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big mickey

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Cameron has hidden behind his podium while the rest of his cronies were thrown to the Wolves and Cameron deciding to get tough and green light water cannons now is a fucking joke.


Too little too late Dave.


I disagree. I think (so far) he's said all the right things - its what happens next that will determine whether he talks shit or whether he's The Man. The police got hammered for being too heavy handed during the G20 protests, now they've got laughed at for being wet blankets during this mess. In truth, because Cameron was on holiday, they had no real guildines to how to act and actually police, hence the images of them just standing around whilst the the scum (ahem) went about their business.


I'd even go as far as to say that if Big Dave wasn't sunning himself, things would have been nipped in the bud after the initial Tottenham riots.

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And Water Cannons won't do anything now especially if as people suspect the worst is over it's just big talk from Dave as far as I can see.




They really should just rename Clegg's position in Government to Bullet Catcher.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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I'm seriously baffled by the sudden "Cameron is the man" mentality of people he is just being the same oppatunistic pig that he has always been and has no real answers to the actual social problems in the UK.


If he still goes ahead with police cuts then he is either mad or wants further social decline.

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Yeah, the Cameron love-in is bizarre if it's occurring. He was on holiday, delayed his return as long as possible until it was clear it would look utterly ridiculous if it didn't come back, recalled parliament with no true agenda or direction, then approved the use of rubber bullets and water cannons that the Chief of Police is saying they don't even need and won't use. He's been just as incompetent and bumbling as the rest of them.

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I'm seriously baffled by the sudden "Cameron is the man" mentality of people he is just being the same oppatunistic pig that he has always been and has no real answers to the actual social problems in the UK.


If he still goes ahead with police cuts then he is either mad or wants further social decline.


I guess it just boils down to personal opinion and ideology really. I thought he came across very well, but I've always liked the bloke and thought he knew his stuff.


I can understand the flip side though, he can be a smarmy twat at times.

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Hundreds of people across London got together and arranged to clear areas up before Dave managed to utter a single word in public about the situation.


That's not 'having the bollocks to deal with the situation'. That's waiting for photo opportunities before doing anything about it.

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So after this all dies down, will Cameron still go ahead with the police cuts? Also, I saw Ken Livingstone on sky news talking about how if this incident isn't offically classed as a riot, then it's down to the shop owners to pay for the damage and clean up. Which means those business' in Totenham and the like are fucked.

There is a Riot act, dated 1886 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riot_Act) which they were discussing at lunch time. Basically, it's up to the police to provide compensation to people for damages during a riot. That money will have to come from public coffers because the police can't insure against it. Hence why the government are referring to it as a "disturbance" despite it clearly being a riot.


A riot perpetrated by scum.

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Fair enough - I won't continue to confuse you all. I just think it's a shame when we have had decent discussion here but people like King Pitcos insist on accusing me of being scared to answer points, when sometimes there's not a point to answer or I haven't even read it yet. It was also the same when I disagreed with the final sentence of someones post the other day and edited my post when I had read it properly - I was accused of backtracking etc. I think by the fact a lot of you seem sick of reading my posts shows that I have been pretty active in this thread and I'm sure that if you have read my posts you will see I have been pretty consistent as to what direction I'm coming from - whether you agree with me or not.

Kudos, Whiskey for fighting, at times, a one man fight for the causes of clear-minded rationale and honest debate against a barrage of anger, trolling, idiocy and wilful ignorance. Great job.


When did Happ Hazzard change his username to LoKi? I must have missed the memo.


I was also quite amazed at the sheer fury that met Flaming June's suggestions for a more egalitarian society. The false consciousness of late capitalism is in full effect it seems.

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Oh come on, bobbins, you're better than that. He's been entirely wrong in this thread, even you can see that. My politics are about as far from Happ's as it's possible to get, you just make yourself look stupid with a comment like that.


If you're going to completely ignore all the extremely patient and intelligent arguments in this thread, then you might as well stay away.

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Kudos, Whiskey for fighting, at times, a one man fight for the causes of clear-minded rationale and honest debate against a barrage of anger, trolling, idiocy and wilful ignorance. Great job.


When did Happ Hazzard change his username to LoKi? I must have missed the memo.


I was also quite amazed at the sheer fury that met Flaming June's suggestions for a more egalitarian society. The false consciousness of late capitalism is in full effect it seems.


That just reads like "People don't agree with me so they're thick dickheads" which I thought you were better than, to be honest.

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I think Whiskey's made some good points. I also think he's tried to defend the indefensible at times and has failed to give any realistic POV on what we should be doing. That's without the whole "stop calling scummy people scum" debacle.


Flaming Sunny was a ridiculous ideological view point that even as a Labour voter who was brought up by a single mother on Hull council estates, I can't possibly agree with.

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