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TNA Victory Road


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I was thinking about this. What are TNA going to say to Spike TV or try and explain themselves. Sure wrestling is a work but to have one of the biggest stars of the company main event a PPV high on drugs is a negative for a TV network to have. Never mind that i wonder if Challenge will have anything to say on the matter?

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Never mind that i wonder if Challenge will have anything to say on the matter?



Challenge will have watched the first broadcast episode to check it out, then never watch it again. As long as the numbers are fine TNA will stay.


I doubt Spike will get involved unless loads of fans contact them about it. If they do hear about it, wrestling has the old "It was a storyline angle, dont listen to those emails" excuse. Nothing will happen.

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Can't see Hardy breaking anyones neck in any state really, its not like he's hitting overhead suplexes, Piledrivers and Brainbusters is it. Scratching someones neck or landing on his own head maybe.


A lot of people from all walks of life have suffered serious injuries through much less than taking a Canadian Destroyer. Had they not called the early finish, I don't think that an accident occurring in the ring would have been the most unrealistic event that could have taken place. Unlikely, but certainly not impossible.

The ironic thing is, if Hardy was intoxicated then Sting hitting the Scorpion Death Drop could be just as dangerous if Hardy wasn't responsive or present enough to protect himself in the fall.


This as well, just as plausible.


I'm not saying that I'm surprised that it didn't happen, I was simply saying that it could have been a much worse scenario they found themselves in than they have done.

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I can usually be a bit of a mark for TNA and tend to find the positives in almost anything they do. But this Pay-Per-View - before they even reached the main event - was a complete disaster.


Not one match stood out as being Pay-Per-View quality. The Ultimate X match was alright, but it was hard to get into without having an ounce of interest in 3/4 of the participants. AJ Styles vs Matt Hardy was decent too, though nothing special.


Those two matches aside, the event was a bit of an embarrassment, in truth. Matt Morgan and Hernandez were actually putting on a decent match before the absurd conclusion. Fake blood on Matt Morgan's chest? Seriously? Number one contender match for the TNA Title ending in a draw, like we haven't seen that happen about half a dozen times in the last six months? The Knockouts tag was just terrible to watch and the finish looked awful and static.


And what have they done with Jeff Jarrett? I've been loving this guy on TV lately, but the re-introduction of Karen Angle really hasn't worked at all. For a long time I've been desperate to see Kurt get his hands on Jeff and just beat the absolute shit out of him. But I'm getting dangerously close to not caring with stupid segments like Sunday. I don't care of Karen doesn't like her honeymoon!


Horrendous Pay-Per-View with no redeeming features that I can think of. Thankfully it should be the worst TNA PPV of the year, but it's a shame it had to come now, because their TV has been pretty strong recently.

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Ric Flair had a bad night as well. He take's the shine off the wrestlers, which is something a manager should know better than to do. AJ Styles won with a lovely flippy move but I was looking at Earl Hebner trying to kick batty old Flair instead. He then topped it off with a great delayed reaction to a low blow haha.


I love Ric Flair the dozy old coot.

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Ric Flair had a bad night as well. He take's the shine off the wrestlers, which is something a manager should know better than to do. AJ Styles won with a lovely flippy move but I was looking at Earl Hebner trying to kick batty old Flair instead. He then topped it off with a great delayed reaction to a low blow haha.


I love Ric Flair the dozy old coot.


That's nothing new. Flair has been doing this regularly since he's been there. Not that I'll put the whole blame on him, he didn't do it when he was in Evolution because he obviously had somebody to either tell him to do it, or someone to tell him not to do it. Somebody backstage at TNA is obviously telling him to do it, or not putting him right when he does it over and over again.


There was an episode quite recently where Flair was rambling on about something and Robert Roode tried to interrupt in typical babyface fashion. Instead of shutting up when Roode started talking, Flair carried on going "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME, NO, NO, GOD, WOOOOO, GOD!!!!" and it almost killed any momentum Roode had in that promo. Luckily, Roode is one of the best on the stick TNA has so he salvaged it.

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I've not seen the PPV yet so cant give a full comment but i find it interesting that over the last fortnight the biggest story in entertainment industry has been Charlie Sheen and whether drugs affected his ability to work. If you add the column inches and press coverage it would add up to millions of pounds of exposure.


Then you also have a copycat company. Add the two together and you could have this very worked angle, make it look real by giving him time off or whatever story they put out on Impact and then have Hardy do the rounds ala Charlie Sheen. Turn Kennedy and away we go again.

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An Announcement Regarding Victory Road



TNA Wrestling strives to give fans who purchase our pay-per-views as close to a full three-hour event as possible. This past Sunday

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Well I think that confirms that it wasn't a work.. They're not in a position to be giving away that kinda shit for free unless totally necessary.



Exactly my thoughts ! They wouldn't give away this type of revenue if this wasn't genuine they can't afford to !

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Ric Flair had a bad night as well. He take's the shine off the wrestlers, which is something a manager should know better than to do. AJ Styles won with a lovely flippy move but I was looking at Earl Hebner trying to kick batty old Flair instead. He then topped it off with a great delayed reaction to a low blow haha.


I love Ric Flair the dozy old coot.


That's nothing new. Flair has been doing this regularly since he's been there. Not that I'll put the whole blame on him, he didn't do it when he was in Evolution because he obviously had somebody to either tell him to do it, or someone to tell him not to do it. Somebody backstage at TNA is obviously telling him to do it, or not putting him right when he does it over and over again.


There was an episode quite recently where Flair was rambling on about something and Robert Roode tried to interrupt in typical babyface fashion. Instead of shutting up when Roode started talking, Flair carried on going "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME, NO, NO, GOD, WOOOOO, GOD!!!!" and it almost killed any momentum Roode had in that promo. Luckily, Roode is one of the best on the stick TNA has so he salvaged it.


Yeah, he gets caught up in the moment, doesn't he? Roode shouted him down, though, and it made him look strong. I love Roode's comment about "I can't believe I used to idolise you" and all that.

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