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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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It highlighted both of their characters and how they have been pushed perfectly.


For the people that watched the TV show regularly I agree, that is why i said it was the right thing to do, however a large portion of the audience for Wrestlemania wouldn't know the ins and outs of the characters and their back story. There was no video package leading into it to bring anyone up to speed.

If people didn't care to tune into WWE occasionally and they only bought WrestleMania for reasons known only to them, we'll say The Rock for arguments sake, then what does it even matter? They weren't interested in those guys to begin with, they wanted to see The Rock and they got to see him.

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If people didn't care to tune into WWE occasionally and they only bought WrestleMania for reasons known only to them, we'll say The Rock for arguments sake, then what does it even matter? They weren't interested in those guys to begin with, they wanted to see The Rock and they got to see him.


I only tune in occasionally and this was one of the matches I was most looking forward to. I was left confused and disappointed... So yeah, your amazing theory doesn't cover every eventuality.


Anyway. This whole discussion is really lame and pedantic.

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A casual fan wouldn't have cared less about the match being longer because of who is involved.


But they could have cared more about the two guys after the match, if they were given the opportunity to get to know their characters throughout the match.


After Undertaker/HHH and Rock/Cena no one would have even remembered the 10 minute match at the start of the show with Bryan/Shaemus. But they will definitely remember the big Irish bloke kicking the head off the cocky little shit Champion and taking his title away from him in seconds.


I love Daniel Bryan, but he's an upper midcarder and his reign was always going to be transitional. His asshole boyfriend vegan warrior gimmick is so good he doesn't need the title belt and he doesn't really belong in the main event anyway.

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It's pretty sad that you're not allowed to like Daniel Bryan anymore without people inferring that you have some IWC chip on your shoulder.

How many of the people who understand and defend the finish dis-like Daniel Bryan? I think the guy is brilliant. I think he's even better for that finish too.

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If people didn't care to tune into WWE occasionally and they only bought WrestleMania for reasons known only to them, we'll say The Rock for arguments sake, then what does it even matter? They weren't interested in those guys to begin with, they wanted to see The Rock and they got to see him.


I've got into several bands having seen them support other bands at gigs. That's why its a missed opportunity in my mind. If someone watched to see the rock, but liked what they saw with Sheamus and Bryan, perhaps they might watch a bit more frequently again to see those guys whether Rock was on the show or not.


Like i said before, i don't think it was the wrong thing to do, just the wrong time and place.

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It's pretty sad that you're not allowed to like Daniel Bryan anymore without people inferring that you have some IWC chip on your shoulder.

How many of the people who understand and defend the finish dis-like Daniel Bryan? I think the guy is brilliant. I think he's even better for that finish too.


A large percentage of wrestling fans these days are "smart" by definition but to varying degrees. As baffling as some might find this, the members of this board are probably in the top percentile of being able to comprehend the booking and usually aren't out to look for conspiracies relating to being jobbed out or buried. I'm sure there's a larger outcry from the moronic American PWInsider reader.


The only reason I keep arguing this point (I understood the finish at the time but wasn't enamoured with it) is because if you didn't like it, you are the dreaded workrate pervert. People on here moan about Davey Richards: I've seen about two of his matches and thought he was gash. I'm probably one of the least qualified to talk about ROH or any other kickpad zone because the extent of my wrestling knowledge is pretty mainstream. I have been a lifelong WWE fan and I'm happy enough with their output to keep watching their product whilst revisiting old WWF stuff. I'll occasionally delve back into WCW. Hell, I don't even watch TNA.


It's similar to what happened with Punk in the summer. I praised the fuck out of Cena's performance at the Money in the Bank PPV but bought Punk's 'Best in the World' t-shirt so I was considered to be on some kind of IWC bandwagon. But who is worse: the guys who bought the t-shirt or the guys who called Punk "Mr. 2.9"?

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Wrong time and place? No, it's exactly the RIGHT time and place. It's Wrestlemania, the biggest stage of them all. You have a cocky chickenshit heel who everyone wants to see get his arse kicked like he deserves. It's EXACTLY the place to have it happen.


And I'm one of Bryan's biggest supporters. It made me smile to hear the YES! chants, and the Daniel Bryan chants in other matches etc. But from a character standpoint, he deserved everything he fucking got. It's WRESTLEMANIA. There's no better place to embarass the guy after the way he's been acting.


Would it be nice one day to see Bryan go out there and put on a wrestling clinic? Absolutely, but they already had a 'wrestling' match on there with Punk/Jericho, and they've earned their spots far more than he has. He's been lucky to get to where he has, and he's had a far better reign than ANYONE could have ever imagined. So fuck the complaining - Bryan fans have had far more than they ever thought they would. Don't be greedy.

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If people didn't care to tune into WWE occasionally and they only bought WrestleMania for reasons known only to them, we'll say The Rock for arguments sake, then what does it even matter? They weren't interested in those guys to begin with, they wanted to see The Rock and they got to see him.


I only tune in occasionally and this was one of the matches I was most looking forward to. I was left confused and disappointed... So yeah, your amazing theory doesn't cover every eventuality.

You tune in occasionally, you know who they are. I was talking about people who don't really as was the poster I was replying to so my "amazing theory" works just find for the situation discussed.

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I must also express my love for David Otunga's ridiculously awesome and heelish skimpy gay t-shirt. That guy seems to understand it's the little things that truly make someone a despicable heel.

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I must also express my love for David Otunga's ridiculously awesome and heelish skimpy gay t-shirt. That guy seems to understand it's the little things that truly make someone a despicable heel.

Sort of on the same note, but has any one noticed he over the top,(and slightly loud),"Slurp" of his coffee any time he is on screen? Pure gold.

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Little disappointed how little he got in the 12 man.


One other thing i thought was i wonder how Flair feels about Edge being top dog at HOF. And both Edge and Tyson getting louder pops at Mania. Flair wanks so much over the Horsemen its got to hurt him a bit.

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Its a modern crowd and Edge only retired a year ago. Everyone expeceted him to go on last. And the Horseman couldnt be pushed as the main event of the Hall of Fame show anyway. Edge deserved it, because he's just retired and Tyson's a mainstream celeb. I imagine the chants of "please come back" while Flair was doing his speech meant more to him than the position on the card.


Whoever does the makeup for WWE needs some credit. Flair looked better than he usually does.

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I must also express my love for David Otunga's ridiculously awesome and heelish skimpy gay t-shirt. That guy seems to understand it's the little things that truly make someone a despicable heel.

Sort of on the same note, but has any one noticed he over the top,(and slightly loud),"Slurp" of his coffee any time he is on screen? Pure gold.


Otunga has picked up some good little mannerisms, yeah. Definitely learning how to make himself super-hateable. He's great. And that MUSIC~!

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