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Promoters on UKFF

Jetta's G-string

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There's a lot of promoters on ukff, some respectable promoters and some not so. Do you think its a good idea for promoters to post in such forums, other than for shilling their events? some promoters can come across unprofessional in my opinion. And the likes of Brian dixon dont use forums, which may count for something.


Whats your opinion?

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I suppose it depends on what "markets" you would focus on. For example most Promoters should try and cover everything, from advertiseing in the area, to web advertisment (Allstar does at very least have a website), to forums .......if you think it will help.


I think overall it is a good thing if you can handle the comments well, for Example Mr sloan and Mr Ravenhill handle themselves very well on here, where as some guys have had total meltdowns on the board, making themselves (and thus the promotion) look a bit silly. On top of that some guys do come on here, who are beyond "Shitarse" expecting to be treated like WWE or something.


Overall, it can be good......if the right people promote on forums.

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It doesn't matter what the Forum is, or for that matter it doesn't matter anywhere they promote. The most important thing is that everything they promise will be on the show, will be on the show, within reason. And then if people complain about something, not to act like a cock.

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There the same as every other poster to me, some seem good, some may make tits of themselves. Hell I'll say its right just for the entertainment you get out of such posters as Rodd & Staniforth. Plus you get some decent convo out of some such as Sloan & Ravenhill. At end of the day if they put on cracking shows, it doesn't matter how much of a prick they could be, it ain't really going to affect their regular audience.

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Some promoters are alright, some are cocks. If you are a sensible guy and you can ignore/accept criticism then posting here is a decent free promoting tool. Guys like Dan Edler and Ricky Knight don't have any problems. Sampe for the XXX guys I think.


If you have thin skin or are a cock, you shouldn't be anywhere near here. Someone like Bagga is a good example of this. He couldn't post here without getting into silly arguments and such so he stopped posting and as a result, people took him much more seriously as a promoter.


lot's of shitarses could learn a lesson from these guys.

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I still find it very funny that in spite of the (probably justified) reputation that this forum has of being full of smart-arse pricks, you still get new "promoters" trying to shill their town hall shitarsefests on here, with zero realization of the shit that is about to come their way.


Like the guy the other day who pretty much posted "putting a new Fed together, need wrestlers, mail for details"


I mean.... WHAT?? How in the hell is that enough information for anyone to make any sense of what you are doing? That's completely ignoring the fact that any new start-up company should have enough of a fucking clue to be able to actually book their talent, not go on the internet and plea for workers. Unbelievable.


So yeah, for serving delusional 'tards, this forum is a great tool for mocking those that deserve it, and (as has already been said) for good promoters who actually have a clue, this is a brilliant place to shill your product - if it's a good product1

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I think this forum's an excellent place for wannabe promoters to both learn the do's & don'ts of running a show as well as the perfect spot to advertise your inaugral show. I reckon I could easily be a wrestling promoter purely from the UKFF knowledge I've gained. I'm surprised & disappointed that more people don't give it a shot.


If you're a budding promoter reading this thread I hope you ignore the negative smarks & go for it. Once you put things into context, even the so called 'shitarse' promoters like 1PW get a load of flack but he can still afford an exotic holiday to New Zealand & is on first name terms with the NWO!! How many of the leather trench coat wearing, 12 sided dice owning fucks on here can say that??

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Promoters on a forum is neither a good thing or a bad thing. It's how they conduct themselves that makes or breaks them. Guys like Mark Sloan, Alan Ravenhill et al seem to remain professional at all times and as a result are respected. Others, like Petey Staniforth just shouldn't be anywhere near a computer (and arguably backstage at a wrestling show).

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Some of the promoters on here are doing a really good job (Ricky, Ravenhill etc) and others should give up.


From a fans perspective, a thanks to those promoters who along with advertising their bills, also include the finer details of how near the venues are from bus/rail stations. Having travelled all over the country in the last 32 years to watch shows, i find this information very useful, especially for venues i haven't attended before.


On the topic of promotions own websites. They are fine as long as they are updated on a regular basis where ever possible. (Are you listening anyone from All Star?).


So, if anyone out there knows who is on the All Star bill at Hanley, please let me know. I have rang the venue and they don't know who is on, my friend lives in the area and there has only been 1 advert in the free paper (even that didn't say who was on) and i even rang Mr Dixon's office (no joy there either). To me this is bad promoting considering the show is This Saturday and they know people travel from other parts of the country to it and have to book hotels.


The ironic thing is, this week i received the leaflet from Fairfields Hall Croydon along with a letter saying who is on the bill for the show on May 20th.

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I like it when unprofessional twenty-somethings with their parents overdrafts come on here talking about having "big plans" for British Wrestling, only to storm off in a strop when the enormous flaws in their plans are pointed out.

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If you're a budding promoter reading this thread I hope you ignore the negative smarks & go for it. Once you put things into context, even the so called 'shitarse' promoters like 1PW get a load of flack but he can still afford an exotic holiday to New Zealand & is on first name terms with the NWO!! How many of the leather trench coat wearing, 12 sided dice owning fucks on here can say that??


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On the topic of promotions own websites. They are fine as long as they are updated on a regular basis where ever possible. (Are you listening anyone from All Star?).

All Star are currently having a new website being designed as we speak (not by myself before any one asks). Whether it will be an improvement we shall just have to wait and see...


Others, like Petey Staniforth just shouldn't be anywhere near a computer (and arguably backstage at a wrestling show).

But who would people's little sisters get sleazed on by then?

There's always that Scottish bloke...?

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