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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Everyone is getting injured these days. Lucha Underground and WWE seem to be the biggest victims of it currently. It seems to be an industry wide problem. Everyone seems to be working that super fast, big bumping style these days.


True, but isn't the WWE more that they're all doing some silly weight training HHH likes, except they're drug tested and he's not so it's alright for him? 


Lucha wise, you don't hear of as many injuries in CMLL for example as LU, but they are doing that fast bumping style you mention in LU.



I've heard Angelico and Aerostar got injured. Anyone else?


Fenix had his nose destroyed on Sat, said to be a very bad break to where he's canceled from all mania shows and missing a Japan gig in a few weeks that people say he'd love to go back to.


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I suppose its a combination of a lot of things. A run of bad luck as well. The mix of styles and amount of matches they tape in such a short timeframe isnt the best thing for their health either. They tape a lot of shows, and its encouraged that you have to go full pace, because that's what Lucha Underground is selling.

Hilariously, Rey Mysterio - not a single injury to report. He's one of the last men standing at the minute.

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Pentagon Jr. being jobbed out clean in 3 minutes was a bit of a surprise. I was sure that match wouldn't even get going without an interruption. I guess this one's not the real story going forward.....

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Pentagon Jr. being jobbed out clean in 3 minutes was a bit of a surprise. I was sure that match wouldn't even get going without an interruption. I guess this one's not the real story going forward.....

I felt that with Vamp's involvement at the end, it could lead to Pentagon Jr training more with Vamp, until he is, again, ready. Then he takes down Matanza. I really hope it isn't over between those two. I'd love to see a match along the same lines as Vamp vs Pentagon.

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I really, really like Matanza. I don't like the push into the ropes he does, BUT everything else just oozes monster and mayhem. 


Also, Son of Havoc has a beautiful beard and his double stomp and shooting star press were brilliant. 


Dario Cueto is just the best. Did you see his "I'm Kind of a Big Deal" sign on his desk? 

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I finally got around to binge watching LU season two, it's been sat on my DVR for ages - started slow, but it's so worth it by the time Aztec Warfare comes around. What a match! Matanza was worth the wait, and I think Pentagon Jr is my new favourite wrestler. Tanya reminds me of Sweet Dee Reynolds.

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Didnt he pass out and get carried out of an indy show over the weekend? Or was that La Parka? I get the pair confused, you see. I heard one of them almost fucked the dog.


It was the AAA one, not the cool dancing one from WCW. The AAA one is 50 years old this year. Dunno what happened to him, he apparently told a joke when he woke up but he was out for a good few minutes. Somebody else thought it was a back/neck problem, though he went out executing a sunset flip of all things.


Here's the bump:


^Anybody figure that out? Looks more like his lower back hitting the mat caused it?


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