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Richie Freebird

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Game On Samantha Janus that is...

The best Janus.

Series 1 Janus, along with the original Matt.


Trivia! Game-On, (alternatively Two Men and a Blonde in Finland and The Game of Life in Portugal)

Nah, second Matt was better. The bro-mance with Jason was so funny. Fuck, want to watch it now

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Second Matt was surprisingly brilliant, but I still preferred the first. He was cool as fuck.

Its great that they don't even try to replace like for like. Original Matt was ace though, made being an agoraphobic look cool and was a phobia I wouldn't mind having.


I still shout 'TEA!' and 'in the hand' at wife and kids though they probably think I'm a miserable sod rather than paying tribute to one of the coolest TV characters ever!

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Second Matt was surprisingly brilliant, but I still preferred the first. He was cool as fuck.

Its great that they don't even try to replace like for like. Original Matt was ace though, made being an agoraphobic look cool and was a phobia I wouldn't mind having.

Absolutely, brilliant decision and great bit of re-casting too. Matt was the best thing about the first series so making his replacement different was the best thing they could've done rather than a lite version.


"Tea Martin now at once it's urgent"

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I saw the second series first so the second Matthew is the first Matthew to me. Love the little insider gag at the end of the credits pointing fun at Rosanne. "I wonder whoo's playing the daughter this week?" Both look at Matthew.


That, Russo, is how you do insider.


late 90s Samantha Janus



not the one off Eastenders.

Still would.

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