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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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So will there be loads of crying if Rangers get into Division 1 and win it next season? Reading this thread the Celtic fans are quite reasonable, except for Kenny, but everyone else comes off as hating Rangers more than they support their own club


Obvious troll is obvious.

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What's the deal with ex-Celt Craig Beattie? Is he a closeted Rangers fan or something? He's been linked for about five years.


ADDED: I'll be amazed if the First Division doesn't have two promotion slots next season - just to be sure, like.


Not really closeted to be honest. He was at a party celebrating Rangers title win when Celtic lost it on the last day of the season on Helicopter Sunday. He also missed numerous sitters against Rangers and his performances against them were so bad, he was subbed off more than once after coming on as a sub in the first place. Add to that his celebration when he scored the penalty in the Scottish Cup Semi-Final, it's pretty obvious who he supports.


You aren't really suggesting that he played badly against Rangers on purpose are you?


Why does his celebration in the Semi Final prove he's a Rangers fan? He could've just been happy that he'd got his team to the final after all the shit that went on at Hearts last season, or that he'd proven a point against his former Club.


Hope this "Rangers in the First Division" nonsense falls through. They are either the old club (in which case they should be in the SPL) or a new Club (in which case they should apply to the Third) there's no middle ground so trying to compromise for Sky's benefit is ridiculous.

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So will there be loads of crying if Rangers get into Division 1 and win it next season? Reading this thread the Celtic fans are quite reasonable, except for Kenny, but everyone else comes off as hating Rangers more than they support their own club


In what way?, It's the love for my own club that demands fairness nothing to do with hate i'm afraid, in fact I really want this to get sorted out so we can just get on with it.


So you'd be fine with them going into Division One with no transfer embargo and no points deduction and giving them a clean slate?

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Are you saying he deliberately missed sitters or it's a convenient coincidence?


Convenient coincidence.


You aren't really suggesting that he played badly against Rangers on purpose are you?


I don't believe he purposely went out with the aim of having bad games, no. However, I don't believe he particularly bothered his arse to try and have a good game.

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The Daily Record yet again with another "Save The Rangers" column. Craig Burley this time.....


Craig Burley column: SFL minnows MUST vote Rangers newco into First Division


HAS it really come to this? The future of Scottish football placed in the hands of a few nonentities from the lower divisions.


Muppets in charge of clubs that draw embarrassing crowds of 200 people suddenly standing as judge and jury over a decision that could cost the country millions of pounds in lost revenue.


Chairmen of part-time teams who are nothing more than afterthoughts in the psyche of our national obsession, yet suddenly they have been handed the most important decision in the history of Scottish football.


Does the SFL do the sensible thing and accept the Rangers newco into the First Division or cut off their nose to spite everyone else

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I thought it was fairly well known that Beattie was a Rangers fan even as far back as when He played for Celtic?

That he would join his teams closest rival shows he's not a complete idiot.

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I thought it was fairly well known that Beattie was a Rangers fan even as far back as when He played for Celtic?

That he would join his teams closest rival shows he's not a complete idiot.


Haven't been following or read much but apparently he's been going on about doomsday for Scottish football if Rangers weren't in SPL on Twitter. Also thought it was fairly well known who he supported.

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So will there be loads of crying if Rangers get into Division 1 and win it next season? Reading this thread the Celtic fans are quite reasonable, except for Kenny, but everyone else comes off as hating Rangers more than they support their own club


In what way?, It's the love for my own club that demands fairness nothing to do with hate i'm afraid, in fact I really want this to get sorted out so we can just get on with it.


So you'd be fine with them going into Division One with no transfer embargo and no points deduction and giving them a clean slate?


How is that question relevent to hating rangers? I woudn't want it for any club including my own do I hate my own club?

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To be honest, I'm coming round to the idea of New Rangers being springboarded up to the first. Many reasons, some practical, most of them selfish.


First and foremost, as the season draws nearer, the realisation sets in that it's just going to be boring as hell without them as a Celtic fan, knowing that there's no chance of any other club stepping up to the plate. The first year would be fine for the novelty of it, but the following two or three really would be dire if it's just a procession to the title with no Glasgow derbies to look forward to. It's not like England where if you were to lose one top team, there's still another 3 or 4 who can give you games to get excited about.


Regarding sporting integrity, as I mentioned a few pages ago, it would be farcical if they started off in the first division. The more I think about it though, it would still be fucked up if they started at the bottom of the 3rd. The rules are having to be changed to allow them in without their 3 years of accounts, and ahead of a host of clubs who have been trying to get in for years. So the notion of there being genuine sporting integrity in the first place is a fallacy. Between the 3 years waiting until they're eligible, the 3 years climbing the leagues, and god knows how many years waiting for another team to die for a spot to become available, we would probably be looking at over a decade for New Rangers to be playing in the SPL if we really had sporting integrity.


It sucks for first division teams who don't want them certainly, but they'd eventually have to pass through that division anyway, they're effectively just getting them two years earlier than expected. More importantly, It gives them a lot of leverage for changes to be implemented, to get more money from the SPL, and they would surely have to change promotion to allow 2 up so that The Rangers being promoted wouldn't be at the expense of anyone else. Then once the new club has passed through, there's an extra promotion slot for future years.


Another reason is a bit more spiteful, and it's simply the fact that Rangers fans want to be in the 3rd division. They think it will be better for their long term interests as they can canter the leagues and come back to the SPL in good shape, having jettisoned

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leting them into the 3rd is bending the rules. which is why I get anoyed at this we all hate rangers stuff. If anything we are being very generous letting them away wth that. The ramblings of the rangers assoisated don't help them though it's devoid of logic and i'm fed up with all this "we have been punished enougth" They have had one punishment so far ONE that was a small fine, what are they on about?

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So will there be loads of crying if Rangers get into Division 1 and win it next season? Reading this thread the Celtic fans are quite reasonable, except for Kenny, but everyone else comes off as hating Rangers more than they support their own club

There won't be crying from me personally. I couldn't care less anymore.


I've decided against renewing my season ticket for Fir Park, and am basically fed up with Scottish football. They can put Celtic & Rangers in a league of two and have them live on Sky Sports every weekend for all I care now.

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I've decided against renewing my season ticket for Fir Park, and am basically fed up with Scottish football. They can put Celtic & Rangers in a league of two and have them live on Sky Sports every weekend for all I care now.

Are you not just spiting yourself?


You are losing out on supporting your team each week and your club are losing out on your season ticket sale despite your club doing the correct thing and telling Rangers to get stuffed from the SPL.

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I've decided against renewing my season ticket for Fir Park, and am basically fed up with Scottish football. They can put Celtic & Rangers in a league of two and have them live on Sky Sports every weekend for all I care now.

Are you not just spiting yourself?


You are losing out on supporting your team each week and your club are losing out on your season ticket sale despite your club doing the correct thing and telling Rangers to get stuffed from the SPL.


He has a point. What's the use supporting your team which plays in a league that is set up to benefit two clubs and two clubs only? Might as well go an watch the juniors.


EDIT: Actually that should be play under the association that is to benefit two clubs. Seeing as the SFL and SFA are just as corrupt it seems.

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