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Astro Hollywood

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There are gaggles of retards (copyright someone who posted it on here ages ago -- Astro?) online crying about Rockstar selling in-game money as microtransactions. Eurogamer's comment section is full of "I WISH I KNEW THIS BEFORE I BOUGHT THE GAME, YOU SCREWED ME ROCKSTAR" and "FUCK ROCKSTAR OR SHOULD I SAY EA" type nonsense.


As long as it doesn't descend into pay to win/advance territory I'm fine with it and it looks like that isn't going to happen so it's the usual internet drama over nothing. It was the same with microtransactions in Mass Effect 2 with idiots going nuts over something you could earn in game if you were good enough.


I hope a bunch of parents who bought little Johnny GTAV end up with massive credit card bills.

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Was with a flatmate last night coming up with insane ways to chase and dive into a moving train last night, from driving a bus up a bank onto it to diving off signal post. Online is made for that shit, can't wait for it.

I hope stuff like the submarine and blimp are available in online too. Fights on top of blimps and treasure hunting underwater would be great. I hope the online heists make more use of the (so far) useless places on the game, like the prison, military base and racecourse.

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Just finished sinking most of my fortune into the stock market ready for October 1st.


Pretty much betting it all on Ammu-Nation (1200 shares per character) and LosSantosCustoms (3000 per characters) and I suspect that HawkAndLittle will have sometime to do with online only weapons so I put about a million bucks per character into that as well.


Anybody got any idea if we can transfer money between single and multiplayer? I suspect no.

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Just finished sinking most of my fortune into the stock market ready for October 1st.


Pretty much betting it all on Ammu-Nation (1200 shares per character) and LosSantosCustoms (3000 per characters) and I suspect that HawkAndLittle will have sometime to do with online only weapons so I put about a million bucks per character into that as well.


Anybody got any idea if we can transfer money between single and multiplayer? I suspect no.



Unfortunately not, the two economies are separate.

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I can see people being pissed off if the microtransactions significantly affects gameplay, but it seems like at the very least you'll still get what you'd ordinarily expect from multiplayer, namely the ability to do races and death matches against other people on a level playing field. It shouldn't be a problem if the real cash is just for cosmetic stuff like pimping up your car or buying a virtual apartment.


I never thought I'd say this about a game, but Jesus the first time you see a thunderstorm is impressive.

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FUUUUUCK my save file is buggered :(


Just loaded up GTAV and tried to walk out my front door with Michal, only for him to fall THROUGH the floor and keep falling...now and then you see him reach a pavement, but then he falls through that and just keeps falling. Forever. Tried walking outside through the garage, same thing happens as soon as I step outside the garage. Tried switching to Franklin, who was on Vespucci beach and same thing happened to him. Tried Trevor, same thing.


I want to curl up and cry :/

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I've never really listened to his tunes that he's made that much, but I have a couple really good DJ mixes of his that I reckon you would enjoy... I just found them online.

I had a feeling that if anyone on here had heard of him it'd be you! Cheers for that, I'll have a look for some of his mixes.


Unless you could be a gent and put together a playli...no, that's a bad idea :blush:

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I hope the online heists make more use of the (so far) useless places on the game, like the prison, military base and racecourse.


Regarding the prison... *Spoiler for the cargo plane mission*


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

When I jumped out of the plane as Trevor and started parachuting down, I saw what looked like a little village or compound so thought I'd aim there. Right as I landed, I realised it was the prison. Loads of cops came for me, I jumped off the roof but I was dead from bullets before I even hit the ground.


Surely the prison actually plays a part in the game somewhere though!


[close spoiler]

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That reminds me, I don't think anyone answered Pitcos's question about the surprise guest appearance when Trevor first shows up.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

The Lost and the Damned ends with Ashley going into rehab, though some phone calls in the post-game openworld suggest it doesn't work out. Johnny isn't on crack, but he's left with only three other gang members (two of whom are the ones who die in GTA V), betrayed by his former boss, and burning down his clubhouse, so it wasn't really looking like fun times ahead.


[close spoiler]

Edited by JNLister
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