ever could. The match itself was pretty good, as ChocCock are the black Arn and Tully of this generation. Like Men on a Mission were in the 90s and Ron Simmons and D-Von were in the 00s. On commentary, Regal offered D-Young some advice that is probably the only thing missing from his repertoire - apron positioning. As William correctly asserted, you get yourself facing the hard camera, and people will remember you. Okay, so NXT has no hard camera because it's such a fucking renegade, but it was helpful and I imagine following on from this Young will find himself as Cena's post-Mania oppo on the house show circuit. Titus added clapping during his entrance, which along with his weird noise marks two seal-based taunts. We can only assume this will add a nautical/water-based animal element to his already well layered gimmick. Anyhow, the war raged into this week

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D-Young is too good not to be on Raw or Smackdown, another sign of WWE wasting talent

I still can't believe WWE never got on board with the 'Black Cena' thing. WWE having a bad guy who is pretty much a perfect clone of their biggest hero, only in a different colour, would have been money. Could have been huge. Like when the Faker turned up in He-Man.


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