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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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I was going to post this a while back but I couldn't work out whether to post it in on or off topic.


Semi related to the return of XPW




Rob and Lizzie Borden get a mention.



Rob appears in the Louie Theroux doc. Sure it will be on the Iplayer.



Black's interview starts around the 36th minute. He's still as sleazy as ever, if not even more.

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In the

Al Snow confirmed that Doug Williams is now one of the trainers at OVW. Also, Snow shed some light on why we never see the Gut Check people on Impact after they win the contract. It's because, you see, then don't win an actual TNA contract but rather a developmental deal. Sam Shaw's starting in OVW next month.
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I'd assume the most logical thing would be to pick another roster guy, say they are taking Pope's place (and inherit his points) and then just do the planned finishes. Depending on what those finishes are, you could plug in Chavo Guerrero or Sam Shaw. All this is assuming Pope wasn't going to the final four of course.

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Tyler Reks is gone:

For those that don't have a FaceBook page:


I just want to say thank you to WWE, Inc. for allowing me to be part of an incredible entertainment experience. On Monday, I asked for my release and the company was gracious enough to grant my request.


I realized recently that being a Superstar means sacrificing certain things, including time with my family. As a new father, my heart broke every time I had to leave to go on the road. I didn't ever want to miss another moment with my daughter, so I made the decision to be a full time dad and hang up my boots.


I will miss everyone in the locker room tremendously as they have all become a second family to me. I want to thank my coaches and teachers that really helped me along the way: Fit Finlay, Arn Anderson, Edge, Christian, Kane, Jericho, Dr. Tom, Norman Smiley, and Billy Kidman.


I also want to thank my boys. You know who you are. Especially though, a huge thank you to Hawkins. You were like a brother to me the last year and I'll miss you and will always love you bro. I wish you the best and thanks for understanding that I had to go be a dad. When she's older, and able to realize what happened, I know Mia will thank you as well.


Thanks to all the dedicated fans of #ReksAndHawkins and to The #RekkingCrew. I would never have survived without you.


For anyone interested, I am currently the owner of an Internet Marketing Company that specializes in Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click, Website Design, and Reputation Management. You can find my company here:




If you need any of our services, don't hesitate to contact me. And yes, there's even a cartoon on the multimedia page

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I guess stripping was a step too far.


I've been quite a fan of Reks & Hawkins in recent months, and my heart sank a little at the male stripper gimmick, as it looked like exactly what it turned out to be - a final grasp at the getting-over straw, with a minimal chance of any long-term success in that.


However, I was mostly a fan due to Hawkins, and my fandom for him began in that period he was tearing up Superstars with Trent Baretta just after Archer was released, so hopefully he'll get to go back to doing that with the Gabriels & Kidds of the world (and in trunks that don't resemble y-fronts).


Finally, I'd just like to say how happy the way the board displays your username makes me. I always think "Hi, Clobbering Tim!" & snigger a little.

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Seems 'Chris Benoit' is officially a swear word.


Courtesy of lordsofpain.net....


WWE Classics On Demand, WWE's subscription video on demand television service, is currently airing the April 21, 1998 episode of ECW Hardcore TV, which features a profanity-laced "shoot" promo by Taz. The rotisseried grappler mentions 'Chris Benoit' twice during his spiel, which both times is censored with a bleep sound.

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I was listening to The Howard Stern Show on the train today and to my surprise that posted clip happened. He came out of it all well, everybody agrees he's good looking, she doesn't say he has a tiny willy, and one of the reasons she said they split up is because he was too energetic in bed.

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