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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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And the TV title should be waaaaay more important that it is. For what its worth the "Image" of the belt factors into to it also, as currently is looks really "Worn in" which doesnt add to my personal view of the belt. WWE know this and have a new version of there belts made on a regular basis.

The main event scene is so crowded that I really can't believe that they haven't considered utilized the secondary title, you've got so many potential candidates in Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Bully Ray, AJ Styles, Anderson, RVD or even Gunner that are constantly in and out of the main event picture, why not give them some kind of purpose? A lot of those guys, in fact Kurt Angle is a prime example, are involved in meaningless feuds that blatantly serve no purpose other than to keep them out of the World Title picture. Let Storm and Roode have a decent little feud over the primary title and give the secondary belt to someone like Jeff Hardy and have him feud with Bully Ray.


Also, I don't like Sting because he felt the need to steal a catchphrase from a fucking Winnie The Pooh character, which is super gay.

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Also, I don't like Sting because he felt the need to steal a catchphrase from a fucking Winnie The Pooh character, which is super gay.

Mick Foley's probably the best GM-style character ever and he wore Winnie The Pooh on his jumper in most of those skits. Also, if you want masculine hardcases, spouting off east end hardman poetry, its best not to watch the show featuring oiled up men in swimming trunks who stomp when they punch. That would make the viewer quite insecure.

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Also, I don't like Sting because he felt the need to steal a catchphrase from a fucking Winnie The Pooh character, which is super gay.


Says the man with a green haired girl off a cartoon as an avatar.

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March 29th


*Bobby Roode comes to the ring surrounded by cops, for an in-ring promo. Roode runs down Sting, Dixie, and James Storm. Storm comes out and talks trash, saying he will beat Roode at Lockdown. Storm goes after Roode but gets stopped by the cops. Storm then gets ambushed from behind by Bully Ray. Storm fights back and the main event is made to be Storm vs Roode & Bully in a handicap match.


*Matt Morgan vs Crimson went to a no contest when they brawled to the back.


*Velvet Sky def. Madison Rayne. After the match, Velvet is interviewed and says she wants her rematch with Gail Kim for the knockouts title.


*Austin Aries comes out for a promo and he's pissed about Bully Ray attacking the X Division last week. Aries says he's met worse than Bully and he wants a piece of him so tonight he's going to join Storm in the main event against Roode & Bully.


*Mr. Anderson def. Jeff Hardy with the Mic Check after Kurt Angle interfered.


*Eric Bischoff comes out to the ring and calls out Garett. Eric tells Garett that he has a chance to get out before he gets hurt. Garett responds that he's here to stay so they announce Garett Bischoff vs Gunner inside the steel cage at Lockdown. Garett ends up shoving Eric before leaving.


*James Storm & Austin Aries def. Bobby Roode & Bully Ray when Storm pinned Ray after Roode accidentally spit the beer in Ray's face and Storm hit the Last Call.


*Dixie Carter comes to the ring and brings out Hulk Hogan. Dixie wants Hulk to accept the GM position. Hulk hesitates and starts to decline but Sting comes out with a bunch of the wrestlers. Sting praises Hogan and encourages him to accept the job. Sting promises to have Hogan's back while he makes TNA number one so Hulk accepts the offer to become the new GM.

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Not to have a pop at Tna, as i do think the product is improving every week, but if you've just gotten you're company back, from a bloke who at first made out he loves TNA etc etc, only to turn heel and steal the company from you........why would you trust him again and offer him the GM position?


I know sting it backing him up, but i wouldnt trust Hogan ever again after that.

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If it makes you feel any better Jackson, Sunday at 9pm is far more appropriate for my Sky Planner.

Forgot to mention, you should definitely go out of your way to watch the London shows from a few weeks back. TNA has never looked so major league.

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Hey guys, thought I'd drop by.


Just watched Victory Road, and enjoyed it immensely - can't think of any matches on the card being less than cromulent; even the KOs match wasn't half-bad (Gail Kim seems to have pulled her socks up a bit, and it seems the bookers have finally learned to keep "Oh, Not Again" Mickie James out of the spotlight). However, that post-main angle was absolutely fucking toilet - Dixie should fire herself for being so useless that Roode and Sting had to call loudly, and whoever's responsible in their production crew for sound should be fired or demoted for not covering it up. Also, the Impact Zone mutants are now way beyond a joke - they should be rounded up and sent to North Korea. The split-chanting was ridiculous - cheering for Roode and Angle, who have been perfect heels, and you could tell it was the same bunch of cunts all the way through.


But despite those negatives, the positives were far more numerous: Hardy seems quite motivated now, RVD hasn't been seen for a while, Joe's now quite watchable with Magnus, Roode is a heel god, Austin Aries has improved unbelievably despite his original ROH-esque shitness in the past, the Robbies are quality, James Storm is coming to the boil nicely, Bully Ray has been nothing short of a revelation (he's got me on the "Real Men Have Calves" wagon - I work them at the gym regularly now), and I'm even liking this AJ/Kazarian/Daniels/Anderson angle.


And I have to admit - I know Garrett "Erik Watts 2.0" Bischoff isn't particularly great, but there's something about him that makes me want to see him improve. Would like to see him on a Cody Rhodes-type trajectory over the next few years, if possible.


Anyway, that's my tuppence'th. Was nice to pop by.

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Do we - or can we - have a TNA discussion thread on here without spoilers? Impact has been excellent for months now and I always want to gush about how great it is, but I'm scared to come in here incase everybody is discussing what's happened about four shows in the future.

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I can't believe nobody has stated how good the likelyhood of a Aries/Bully could be. Two of the best things in wrestling today. I really hope they are gonna have a feud. Also regarding that Aries, he is too good for the X-Division title now. He should ideally have the TV title (if it was important, as its the secondary title) but instead it seems like the X title is now the secondary title where the TV title is the lowest ranked in the company. It's a great shame as it is a beautiful title. Anyway it looks like they're pushing him towards an upper mid carder, great news.


Really looking forward to Lockdown though. Always results in one of the best PPV's of the year and Storm/Roode is going to be a cracker. Plus we won't have to endure the cunts in the IMPACT Zone.

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I can't for the life of me think how having Hogan (who doesn't pop a tv rating in the slightest) as the new GM will in anyway encourage more people to watch the show. If anything it may well do the opposite.


Unrelated, I think some freshness is needed in the roster. I know the purse strings have been tightened but the x-division needs some new blood for sure. My picks: El Generico & Kenny Omega.


Morrison i understand has said he will probably return to WWE later in the year so I would have said him but I think Finlay would be an awesome signing, not only for having excellent matches and putting guys over but also for putting matches together as an agent.


I don't really know too much about Sami Callihan and Johnny Gargano but if WWE has been sniffing around maybe it would be worth trying to pinch them first.

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