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Astro Hollywood

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hows does such a high profile game like this end up getting leaked online 4 days before release ?

is there an internal leak ?


In this case it appears to be because if you buy the download version you can pre-download all the files (to stop their servers getting hammered by everyone doing it at once) but they are locked until launch day. And locks can picked.


There's probably a few other alternatives too - A friend of mine's mate worked in GAME and always was able to buy the new Call Of Duty before it was released to the general public. Someone may well have got an early copy and leaked.

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Generally it's spotty types in videogame stores grabbing one from a box and running round to their friend who can rip data off DVDs. If mongs like BxB Hulk decide to steal it, well, it's not going to effect the overall sales of this one.


But in the long term, piracy does fuck with the industry. One of the UK's longest serving games companies, Blitz (founded by the Oliver Twins) went out of business this week. Despite the high price point of games, it's still a hard industry to be successful in for more than one or two game cycles.

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It's actually pretty common for internet pre-orders to arrive a day or 2 before the actual release date. The retailer has made a promise to deliver it on day of release, so usually they send them out a bit earlier to ensure that even if there is a hold up with the mail they still keep their promise. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you all.

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Are we using spoilers tags from here on out then?




From now on, spoiler tags, correctly labelled so we know what they're about. This includes story stuff, and any in-game mechanic or content it'd be more fun to discover yourself than read about first.


Use common sense, or this is how the mods will deal with you.



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Man, I might not even get my copy on Tuesday because I have to get from work to the GAME store in Boston, by 5.30.


First time I've ever pre-ordered/bought a copy of GTA on release day (first time I've been old enough and owned the console!)

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I think buba3d is a lying twat. I think he should be banned unless he proves he's been playing it.


I agree. Photographic proof plz.




Let's see what a C&VG writer's grandma makes of the trailer: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraphtv/103...ran-review.html


Ooh, and the latest "this is how the map compares to [x]" suggests the city bit of Los Santos is about 1.5 times as big as all of Liberty City.

Edited by JNLister
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You get leaks with Movies, Music, TV Shows, in fact most media. It's the minority who get them, and if it makes them happy, great.


I'm fine waiting till release date. not going to lose a kidny or anything. Happy to know that I'm buying it, and the guys from Rockstar will get a cut of the cash.

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I download movies, TV shows and music, but games I don't. I buy a lot of second hand games which I'm fully aware is as detrimental to the gaming industry as pirating is, but there are some games I will buy brand new. This is one of them. Part of me feels that if I'm parting with money (of which I don't have a lot of), then I would rather pay full whack for something that is worth spending that amount of money for and of which I will get a lot of playing time out of. R* will always get my money because they don't take the mick like other gaming companies out there. EA for example, who shit out a new sports game each year with very little change to the previous outing.

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