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British Jobs For British Workers!


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Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith is set to issue a plea to businesses to take on jobless British youths - rather than migrant workers.


In a speech the former Conservative Party leader will say the Government's attempts to cut unemployment are doomed to fail unless immigration is brought under control.


He will quote new figures suggesting that more than half of new jobs are now being taken by foreigners.


Mr Duncan Smith will call on businesses to recruit jobless British workers, rather than taking on immigrants.


"Good immigration is managed immigration - it should not be an excuse to import labour to take up posts which could be filled by people already in Britain," he will say.


"Controlling immigration is critical or we will risk losing another generation to dependency and hopelessness."


His comments, in a speech to the Spanish Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies thinktank (FAES) in Madrid, appear to echo Gordon Brown's promise of "British jobs for British workers".


The former PM's 2007 pledge was widely criticised - not least by Conservatives - when it emerged that around 80% of the jobs created during Labour's time in power went to migrants.


But official figures unearthed by Labour MP Frank Field show 87% of the 400,000 jobs created over the first year of the coalition went to workers from abroad.


Mr Duncan Smith will say: "We have to ensure that our immigration system works in the interests of Britain, enabling us to make a realistic promise to our young school-leavers.


"It is part of our contract with the British people.


"This Government is reforming welfare to make work pay, and to help people back to work.


"We are toughening sanctions against those who refuse to take jobs when they are available.


"But we also need an immigration system that gives the unemployed a level playing field.


"If we do not get this right then we risk leaving more British citizens out of work, and the most vulnerable group who will be the most affected are young people."

Source: Sky News


Controversial to say the least. It'll be interesting to see what kind of reaction this garners over the coming days.


Some of the comments on the Sky News website from readers are indicative of the varied opinions held by people on this subject;


The problem is not that employers have a choice between British or immigrant workers. The problem is that we have unemployed immigrants here in the first place. We import unemployed people and have done for years when we have perfectly lazy British unemployed.


Where I work, there HAS to be x% employed from ethnic minorities - it doesn't matter who is more suitable for the job. And never mind whether they can actually speak decent English, as long as they tick the ethnic minority box.


Foreign workers are employed in many menial jobs because they work for less, demand less and they give less attitude.
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Seems like rhetoric to me, just another sound-bite to please the masses with little or no substance. My previous employer are one of the major employers in my town, during the 'boom time' we simply couldn't get enough (decent) staff to work in the warehouse & the influx of Eastern Euro workers at the time seemed like a godsend. I know for a fact they were paid the same rate as the British employees, the production manager (who I was matey with at the time) told me that their work ethic, punctuality etc was great, the company also had to get all health & safety literature, signage, a Polish speaking HR person for inductions etc. which all costs so it definitely wasn't just to save a quick buck.

It's easier for politicians to come out with blurb like the above rather than looking at the problem of long term unemployment or the thousands of people who simply don't want to work & have no intention of working (trust me there's plenty, I know a few personally).


Four of the children's centres I work in held a Jobs Fair recently, where locals could meet with prospective employers from the 'soon to be opened' Westfield Shopping Centre. There will be thousands of retail and catering jobs up for grabs, so its an incredible opportunity for anyone, whether long-term unemployed or not. Of the three hundred or so people who attended, we had one young, and two middle-aged white British attendees.


Barking & Dagenham, (where these centres are based) has huge long-term unemployed figures, especially in young people. It is also a largely multi-cultural area, but I was saddened to see this news after seeing so few in attendance.


Personally I find it a bit suspect that such a statement is released the day after the strikes that were held all over the country.


The cynic in me would say that such a move is designed to try and fracture the working class of the country into "British" and "Foreigners" at a time when unity & solidarity is needed with all working class people throughout Britain.


Hopefully the majority will be smart enough to see through the propaganda.

  • Paid Members
Some of the comments on the Sky News website from readers are indicative of the varied opinions held by people on this subject;


Foreign workers are employed in many menial jobs because they work for less, demand less and they give less attitude.

That attitude really bugs me. A lot of people in this country have an over-inflated opinion of what they are worth.

How dare we expect a school leaver who fucked about and didn't get any qualifications to work in a menial, minimum wage job. Nah, lets give them

Some of the comments on the Sky News website from readers are indicative of the varied opinions held by people on this subject;


Foreign workers are employed in many menial jobs because they work for less, demand less and they give less attitude.

That attitude really bugs me. A lot of people in this country have an over-inflated opinion of what they are worth.

How dare we expect a school leaver who fucked about and didn't get any qualifications to work in a menial, minimum wage job. Nah, lets give them


It's only a generation ago that you could leave school at 16 barely literate and step straight into a job that paid enough to get a mortgage with on a single man's wage. It'll take a while for it to get through to people that this is no longer the case and will never be again.

  • Paid Members
It's easier for politicians to come out with blurb like the above rather than looking at the problem


True of this, true of everything, and pretty much the long and short of politics.


Always see people on facebook moaning about immigrants being a drain on Britian funny enough though the people complaining (that I know) are single mothers with upto three kids and living on benefits or unemployable drunks.


All IDS has shown is just how out of touch with the real World our politicians still are.


The problem is it is something that cannot be controlled or implemented. As was brought up during one of those election debates, we are in the EU, we cannot restrict anyone from the EU coming in and we certainly cant discriminate by nationality once they are here.

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My biggest problem with all this rhetoric is the idea that unemployed British people deserve jobs more than immigrants. Why is this exactly? Just because they were lucky enough for their parents to have sex and conceive them in this country as opposed to somewhere else I think it's insulting and incredibly backwards thinking to say that they should get a job over an immigrant. I don't give a shit where you are from, if you want to come to England and work to give yourself a better life then I don't see the problem. I don't understand why British people feel they deserve things here over immigrants, the past few generations never fought the Nazi's, we haven't earnt the right to live here over anyone else.

My biggest problem with all this rhetoric is the idea that unemployed British people deserve jobs more than immigrants. Why is this exactly? Just because they were lucky enough for their parents to have sex and conceive them in this country as opposed to somewhere else I think it's insulting and incredibly backwards thinking to say that they should get a job over an immigrant. I don't give a shit where you are from, if you want to come to England and work to give yourself a better life then I don't see the problem. I don't understand why British people feel they deserve things here over immigrants, the past few generations never fought the Nazi's, we haven't earnt the right to live here over anyone else.

Are you an advocate of free movement for all peoples between countries then?


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