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The Pubbers Thread


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Pork scratchings! How did I miss those off the list.


I blame students for the demise of the pub. No particular reason, I like to blame students for everything.

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I love pubs, my biggest gripe about some of my fav pubs in Southampton was there tendency to bring in a DJ from 8.30 to 11. Karaoke I can just about tolerate (once the slags have sung umbrella twice) but no DJ. Fuck off DJ.


My fav in Southampton I think was the Old Fat Cat or possible the Avondale Arms. These pubs were close by to me, weren't too expensive and sold decent food. Why everyone insisted on going to Walkabout is beyond me. Avondale was more of a student pub though being close to the Polygon (although the Old Fat Cat was opposite guildhall and a uni building)


Where I live now, Corfe Mullen there are two pubs within the same distance from me. Ones the Holmes Bush Inn which is nice and has good food. The saddest thing is seeing the disabled German Shepard that greets you. The second is the Dorset Soldier. Which is almost like two pubs in one. Through one door you have the kids playing pool and watching football nonstop and generally being twatish. The second door is like a lounge with a fireplace and a couple of old locals. That is beautiful. Good beer too.


London, I enjoy the feel of Ye Olde Mitre Pub in Holborn. It's a hidden pub, you have to walk along Hatton Garden and look out for an alley way by a Victorian lampost. It's mint, small, friendly, good snacks and quite cheap for a London pub. Proper pub. Can't remember the proper name of the pub I went to after GLA everyday, but it was called the Camel. Nice pub, good service and nice bitter.


Last thing, if your going to the Cardiff International Arena, than I recommend stopping of a pint in the Travellers Tavern. Little pub with good bitter for about half the price of a pint in the Arena.

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Pubs. I love pubs. My main locals are The Lord Palmerstons and The Fountain, both in Tottenham.


When I feel like I want to pretend I'm not from the streetz, I hit Crouch End and ponce it up in one of any number of pubs there.


I was also in the pub last night.


I love pubs.

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living in a small town (runcorn near liverpool) there aren't any "clubs" a couple of pubs that are trying to be clubs but thats only because have a 3am bar.

i prefer the quieter pubs anyway, i'm a "regular" at two pubs, the masonic where i get on with the landlord and landlady pretty well always have a laugh and if there is enough of us in there they'll put either the karaoke on or put a load of free plays on the jukebox.

the other pub is the royal mainly go there on a saturday night when my mates djing/running the karaoke and most of the time the pool table becomes free as the place empties as people bugger off to one of the "clubs"

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Where do people stand, LOLZ, on standing in pubs?


For me if there is nowhere to sit in a pub I don't want to be there, a packed nightclub annoys me but a packed pub is even worse. I'd rather have a seat at an average pub than have to stand in a crowded lovely pub.


Loki- I completely agree about music in pubs. It's just not needed, maybe at the end of the night if everyone is pissed put a song on but that's about it. Live music in pubs is the worst, in Cornwall every pub seemed to have live folk music all day.

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I really like a nice pub with an atmosphere, that background chatter where you can here people talking but not what they are saying.

A nice pint of best and a nice bag of pork scratching and I'm a happy man.


Went in one the other day and there was a dog sat on one of the stools eyeing up my pork snack, you just don't get that in some hip joint.

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I used to be out in my local pub alot in my youth. It was called Belle Vue. Cracking place, with brass fittings, and a bit of a "Dark and dingey" appearance from the outside but was a cracking little spot. Sadley it been knocked down :(.


Not many decent Pubs Around Crewe anymore, alot of gastro-pubs but no real "Public house" type places.


Although recently (for those who would ever randomly turn up in crewe) i found a new "Local" by the name of the Borough Arms. For years i thought it was "an old mans pubs", but went recently and its a cracking little spot. Very quiet (and really small as well), but creates a good atmoshere, and has everything from bottled beer to various local ales. My new favourite pub i think!

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I live in poncey Chorlton in Manchester, on the main drag, so there are about 25 bars within half a mile of my apartment. However I live next door to a decent Pub so I go there instead of all the trendy places. There are a couple of exceptions though, Pi has a wicked selection of beers, my favourite being this

Schlenkerla Rauchbier Marzen 5.1% 500ml
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I can't go into a pub if it doesn't have a jukebox. When I get a couple of drinks in me, there has to be a jukebox nearby!


Of course, that helps to make a pub better. There won't be any shit music playing in the background.


I hate jukeboxes, as they are just an opportunity for people to force their, usually terribly, music tastes on unsuspecting members of the public. You may well be enjoying your 80s rock marathon, but at least half the bar will be thinking of ways of discretely killing you if you pop into the loos.


It's like those utter, utter wankers who play music on their mobile phones on the train. There should be a law that if someone does that, your're legally allowed to stab them.


Basically, pubs with music playing fall into two categories - the "Irish" style pub where everyone's enjoying the "craic" and having a good old singalong, or the "American" style bar where everyone's jiving to the latest hot rock music. Both of these styles of pub can fuck off - a proper British pub is about drinking, talking, eating and possibly fighting.

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