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Bad move to go public defending the company. Nothing worse when the wrestlers stick up for the promoter. Its like walking under a ladder or smashing a mirror. You just know poor Magnus is going to break his leg or something and Dixie's going to be all "we've got a bad reception Nick, I'll have to phone you back" when he asks for his wages. It happened to Bret Hart in 2000 when they cut his pay him half after getting kicked in the head. He just spent a year talking about how they treated him better than the WWF did as well. Its always the kiss off death.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Bad move to go public defending the company. Nothing worse when the wrestlers stick up for the promoter. Its like walking under a ladder or smashing a mirror. You just know poor Magnus is going to break his leg or something and Dixie's going to be all "we've got a bad reception Nick, I'll have to phone you back" when he asks for his wages. It happened to Bret Hart in 2000 when they cut his pay him half after getting kicked in the head. He just spent a year talking about how they treated him better than the WWF did as well. Its always the kiss off death.

I like Nick Aldis but sometimes he does embarass himself with his columns.I remember on one occasion he got all worked up about wrestling fans being interested in the real life animosity between Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarret regarding Kurt's ex-wife and Jeff's current wife Karen.This was of course just weeks before the whole thing was which made into an angle (using footage of Kurts children) that featured every week on TNA shows which all 3 people invloved seemed happy to particiapte in.Very strange considering it's none of our business as far as Aldis was concerned.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Issue 95 of Fighting Spirit Magazine is now available!




In this month's edition, FSM has feature-length articles on:

- The recent character development of Daniel Bryan, and whether WWE will follow through on their plans to have him challenge John Cena

- One of pro wrestling's premier talkers, Paul Heyman, who waxes lyrical about his career

- The Wyatt Family, and why they have the confidence of Vince McMahon as they begin their Raw journey


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  • 4 weeks later...

Issue 96 of Fighting Spirit Magazine is now available!




In this month's edition, FSM has feature-length articles on:

- Chris Jericho, and how arguably WWE's MVP of 2013 will be gone for at least the summer

- The McMahon Family, and what their past as characters on WWE television can tell us about a proposed late-summer power struggle

- SummerSlam 1998, which on its 15-year anniversary remains one of the most important and intriguing cards in WWE history

- Lex Luger, who talks to FSM about his tremendous career and a miraculous life

- Sabu, and how the nephew of The Sheik changed pro wrestling forever

- The wrestling scene in Scotland, which is arguably the hottest territory in all of Europe

- Kendo Nagasaki, who remains an enigma of professional wrestling. FSM profiles the masked man in the latest in the Greetings, Grapple Fans series.


All of this, plus our usual news, PPV and TV reports, and DVD and book reviews. Also, in this month's columns,

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FSM Exclusive: Magnus Earns Improved TNA Deal

Fighting Spirit Magazine is delighted to confirm that our monthly columnist, Nick "Magnus" Aldis, has re-signed with TNA Wrestling.


"I'm very happy to confirm that I have signed a new two-year deal, on improved terms. It came down to the wire between TNA, myself, and my agent, but ultimately we came to a mutually beneficial agreement," Aldis said in a statement to FSM.


"I'm really excited about the new structure and more streamlined team. It's important to know that while some people may be moving on, TNA is focusing on their priority guys. Simply - earn your spot, and be rewarded. I can only speak for myself, but my career has steadily progressed financially throughout my entire time with the company."


Indeed, TNA has recently been criticised for, under various circumstances, allowing the likes of Bruce Prichard, DOC, Tara, Doug Williams and Jesse Sorensen to depart the organisation. FSM is also aware of at least one high-profile TNA contract offer that has been verbally dismissed by the employee in question.


On the bright side, FSM can confirm that top talents Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode have also signed new deals with TNA, adding credence to Aldis' suggestion that recent roster and behind the scenes changes are more of a case of streamlining of talent rather than dropping contracts out of financial necessity.


Spill the beans then Brian?


Must say, I enjoy FSM, but those Magnus articles are so shite. He comes across as the biggest nob in wrestling. Such politically fueled bollocks. You'd think he was playing for Man United and you should be happy you work there the way he talks about other wrestlers complaining about the horrendous way TNA treats their wrestlers.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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FSM Exclusive: Magnus Earns Improved TNA Deal

Fighting Spirit Magazine is delighted to confirm that our monthly columnist, Nick "Magnus" Aldis, has re-signed with TNA Wrestling.


"I'm very happy to confirm that I have signed a new two-year deal, on improved terms. It came down to the wire between TNA, myself, and my agent, but ultimately we came to a mutually beneficial agreement," Aldis said in a statement to FSM.


"I'm really excited about the new structure and more streamlined team. It's important to know that while some people may be moving on, TNA is focusing on their priority guys. Simply - earn your spot, and be rewarded. I can only speak for myself, but my career has steadily progressed financially throughout my entire time with the company."


Indeed, TNA has recently been criticised for, under various circumstances, allowing the likes of Bruce Prichard, DOC, Tara, Doug Williams and Jesse Sorensen to depart the organisation. FSM is also aware of at least one high-profile TNA contract offer that has been verbally dismissed by the employee in question.


On the bright side, FSM can confirm that top talents Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode have also signed new deals with TNA, adding credence to Aldis' suggestion that recent roster and behind the scenes changes are more of a case of streamlining of talent rather than dropping contracts out of financial necessity.


Spill the beans then Brian?


Must say, I enjoy FSM, but those Magnus articles are so shite. He comes across as the biggest nob in wrestling. Such politically fueled bollocks. You'd think he was playing for Man United and you should be happy you work there the way he talks about other wrestlers complaining about the horrendous way TNA treats their wrestlers.


I can't believe he is wasting his time in TNA. Surely WWE would take him? He is constantly improving and isn't totally shite like when he first debuted. I can only assume no WWE deal was on the table as staying with a company as horrid and unstable as TNA right now is surely a bad move. Then again, he does get to wear a suit to work now.


But he definitely comes off like a dick in FSM. The last few months have been especially annoying for me personally. Its still better than Alex Shane. But only just.

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FSM Exclusive: Magnus Earns Improved TNA Deal

Fighting Spirit Magazine is delighted to confirm that our monthly columnist, Nick "Magnus" Aldis, has re-signed with TNA Wrestling.


"I'm very happy to confirm that I have signed a new two-year deal, on improved terms. It came down to the wire between TNA, myself, and my agent, but ultimately we came to a mutually beneficial agreement," Aldis said in a statement to FSM.


"I'm really excited about the new structure and more streamlined team. It's important to know that while some people may be moving on, TNA is focusing on their priority guys. Simply - earn your spot, and be rewarded. I can only speak for myself, but my career has steadily progressed financially throughout my entire time with the company."


Indeed, TNA has recently been criticised for, under various circumstances, allowing the likes of Bruce Prichard, DOC, Tara, Doug Williams and Jesse Sorensen to depart the organisation. FSM is also aware of at least one high-profile TNA contract offer that has been verbally dismissed by the employee in question.


On the bright side, FSM can confirm that top talents Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode have also signed new deals with TNA, adding credence to Aldis' suggestion that recent roster and behind the scenes changes are more of a case of streamlining of talent rather than dropping contracts out of financial necessity.


Spill the beans then Brian?


Must say, I enjoy FSM, but those Magnus articles are so shite. He comes across as the biggest nob in wrestling. Such politically fueled bollocks. You'd think he was playing for Man United and you should be happy you work there the way he talks about other wrestlers complaining about the horrendous way TNA treats their wrestlers.


I can't believe he is wasting his time in TNA. Surely WWE would take him? He is constantly improving and isn't totally shite like when he first debuted. I can only assume no WWE deal was on the table as staying with a company as horrid and unstable as TNA right now is surely a bad move. Then again, he does get to wear a suit to work now.


But he definitely comes off like a dick in FSM. The last few months have been especially annoying for me personally. Its still better than Alex Shane. But only just.


I was in two minds about this anyway, but this months issue, and Magnus's article especially, has made me make the decision not to renew my subscription this year. The content Is just getting to the point where I can finish all I am interested in in about 25 minutes each month.


This isn't to say there isn't some good stuff in the mag. The World of Sport stuff is is absolutely outstanding (up there with Meltzer's obituaries) and Jim Cornette is great. But the news (old), the dvd reviews (awful - especially the Live in the UK ones, which every time finish with the same paragraph), Magnus (literally makes me want to vomit,) and some of the subjects of features (as well as the 'university essay' writing style) mean that I can't justify the outlay anymore.


If I wasn't already subscribing to 5 other magazines I might have given it another year, but unfortunately FSM has become the least looked forward-to mag to come through my letter box each month.

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I was in two minds about this anyway, but this months issue, and Magnus's article especially, has made me make the decision not to renew my subscription this year. The content Is just getting to the point where I can finish all I am interested in in about 25 minutes each month.

I'm sorry to hear that our content isn't interesting you as much as I would've hoped. For you, personally, what kind of things could we cover to make FSM a better experience? Thanks!

Edited by Brian Elliott
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I like the magazine but it does seem to have dipped in quality a bit from last year when you had the fantastic 6 page AJPW article among others.


I don't see the point in reviewing WWE and UFC PPV events on DVD when they have already been reviewed as live events only months earlier. I'd rather see more reviews of things like PWG and shoot interview releases, maybe the Kayfabe Commentaries ones.


I agree about the "university essay" style of some of the articles. Will Cooling seemed to go months writing articles with only a tangential connection to pro-wrestling or MMA, seemingly trying to build up a portfolio of "real sports" articles. Luke Dormehl's articles come across very dry, as does Michael Campbell. Alan Counihan's articles are usually very good, as are David Ditch's.


The magazine is still way, way better than Powerslam though.

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I was in two minds about this anyway, but this months issue, and Magnus's article especially, has made me make the decision not to renew my subscription this year. The content Is just getting to the point where I can finish all I am interested in in about 25 minutes each month.


Have to say I agree with this. I used to buy the magazine consistently from my local Smiths and from about 18 months ago, it is very rare I pick up a copy. I used to be able to take it home and dip in and out of it over a course of a few days (better than reading the back of a shampoo bottle) an then pass it on to the missus to read. She is a huge TNA fan, and even with your coverage of TNA, she is no longer interested in reading as she says it is very samey. I do enjoy the Jim Cornette article as he always seems to be passionate about the topic he is discussing. But I can read through the interesting parts whilst still in the shop waiting for the missus to be done in Boots.


When making my choice, I tend now to always pick up a copy of FourFourTwo instead as for an extra pound, it is jam packed with insightful, diverse and entertaining content. It even has a nutrition and development section for aspiring footballers which is incredible...On the other hand, the advice for aspiring wrestlers in FSM comes from a small article by Alex Shane, where he shamelessly self promotes and offers very little actionable advice. Nothing really about what cardio to be doing, what is a good lifting program, what videos to study... I think you are missing a trick there. Maybe his advice is more in depth if you join his online school or go and live with him and scrub his bog for a year.

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