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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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People criticise Abyss a lot here, but Samoa Joe is currently far worse, he's stinking up the ring. His match with Crimson at Slammiversary was one of the worst TNA matches in years, just a terrible botchy mess with no excitement.


If I was Dixie I'd fire his fat arse. If he loses weight and gets back into some sort of form, re-hire him, otherwise there are plenty of people more deserving of his spot on the roster.

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People criticise Abyss a lot here, but Samoa Joe is currently far worse, he's stinking up the ring. His match with Crimson at Slammiversary was one of the worst TNA matches in years, just a terrible botchy mess with no excitement.


If I was Dixie I'd fire his fat arse. If he loses weight and gets back into some sort of form, re-hire him, otherwise there are plenty of people more deserving of his spot on the roster.

I'm glad somebody agrees with me. He is my 'overrated wrestler' in the thread about that.


Truth is Joe has been shite for years. His title run was filled with matches that were rotten (granted, TNA booking didn't help either) and he's steadily followed on that path of crap since.


You look at the likes of AJ Styles, Motor City Machine Guns, Beer Money, Velvet Sky etc. They've all improved as all round performers (specifically AJ Styles and Beer Money) and are still improving. Then you look at Joe and he stopped caring three years ago.


His 'look' is laughable now. He looks like a wee spazzy kid trying to play a hard man.


I completely agree that TNA need a clean out and that Joe is top of that list. If Hogan, Sting, Bischoff, Bully Ray, Jarrett etc put in the effort (or lack of effort) Joe did the internet would explode.

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Another good Impact this week. Has anyone else noticed that when TNA gets good, WWE gets rubbish and vice versa? Anyway, THOUGHTS~!


- I'm loving Sting at the moment, he's acting like a mixture of Jim Carrey in The Mask and the Joker. It's so fab.

- This week's x-div 3 way was crap. Zema Ion looked good but that was only because the other 2 were so terrible.

- Speaking of the x-div, it was nice to see Jerry Lynn pop up backstage, I assume we'll be seeing Lynn/RVD at the PPV then.

- Christopher Daniels made an appearance this week. :dickin: Why can't he fuck off? He was wearing a shirt and tie with black nail varnish ffs! Joe twatting Kaz was fun.

- The 2 women's matches were fun. I'm enjoying this Team Arse Vs. Team LadyBastard feud and Winter's music is fucking great.

- I'd like to see TNA put Crimson and Morgan together as a formal tag-team. Put them in matching gear, slap on some facepaint and hey presto! A modern day Road Warriors type team.

- Bobby Roode is amazing, he's totally going to win this tournament and win the World Title at BFG.

- No MR. INTENSITY: GUNNER! this week was a shame. Should have given him a squash.

- Bully Ray Vs. Scott Steiner was Bully Ray Vs. Scott Steiner. I love them so much.


Edit: I agree with Loki and Blackson, Samoa Joe has been terrible for ages now and TNA should totally get rid of him. Actually I'd get rid of him along with Abyss, Generation Me, Chris Daniels, Okada (who is he anyway?) and Anarquia.

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Is Hernandez still employed even? If so, he should be cut too. It's been a while since the LAX glory days and he has since never come close to being even remotely entertaining.


I haven't seen Joe in action in a while, apart from the decent encounter with RVD last week, so I don't hate him as much as you guys seem to quite yet. His look is disgraceful though. He definitely needs to sort it out and soon.


Speaking of RVD, I hope his match with Lynn is as awesome as it sounds. As lazy as he can be, I still have a bit of a soft spot for RVD and I've always enjoyed Lynn.

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Scott Steiner is a guilt-ridden pleasure nowadays. As much as I love him, he's starting to look seriously creaky now, his physique seems to be imploding. His match at the PPV was aces, but you could see it take a few weeks off his life. If Joe put in even 10th as much effort as Steiner did it'd be nice.


I wish Scotty would take a leaf out of Nash's book - just lose loads of weight and musclemass. Nash is tiny compared to his prime but because he's toned he still looks great. Scotty's knees would appreciate the let-off too.


Bully Ray has totally stolen Joe's spot - he's the big bad bully, and doing it much better than Joe. TNA should be looking long-term at a Bully Ray v Bobby Roode title feud. Those two guys are absolutely on it right now.

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I've never understood the fascination with Samoa Joe.


I've watched the indy footage and thought ''meh", and as for his TNA stuff it's shocking. I've seen wrestle live twice, and both times his apparent disinterest has been more criminal than the '96 clique curtain call.

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Sting kicking off at Hogan and calling him "Terry" was pretty spectacular, having just finally seen it myself! No idea where this is going exactly but TNA makes for exciting tv at the moment.


If Bobby Roode doesn't win this BFG Series (great idea, incidentally) I shall kick off on this forum like someone losing at Mafia Wars.

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If Bobby Roode doesn't win this BFG Series (great idea, incidentally) I shall kick off on this forum like someone losing at Mafia Wars.


Im hoping for a Roode win as well, either that or Bully Ray

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Current Standings..


Crimson - 17 points

* Gunner - 14 points

* Matt Morgan - 14 points

* James Storm - 7 points

* Scott Steiner - 7 points

* Bully Ray - 7 points

* Rob Van Dam - 7 points

* AJ Styles - 7 points

* Robert Roode - 0 points

* The Pope - 0 points

* Brother Devon - 0 points

* Samoa Joe - 0 points

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I wish Scotty would take a leaf out of Nash's book - just lose loads of weight and musclemass. Nash is tiny compared to his prime but because he's toned he still looks great. Scotty's knees would appreciate the let-off too.


Not sure if I got this right, but I don't think he can lose mass - the whole point of him roiding up in the first place was to support his injured back, IIRC.


Sting kicking off at Hogan and calling him "Terry" was pretty spectacular, having just finally seen it myself!


Anderson isn't very good right now, but he had a great scene with Hogan a couple of months ago, and came across really well - made it really sound "OOOOH, Hogan's gonna get angry".


Was something like "Well then, why don't you do something about it, Terence?!"


If Bobby Roode doesn't win this BFG Series (great idea, incidentally) I shall kick off on this forum like someone losing at Mafia Wars.


You can't lose at Mafia Wars, that's a Facebook game. :p

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Sting kicking off at Hogan and calling him "Terry" was pretty spectacular, having just finally seen it myself! No idea where this is going exactly but TNA makes for exciting tv at the moment.


If Bobby Roode doesn't win this BFG Series (great idea, incidentally) I shall kick off on this forum like someone losing at Mafia Wars.

Meltzer has heard they are giving Matt Morgan another go, as a main eventer soon. I feel like vomiting!

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