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Richie Freebird

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Re: Shane O Mac Rugby a League comment


Rugby League is very much enjoyed by people who live along the M62. They tried expanding (at great expense) to expand the game further in other parts of the country. Wale's Crusaders went into financial limbo as have London Bronchos. The only remote success is from France based Catalan Dragons, but it's core fan base and majority of professional teams in the Super League and the Championship are based in the North along the M62, unlike Australia where you have the awesome NRL.


Back on topic, Checked my Sky EPG and it is definitely there on Sky1 for Sunday. I've played safe and set the proceeding processing program to record to in case of an overrun

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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If WWE is the only thing that you watch on Sky Sports then it's not worth having at all. At the end of the day like SpursRiot mentioned if you're not going to stay up until 4am to watch it live and just Sky + it then you might as well just download it in the morning. Let's be honest all of those adverts put you off watching Raw live anyway.

Has anyone actually said anyone has Sky Sports just for WWE? You seem to be arguing against things no one has said, between that and your irrational hatred of Sky you're coming across a bit odd

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I'm just speaking for those that do subscribe to Sky Sports just for WWE as there's probably a lot that still do. And if I hated Sky as you seem to think I do then I wouldn't be a subscriber myself.  Infact I'm wondering why you come across all butthurt when someone calls out Sky for being greedy cunts with their packages.  Are you related to Murdoch or something?

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I don't think you can justify your position as someone who doesn't hate sky, and then call them 'greedy cunts'.


Sky packages are expensive, true. Sports and Movies, in particular, a premium product sure. But, if you pay attention to the news, at all, you'll have seen recently how acquiring the rights to things isn't always cheap. Neither is, then, employing the staff who work on these channels or the studios for live shows or onscreen talent or whatever it may be.


I don't mean to white knight but it's an expensive game and on top of that they are a business who has to make profit.


But, in terms of WWE, you have to remember that they don't have to provide Raw/Smackdown highlights for Sky 1 either. That's a customer offer. Sure they hope that turns people into subscribers, but if it doesn't then you're still getting something that premier league fans don't.


Above all, no ones got a gun to your head. Sky charge what they consider appropriate to cover their costs, turn a profit and make sure moving forward they can continue to acquire rights to shows whether it's WWE, Premier League or Game of Thrones. Don't like it? Don't pay it.



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How are they greedy though? It's not compulsory to have Sky Sports, you get what you pay for, personally I watch about an hour of SSN a day, football, Raw, Cricket, occasional bit of rugby league, I'd say I'm happy with what I pay


EDIT: Daz said it miles better than me

Edited by Dr.PeterVenkman
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Yeah, I think Sky Sports is value. Wrestling, NFL, Football, Celtic League Rugby, Super League, Darts, Cricket. Easily worth it. There's only one person acting butthurt in this thread, and it's the ones lobbing toys at their mum through teary eyes because they don't like the price for a service that has a lot.

Edited by PowerButchi
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It's the way they set out their packages that piss some people off. By the way you have to subcribe to their entertaiment bundles ie Original, Variety or Family (priced between £21.50-£32) before you have the option to pay an extra £20-25 for Sky Sports on top of your entertainment pack. Because of this some people will always be paying for channels that they don't really watch.

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There's only one person acting butthurt in this thread, and it's the ones lobbing toys at their mum through teary eyes because they don't like the price for a service that has a lot.

 Well that's not me then because I have the full Sky HD package at half price for 12 months. For the simple reason because I complained about the original price.

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You want a box that has no core channels and just Sports?


That's odd. I've never, ever heard someone say that before.


And if they did that, they'd undoubtedly charge you more than £25 quid for sports or whatever it is anyway as it's not a retail price, it's charged holistically to factor in payment from other channels.


You'd end up shifting more notes anyway.


It's a very strange argument.


*edit* and hang on, you got a half price deal and you're still calling them cunts? Ungrateful git.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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There's only one person acting butthurt in this thread, and it's the ones lobbing toys at their mum through teary eyes because they don't like the price for a service that has a lot.

Well that's not me then because I have the full Sky HD package at half price for 12 months. For the simple reason because I complained about the original price.

So you'll be cancelling your subscription at the end of the 12 months then with it being such a rip off at full price?

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I've always been a WWF fan since we first got Sky in October 1990.  Despite badgering my Dad, we never subscribed to Sky Sports.  After I starting making my own cash, I found that I couldn't justify the costs of a sports package, just for Wrestling (I don't care for any other sport really). 


I used to have a great tape trading thing going with my mate.  I'd tape Thunder and Nitro off TNT, he'd tape Raw and Smackdown off of SS. 


A few years later, I started getting every WWE PPVs from Silver Vision, and forked out for Wrestlemania on Box Office as an annual treat.  Up until the Network came out, I'd go round my brothers with a crate of beer, watch PPVs on a Monday night, and go halvsies when they are on Box Office.   


As things stand now, catching up with Raw and Smackdown with results. then seeing highlights via Superstars and this Week on WWE is more than enough to keep me caught up for Pay Per Views.  

Edited by Doctor Whos Next
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No I'm just talking about this is how some people look at their price layout. I'm not talking for myself about how you have to add sports or movies on top of your entertaiment pack I enjoy most of the entertaiment and documentary channels. You lot obviously think I'm speaking for myself.  I guess most of you have never read some of the Sky forums about how various customers view their product and services. And I will probably just cancel the Sports and Movies after my offer and just keep the Family HD bundle for £32 a month.

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'Greedy cunts' is very strong if you're not talking for yourself. And you said you DID complain about their greed, hence your discount.


Also, of course people were complaining. Some People are hyper sensitive about being ripped off. When I worked in a supermarket you'd take endless complaints about shit like the price of peas going from 20p to 25p.


There's nothing more dull than someone who goes on about money.


Well, except Cesaro (keeping it on topic, people).

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Some People are hyper sensitive about being ripped off. When I worked in a supermarket you'd take endless complaints about shit like the price of peas going from 20p to 25p.


I had a belter of a complaint at work yesterday. A man couldn't get an XXL jacket to fit and then proceeded to tell me that need to "stop getting Chinese sizes in". Try and tell him as much as you can, but no, "Chinese sizes" were to blame. A complete mental, who'll probably be voting UKIP in May

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