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The UKFF's 50 Favourite Films 2012 - The Results!

Devon Malcolm

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T2 never done much for me. It was great at the time watching for all the effects, but I got bored with it on repeat viewings. I would never have guessed it would be as popular as this.


On a slightly related note, just last week I threw out an old limited edition T2 metal boxset from my loft. Can someone reassure me that it worth jack shit and I didn't just throw away a fortune? you never know with these things whether 'limited edition' means a couple of thousand or a couple of million :)

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Thing is, the effects for T1 looked ropey about 3 years after they did them. The special effects in T2 still look really great. I don't know how Silicon Graphics did it, as films from the next 7 or 8 years that tried to replicate the success with CGI now all look terrible for the most part. I think it was the fact that he's made out of silver, made the whole thing a lot easier.


Anyway, still looks great, and the sound in this film is FANTASTIC. Really punchy, crunchy, action-focussed with a mix that gives is all room to breathe. Michael Bay take note, you talentless hack, this is how you make a good action/scifi film.


The effects in T2 were the absolute best possible for the time and when it was made it was the most expensive film of all time, I'm sure the entire reason T-1000 is liquid metal is because James Cameron knew that was the one thing possible at the time that would look perfect, he's always been at the cutting edge.


The effects in T1 are a bit creaky but that's part of what I love about the film, it's a dirty, gritty, (relatively) cheap sci fi movie, It had no idea it would become such a massive deal, it's a product of it's time and that dark side of the 80s is seldom remembered, it's all big hair, leg warmers and Madonna but I love that side of the decade and that's why nearly all my favourite films are cult 80s ones.

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I was certain this was your #1 Jobs. I take it it was the first Terminator then?


Love Terminator 2. This is the Arnie film of my childhood (most here seem to have one). Another that certainly would have been Top 20 and pained me to not have it within Top 10. On any given day it could be though. This is one of those films i can just vividly remember watching as a child as if i was sat in front of the tellybox at this very moment and reminds me that my Mum is pretty fucking awesome really and let me rent some awesome shit as a lad. It's a bit of a shame your folks taking you out to rent a film you wouldn't get the chance to watch normally is something on the way out in our downloading age, frankly.



Anyway, was completely blown away by this watching as a child. Completely captivated me and when the puddles of remains of Robert Patrick moulded back together and he reformed may well be that first moment of watching a movie and my mind being blown to pieces and completely losing my shit. It's insane how i can recall that moment of watching it and how it made me feel still today. Terminator 2 has a special place in my heart for sure, right in the midst of me falling in love with wrestling too, this also played a big part in getting me hooked on big badass, larger than life hoss' tearing shit up and just thinking it was all the coolest shit there was. Had a bunch of the toys too. Arnie in shades and gloves and Arnie with skin torn and displaying his mechanical skeleton were a deadly force in my tag team division, imaginatively named The Terminators, a LOD, Demolition, Kronik type unit. Michaelango and Raphael and The Ghostbusters dropped way down the ladder when these guys hit the scene.


Ian, please knock up a '...but did it have shit on the market?...' for T2.

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in 1991 I was 10 and my favourite things in the world were Guns N' Roses and the Termionator, when T2 came out it really was an amazing cross of everything I loved at the time in a way that it felt more special to me than any other film has since.


Heh. This film actually made me a fan of Guns n Roses. I bought Use your Illusion 2 because I had seen the music video for You Could be Mine and loved anything Arnie. At that point I hadn't even seen the film yet.

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One thing that is often overlooked about T2 is the absolutely amazing sound mixing. The soundtrack itself is nothing special, but the way it mixes and blends in perfectly with the sound effects of the chaos going on onscreen creates a whole new soundtrack entirely. Cameron clearly has a lot of respect for guns because every gun shot in this sounds realistic and fucking dangerous. Other films guns are just meaningless props but in T2 they are dangerous.


In terms of action scenes it has 2 of the best car/vehicle chase scenes in movie history (truck vs. dirt bike & motorcycle and truck vs. helicopter), Sarah's insane edge of your seat escape from the mental institution, the badass SWAT team attack on Cyberdyne head quarters and the one on one brawl for all at the end! In fact I think the last 50 minutes of hte movie are nonstop action and it isn't even close to boring at any point. With this, Aliens and True Lies James Cameron proved himself to be the best action director of all time. I can't believe movie directors of today mostly just shake the camera around loads and think that qualifies for an exciting action scene. With Cameron, every gunshot matters, you always have a clear idea of where the action is happening and who is involved and it all gradually builds up to a dramatic exciting peak.

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One thing that is often overlooked about T2 is the absolutely amazing sound mixing.


...the sound in this film is FANTASTIC. Really punchy, crunchy, action-focussed with a mix that gives is all room to breathe. Michael Bay take note, you talentless hack, this is how you make a good action/scifi film.




You're right though. When I did my degree in film sound, this was the film we looked at on Week 1. We looked at a lot of more arty stuff after that, of course, but the idea was... look at how it's done in the best Hollywood blockbuster style.


Spot on with the description of Cameron's direction as well. Compare this to the second Transformers film. Michael Bay's action sequences are chaotic and completely incoherent and confusing. Cameron's are chaotic and you know EXACTLY what's going on, where your eye is meant to focus, and the link between one shot and the next.

Edited by Loki
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I was certain this was your #1 Jobs. I take it it was the first Terminator then?


I was lucky enough to have a big brother who took me to the video shop and showed me movies like Alien/s, Highlander, Predator, Robocop and Terminator when I was really young and these became my favourite films.

Terminator was already my favourite thing in the world by the time T2 came out (even though I was only 10 when it did). For years I loved them both equally but now I realise T1 is the one for me, the whole vibe of the thing just kills me, I love Terminator 2 so much and it's in my top 5 for sure but Terminator 1 has no big budget cheesiness, no smart mouth kid, no goodie Arnie being told he can't kill, no CG, it's just about a silent unstoppable killer Arnie coming after Sarah Connor, an extremely clever plot but no bullshit, all set against the grimy backdrop of 1984 LA, perfection.


If you have 9 minutes to spare this is amazing.



PS I used to work in a video shop and once I had a massive argument with a customer because he wanted to rent Terminator 3 and I wouldn't let him as he hadn't seen the first 2.

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PS I used to work in a video shop and once I had a massive argument with a customer because he wanted to rent Terminator 3 and I wouldn't let him as he hadn't seen the first 2.


That is fucking brilliant, there needs to be more video shop people like this. Could be dodgy in Blockbuster though where the staff have the IQ of a ham sandwich- "Can I rent Richard III please?" "No, not until you've seen the first two"

Edited by cobra_gordo
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:laugh: That was Steve Justice. Who, apparently, will never ever live that down.


Rightfully so.


I know, hence the edit haha. I just saw "Steve" and not the surname before I posted. Apparantly anybody called Steve on here will be forever tarred with the same backwards-shitting brush :D

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:laugh: That was Steve Justice. Who, apparently, will never ever live that down.


Rightfully so.


I know, hence the edit haha. I just saw "Steve" and not the surname before I posted. Apparantly anybody called Steve on here will be forever tarred with the same backwards-shitting brush :D


I hate being called Steve, I never should've risked my username with Neil. :angry:

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PS I used to work in a video shop and once I had a massive argument with a customer because he wanted to rent Terminator 3 and I wouldn't let him as he hadn't seen the first 2.


But seriously, what really happened?

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PS I used to work in a video shop and once I had a massive argument with a customer because he wanted to rent Terminator 3 and I wouldn't let him as he hadn't seen the first 2.


But seriously, what really happened?


I absolutely insisted that he was making a poor decision, I told him the first 2 were amazing, he just wanted to see no3 because it was a new release, I wouldn't budge so he asked to speak to my manager, I said I was the assistant manager and I was in charge at that time, he rented something else and complained about me to my manager the next day when he returned it, she thought it was funny and enjoyed having someone who really cared about films working for her, the fact that I was constantly giving recommendations of amazing films to clueless twats who had never heard of them and then loved them 99% of the time made up for my occasional recklessness.


I did once in a moment I'm less proud of swing a fire extinguisher at a customer's face because he didn't rent what I told him to after he asked for a recommendation.

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