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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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Thought it was a real fun show. The Daniel Bryan thing was the perfect culmination of his champion arc (I was disappointed not to see more AJ though, she's quite something) and Taker/HHH was fucking incredible.


Listening to the F4W/WO review now and it's kind of hilarious just how much Alvarez didn't understand the Cell match. For a guy whose job it is to analyse these things, it's like he watched a different match.

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I think I've figured out what happened. It was actually only a three hour PPV, but because everyone's going to be so knackered come Tuesday, they decided to tape next week's Smackdown before the show started.

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Helped my mate who organised the big Mania party in Brighton and it was an excellent night albeit a few minor problems which were sorted out eventually. My sleep schedule is completely screwed up now but well worth it. Really loved the show overall, thought it was the best since 24 in that I didn't have a feeling that once it was over I actually got stuff out of the matches rather than as an overall supershow. Great way to view it too if not in Miami itself, with 100+ crazy fans in Brighton. The Cell match didn't strive to be the best Cell match but went further to add to the story these guys have been building over the last few Manias. A superb Mania moment with the three of them at the end which was a great example of the depth and connection these characters have with the audience. I thought Punk and Jericho did an excellent job throughout their match which was the "wrestling" match of the show and cemented Punk on the big stage of the year. Cena vs Rock, while not as good as Hogan vs Rock, was absolutely fine for all the hype. I didn't lose my shit at any point (like maybe the MITB main event last year) nor can I say I was disappointed by it and the Miami crowd exploded when Rock got the pin.



Interesting to see where we are now. Brock on his way back; Cena having to get over the massive defeat (I hope he doesn't come out smiling tonight) though I doubt a heel turn is coming; Eve has gone from heartbreaker hoeski to superbitch and has brought about Big Johnny becoming dual GM; Lord Tensai set to debut; Miz may now return to the forefront as a major heel; Daniel Bryan can moan about his loss which should be exceedingly entertaining with AJ taking the brunt of it probably; and Punk returns home to Chicago on the next PPV which should be an electric homecoming for him as champion.

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Thought it was a real fun show. The Daniel Bryan thing was the perfect culmination of his champion arc (I was disappointed not to see more AJ though, she's quite something) and Taker/HHH was fucking incredible.


Listening to the F4W/WO review now and it's kind of hilarious just how much Alvarez didn't understand the Cell match. For a guy whose job it is to analyse these things, it's like he watched a different match.


Alzarez is way off base a lot of the time. And yeah, put me down as another huge AJ fan.

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Did anyone notice a lot more people watching/discussing this event around Facebook and Twitter than their usually is or was it just me?


Being able to put a coupon on fair attracted a large amount of people from my Facebook into watching.

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Good show, when it mattered.


My only problem with the D Bryan loss (other than him losing his title) is we're getting a run with Sheamus as champion, can't be arsed with the Great Racist. D Bryan's entrance was fantastic and all those signs going up when he entered the ring made him look like a big deal. It's all in the follow-up though. Hopefully Sheamus steps up and shows something now.


The next three matches very much had the Smackdown vibe to them. The crowd weren't really into much and they didn't really go anywhere. Maria Menounous(?) is stunning though.


Thankfully they stuck the match I was looking forward too most, in the middle. For me the show was drab (they need to put MITB back on the card) until this match. I thought 'Taker looked pretty good with his shaven head, he wasn't as closely shaven as I thought he would be, so it wasn't nearly as distracting. Personally, I thought this match - whilst very good - didn't reach the heights set by the previous matches between all three men. Good story and that, but I guess my expectations were too high probably. The brutal chair shots were a bit much in places (baffling why somebody would demand some head shots too).


Johnny Ace's tribute to Brother Love/Liverpool '96 was tremendous, obviously went to Vince's tailor for that. The match was alright, but not much else. Zack Ryder is a knob and Eve, rightly, decided she'll have a go on the Master of the Universe instead. Ace Team FTW!


CM Punk v Jericho suffered a bit from the crowd not getting in to much until the end. HARD hitting match though, some of the bumps Punk was taking were mental. The finish was great.


Brodus getting his Wrestlemania moment was a nice treat. The crowd were well into it.


Rock v Cena was like the 'Taker/HBK/Triple H match to me; very good, but just didn't quite reach my ridiculous expectations. Yeah, it wasn't as mental as Rock/Hogan but the action was better. The Rock winning out of nowhere had me jumping like a tit. Poor Cena, but this was the right result.


Definitely not up there with the best 'Mania's but not far off.

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I was thinking about Shawn Michaels since the HIAC match last night. I haven't been keeping up with what's gone on with him since he retired but what's the general feeling here on his retirement? Is there a good chance he'll come back for the odd match or should he stay reitired?


Part of me doesn't want him to come back. He had a great finish to his career and he went out on his own terms as much as you can in pro wrestling. But there's still some matches I'd love to see. The Rock/HBK dream match has been discussed in depth recently on here, that could be huge especially at a Wrestlemania. And seeing as he's the master of the big man/little man match, I'd love to see what he could do with Brock Lesnar.


I'm not sure he even wants to wrestle again just throwing it out there. Is it likely?

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I was thinking about Shawn Michaels since the HIAC match last night. I haven't been keeping up with what's gone on with him since he retired but what's the general feeling here on his retirement? Is there a good chance he'll come back for the odd match or should he stay reitired?


Part of me doesn't want him to come back. He had a great finish to his career and he went out on his own terms as much as you can in pro wrestling. But there's still some matches I'd love to see. The Rock/HBK dream match has been discussed in depth recently on here, that could be huge especially at a Wrestlemania. And seeing as he's the master of the big man/little man match, I'd love to see what he could do with Brock Lesnar.


I'm not sure he even wants to wrestle again just throwing it out there. Is it likely?


He's been very adamant over the fact that he won't do another match and he wants the Taker match to be his last. However give it a couple of years when the WWE is short of a big match for Mania and they through a load of money at him I wouldn't be surprised to see him do one more.

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Is there a good chance he'll come back for the odd match or should he stay reitired?

Thats what people are saying. Next year there's talk of HHH, Shawn and Undertaker having a threeway. I've read and heard on various places his stance has changed and he wouldnt mind eventually doing another match. I honestly cant see him not having another match. Shawn Michaels wanted to retire for years, but he kept being ask to stop on. He obviously likes being around it and if there was an excuse for him to return, how could he refuse it if he loves it? It would make WWE a far easily place to just bring him back and have him do one match a year. The WWE would obviously love it, the fans wouldnt hold it against him and there is about half a does matches I can think of off the top of my head that he could and should do. He isnt Ric Flair. Michaels is probably still the best worker in the business. All you would need to do is have Undertaker come out and tell him to put his boots back on. Michaels said on his retirement night "I have to keep my promise to the Undertaker". Just have a heel give Michaels numerous kickings, thinking HBK is finished with. Then Undertaker came come out and give him his blessing. If you make a storyline out of it, the fans wouldnt mind him coming back.


I dont think they should ever have retired him. He should always have had that option of one match a year.

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Yeah that scenario Ian posted wouldn't be a stretch storyline wise to justify him returning. And I agree I doubt people would hold it against him, he's far from embarrassing himself like you say it's the opposite, he still outworks the rest of the roster 9 times out of 10.

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