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Richie Freebird

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well maybe on a pg show but its a joke that been used on a few different tv programmes and did anyone ACTUALLY complain. Im sorry is everyone putting on shiny armour now

AW is a great character, very few people on here will be happy to see him gone, but that joke was such an unbelievably stupid move. You can't really defend that shit. Well, you can, it seems, but then you're a fucking idiot.


Whether the punishment fits the crime is another matter. I think a fine, suspension and an apology would have sufficed.

Well call names all you want man i thought it was a funny oneliner. make sure you catch that baby

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well maybe on a pg show but its a joke that been used on a few different tv programmes and did anyone ACTUALLY complain. Im sorry is everyone putting on shiny armour now

AW is a great character, very few people on here will be happy to see him gone, but that joke was such an unbelievably stupid move. You can't really defend that shit. Well, you can, it seems, but then you're a fucking idiot.


Whether the punishment fits the crime is another matter. I think a fine, suspension and an apology would have sufficed.

Well call names all you want man i thought it was a funny oneliner. make sure you catch that baby

Whether it was funny or not isn't the point. I'm not up in arms over him making a rape joke, I just think that he's a stupid cunt for doing it on a live TV broadcast of a PG-rated show. He's only got himself to blame for stepping over the line. Seems like he's taking his release pretty badly too, he's resorted to retweeting all the PG SUX mongoloids that are supporting him now.

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AW is good, but I don't think Titus and D-Young need him. He definitely adds a lot if their screentime is just "5-10 minute filler match" because a shouting man at ringside helps distinguish it from every other match of that description, but if they're getting backstage bits and interviews and proper feuds, they'll be fine.

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Whatever happened to his in-ring career anyway? Last time I saw pics of him out of his suit, he looked jacked to fuck. Was it just a case of him being completely useless as a wrestler?


Here's a video from October of him wrestling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkUh3NMcMcU


He doesn't seem any worse than half the NXT/FCW boys.

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Apparently, other than Joel Redman (or Oliver Grey as he's now known), there's another British wrestler who just started in FCW. His FCW name is Danny Burch. He hasn't made any appearances on FCW shows yet, as far as I'm aware, but I'm hearing rumors that he is Martin Stone. Anyone that can confirm this?

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