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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Apart from the makeup, he's nothing like the Health Ledger joker, that everyone is saying he's like. He's more like Cesar Romero. He's a completely off his tits and likes a laugh. I cant see much of the Dark Knight Joker in him. At least they explained the only reason he's doing it, is to get the red and yellow babyface Hogan to return. It was explained that Sting doesnt want to wrestle the shite old Hollywood Hogan. He wants Hogan at him best. So I assume they are introducing a time machine into the storyline next week. I liked the segment personally. I was unsure about the Sting character until this week. At least we know he's working the gimmick, and we arent meant to believe he's legit gone spastic.


We also saw Jeff Jarrett looking happy as ever. You cant keep a good man down. He's now called Dos Double J, which has potential to be better than his Double M A gimmick.

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That was actually a good show, certainly by TNA standards anyway. There were a couple quotes that made me laugh out loud.


First there was a segment with Mexican America and The British Invasion where the Brits interrupted a whinging promo by the Mexicans and challenged them to a match. Magnus was tremendous on the mic and after challenging the Mexicans to a match told them to leave "The birds, the girls in the back. Or how you say, los prostitutos!"


And the backstage segment just afterwards where Bully Ray was directing traffic. As Abyss was reading Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War' Ray asked "Are you looking at porn again?"


The contract signing for AJ and Daniels was really plain and mediocre. If there's anything TNA should mimic further from WWE its these types of segments. Analyze the timing, the pauses and the overall executions of segments WWE produce like this and you'll see why they're ahead of the game.


Gunner and Crimson are such ham and eggers. Its a shame that TNA finally start to try and create some home grown names and they pick these two guys.

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It's so refreshing to watch a show from start to finish and have to rack my brains to think of things to complain about.


I wish Sting had brought a new outfit to complement his new facepaint design. I can let the t-shirt go, but it's time go get Sting out of those grotty tights that he's been wearing for the last fifteen years. I'm not sure about Sting's change in personality, on one hand it's a refreshing change but at times it really does feel inauthentic.


Last weeks X-Division threeway was a bit of a letdown for me, but Low Ki/Bentley/Yang was excellent. I've always enjoyed Low-Ki's work and this match was ridiculously enjoyable, even if it was pretty obvious who was going to win. Like Austin Aries three weeks ago Low-Ki looked like a star.


The Bound For Glory League is a great idea and it looks as though they're already pulling a few interesting storylines out of it. I hope that the BFG League becomes a yearly fixture in TNA and becomes their equivalent of the WWF's King Of The Ring tournament, the only thing I'd like to see is the league become a little more organised and structured. Gunner and AJ have met each other in league matches three times now, so I'm inclined to wonder how league matches are decided? Does the league work like most sports leagues in which all participants will face each other a set number of times? The league concept is interesting but it needs refining a little.


Bully Ray's one of my favourite heels in the business right now, he's a guy who clearly "gets it" and he knows exactly what to say and what to do to get under the audiences skin. Him claiming to dislike bullies immediately before shoving Steiner in front of the Sting train was just brilliant.


The contract signing for AJ and Daniels was really plain and mediocre. If there's anything TNA should mimic further from WWE its these types of segments. Analyze the timing, the pauses and the overall executions of segments WWE produce like this and you'll see why they're ahead of the game.

I totally disagree with this. Contract signings are virtually always boring and predictable, I hate them.

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The Bound For Glory League is a great idea and it looks as though they're already pulling a few interesting storylines out of it. I hope that the BFG League becomes a yearly fixture in TNA and becomes their equivalent of the WWF's King Of The Ring tournament, the only thing I'd like to see is the league become a little more organised and structured. Gunner and AJ have met each other in league matches three times now, so I'm inclined to wonder how league matches are decided? Does the league work like most sports leagues in which all participants will face each other a set number of times? The league concept is interesting but it needs refining a little.


Personally I think your over analysing and that TNA have done a decent enough job explaining. Although you keep using the term "league" they have never used the term themselves. In fact they use the term "series." I.e. a series of matches which dosen't imply a limit of matches nor does it guarantee any matches. So they can still have this series and still keep certain guys away from each other if they want to.


As I understood it, there is no limit to the number of matches a guy could have, and it will cover all basic matches, grudge matches, gimmick matches, tag matches and rematches.


It's a good concept and I hope they pull it off in the end. There some good psychology to be had from this, because Samoa Joe might want to try and have more matches to pull ahead from everyone else, but then run the risk of burn out / injury.

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I must ask, does TNA have somebody new in, helping with the booking? The show was shite for a while there but it's suddenly sprung into life. Plus we've got cool 'new' ideas like the BFG Tournament (that are actually being booked proper). Maybe Hogan is helping with the booking.


Anyway, another good show (much better than last weeks, which was still pretty good).


The best thing about the show is Hogan and Sting. The new Sting Mask/Joker character is excellent, funny and crazy. Hogan appears to be arsed again, feuding with the Stinger. I think the Hulkster is feeding off of Stings new found dynamism and raising his game. Both look like they're having the best fun they've had in years. The in ring sit down with Sting feeding Hogan vitamins and Hogan taping his fists, talking smack whilst walking to the ring was a great bit of TV. I've never found Hogan that interesting for years, but this feud is really great stuff. Suprised he went along with the Scorpion spot too.


Bully Ray and Scott Steiner are another pair that are excellent at playing off one another. You can't help but be entertained. I really want them to be a proper tage team for a few months, I think they'd tear it up. Neither man getting along but still kicking ass for the greater cause.


What is Christopher Daniels? He's nicknamed the 'Fallen Angel' and wears make-up and nail polish, but he also dresses like Ric Flair. He also promos like a normal bloke. At least he's not Jerry Lynn though, man that guy should never touch a microphone. AJ Styles on the other hand can keep on doing his fancy flip thing.


Once Abyss and Joe piss off, I think Impact will be my favourite show again.

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Really starting to look forward to Impact every week.


TNA have always had a great roster but they finally appear to be using it well. They're really trying to make sure everyone has something to do, something to make them interesting to the audience. The Pope/D von feud is a perfect example of how to keep the midcard interesting.


Have to agree with the consensus on here that the BFG series is a great idea and i hope we see it again next year.

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Another brilliant episode of Impact Wrestling! Like last weeks episode I can't really think of anything to complain about here. Whoever they've got working behind the scenes in creative these days is doing excellent work.


Jack Evans/Tony Nesse/Jesse Sorensen was easily the best match on the show and even though it was pretty obvious that Evans would win both Nesse and Sorensen put on an excellent show.


RVD/Daniels/AJ/Lynn was better than I expected it to be, it's nice to see RVD putting in some effort for a change.


Brian Kendrick is superb. He should really be doing something more important than feuding with Abyss.


Hogan's backstage beatdown of Sting was great, I watched the whole episode while wearing headphones and it actually sounded like Hogan was punching Sting in the face.


Crimson looked great. Roode unfortunately lost again but it's still early days and Roode really only needs a couple of submission wins to get back in the game.


Pope and Devon Vs Morgan and Storm was decent and the stipulation that only the winner (as opposed to the winning team) would get the points was a good decision. I'm not sure about this Devon/Pope feud but Pope handing the victory to Devon makes me want to see where they're going with it.


I wonder if Anderson has joined Immortal for real this time. I'm inclined to believe that he's probably just going to use them to retain the title against Sting next week then Mic Check someone and go solo again, it'd be nice if he was a proper heel though.

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My only worry is :


Robert Roode: 0


This doesn't feel like a push yet. In fact, the whole BFG series feels like a push for Crimson, not Roode :(

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Joker Sting is genuinely the most interesting thing to happen in wrestling for me in the last 10 years. It's absolutely amazing to see Sting look this motivated and like he's having so much fun after all these years. And major props to Hogan as well for playing his part perfectly in all of this. Hogan has been so protective over his character over the years that I'm amazed to see him let go and allow himself to look so weak. Credit definitely needs to be split 50/50 in this because it's the mixture of seeing Hogan so vulnerable and Sting so animated that's making it work so well. Whatever match happens at the end of all this is likely going to be horrendous but I'm loving the build up (sounds eerily similar to their feud from 15 years ago!).

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My only worry is :


Robert Roode: 0


This doesn't feel like a push yet. In fact, the whole BFG series feels like a push for Crimson, not Roode :(

Can you really see crimson main eventing bound for glory he's dull as dishwater, no fun to watch. It seems they've played Robert roode down since flair has been away.


I still can't get on with this show. You have the odd shine with the insane Heath ledger - sting, the x-division match was just a spot fest, nothing wrong with that just it isn't for me and jack Evans looks so out of place in that match his attire and hair was god awful at least put some effort into it instead of letting your mum choose you wrestling attire. Even velvets push is annoying me she's really got to up her game to be considered a main evener she doesn't come across as a big main event player like gail kym was in tna or even when christy hemme was being pushed when facing awesome kong.


Fatal 4 was good tv. I don't feel the destination x, ultimate x hasn't even been given time ready, they only just announced the competitors recently then they don't have them fighting on impact.


It's all the little nit picking at tna thats winding me up about the product.


It stinks it stinks...

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