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Richie Freebird

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I think they could do Austin v Goldberg v The Rock v Hulk Hogan v John Cena on a 'B' show and the number would be a disappointment. What with The Rock's Survivor Series number and now the Lesnar one, 'B' shows (and before anybody starts, Survivor Series is very much a 'B' show these days) aren't the place to be throwing away big matches.


What a mental deal Lesnar has though.


They rushed him in to beat him for an extra 35k buys. I'm sure he doesn't give a shit but with that contract they should very much care.


B shows seem to have a ceiling right now and i can't see any of them breaking through.


Should they lower the price like the initial In your house shows were?

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Courtesy of wrestlingobserver.com's Thursday update.....


Kazushige Nosawa (wrestler NOSAWA) and girlfriend Masami Odate (wrestler Io Shirai) were arrested earlier today by Chiba Police at Narita Airport as police reported that they had found 75 grams of marijuana, worth about $5,000, hidden inside a portrait Nosawa had as both were returning together from Mexico.

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Surely what really hurts the Extreme Rules buyrate is the fact that virtually every fan out there that actually buys PPVs will have spent $55 on WrestleMania just four weeks earlier. Extreme Rules was $45, that's almost

Edited by Arch Stanton
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WWE has signed a new Welsh wrestler, apparently. Stevie Starr.




I really hope he makes it to WWE with that name. A great British ring name. There's not enough of them in the company. I made Alicia Fox laugh in a bar by telling her that her former charge DJ Gabriel used to be called Steve Sonic. [/namedrop]

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Sticking this in here, because its news and a interesting side note. Brooke Hogan's debut vignette. Anyone recognise the song that TNA are using?



How in the blue hell are they using that?


Surely WWE has the rights to that tied up until the end of time!


More importantly, if TNA can use it, why does Hogan come out to that nWo video-game music rip-off all the time?

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Might be the same reason why they can't use the Demolition theme and have to change the songs on DVD releases. Rick Derringer might own it and lend it to WWE, but when the agreement runs out its fair game for anyone else to lend it. It turns up in all kinds of places (like cartoons and TV shows) without any thanks to WWE.


As far as why Hogan doesn't use it, it might be far cheaper to use it in a 30 second clip like that, rather than use it every week for the full year. Who knows. It would be far better to have that, than not have it. Its a great song.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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Sticking this in here, because its news and a interesting side note. Brooke Hogan's debut vignette. Anyone recognise the song that TNA are using?


On a sidenote, that's a Spike TV-produced commercial. TNA's got nothing to do with it. Spike produce these 30-second preview commercials for TNA's show that air throughout the week on the network.

Edited by pgi86
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I don't know about her having quite a name but she's certainly more popular with mainstream America than any other woman on the TNA roster, and most of the guys too for that matter. After all she was featured in two highly-rated VH1 shows and was all over the news when her parents' divorce and her brother's accident were hot topics. The key thing here is will she be any good in the role? In the past she hasn't exactly oozed charisma or shown to have good acting ability and if she's going to be an authority figure being charismatic and being able to cut a good promo are things you want your authority figure to have. And on top of that she's essentially trying to fill the shoes of Karen Jarrett, who was great in her role, so that inevitable comparison would work against Brooke too. Plus, you know with her being Hulk's daughter a portion of the audience will give her crap for that alone, much like they've been crapping on Garett Bischoff since day one. Overall though, I think there's some potential there and I do hope things work out with her, I really do.

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On a sidenote, that's a Spike TV-produced commercial. TNA's got nothing to do with it. Spike produce these 30-second preview commercials for TNA's show that air throughout the week on the network.

Either way, if WWE owns it, Spike can't use it without permission. Which suggests WWE don't own it, and Spike have paid a licensing fee to another party for the song. Which should make it fair game for TNA to pay to use the song if they so desired as well. Which makes me wonder why they don't. It would be more than worth it. Its an instantly recognisable song and is one of the most famous theme's in history.


Spike should have been using Real American to promote Hogan's debut, Hogan's return to the ring, Hogan becoming the GM and all sorts of shite if they could use it.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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According to JR, they have just taped two new Legends Roundtable shows, one on Monday Night RAW moments and another on Hardcore Wrestling.

Road Dog is a new panel member for these, so they should be top notch.


Can't wait to see these (especially the hardcore one). These are some of the best (non wrestling) shows in wrestling. Always good fun and interesting, especially with the video library they have at thier disposal these days.

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