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worst wrestling company in the UK


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Can someone please explain to me, why people who 'want' to be 'wrestlers' who do this sh*t, and pop up on YouTube always look like they're either chronically out of shape or paper thin. They look like they've never ever worked out. Im not saying you have to look like a prime Luger but c'mon at least look like you do make an effort. I just dont see why if you 'want' to be wrestler why you wouldnt get in shape or work out??? To me it just smacks of sh*t really and just further makes the already crap stuff you see look even crapper.


one of my fave quotes was "most of our guys are now in pro gear". "ahem" if they're wrestlers they should have been anyway! thats not a big selling point "look our attire doesnt come from Banardos anymore!!!!" what did they quit the crack for 24 hrs or save there dole up enuff to buy some tights????

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Working out is difficult and getting proper wrestling training takes years of physical and financial sacrifice, you have to train and practice for years before you're allowed to perform on a show. The JWF run at a financial loss, they pay for the rental of the ring and the hall they perform in so they recuperate their losses by charging their performers a monthly fee in exchange for ring time. The JWF offers the chance for out of shape kids the oppertunity to live out their wrestling fantasys in a real ring in front of real people without the hassle of, y'know, dieting, working out, training and learning to take care of yourself and others in the ring. Want to tell your friends that you're a company's world champion? Just give the JWF guys a wad of cash and buy your way to immortality. Lawl.

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As someone who has partaken in the odd humourous backyard 'wrestle' in front of a camera many moons ago..


Under no circumstances should it ever be assumed that BYW has a bar of professionalism, it doesn't. The concept of BYW alone means it sets itself off as being deliberately unprofessional for that purpose.


I have always considered it jumped up teenagers (and the odd 20s dude who 'Masturbates to Flair' and probably Windham) thinking they're the next IRS or Haku, the next break-out star of WCW or just Larry Zybsko's pregnant Grand-daughter.


They are just lazy. They can't be bothered getting a portfolio together, they can't be bothered to go for formal training, they can't even be bothered to tuck their pubes into the singlet they just hunted down for months on Ebay in the hope that it will turn them into Sting.


I have no problems with any of this (Except for the visual of hairy BYW ball-bags), but when you promote that stodge as something that has serious enough consistency to be the foundation of a house and then have everybody 'round for house-warming and charge them for the honour then you seriously need to be buried in liquid shit.


When you then call it wrestling, you ARE liquid shit.

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We are trying to turn the JWF around and bring it up to standard in many ways.


We know that there are shortfalls in most areas and would appreciate advice and intelligent critisism. If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?


- I'm sure people will just tell us to quit, which will not be happening anytime soon. You should expect to see much better online videos from us. I apoligise if i was rude and abrupt before but i feel passionate about this company and would like to see it be accepted into the community.


I won't be quitting this forum just yet, things are getting interesting.


- Xavier

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If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?

Get some actual wrestling training.


Until you do that, you're not wrestlers. No matter how much you like to tell yourselves you are.


And I mean actual training, as in with a reputable trainer, where you train for a couple of years. Any claims of "I've been trained" when you mean "I turned up for less than a dozen sessions" is a lie.

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We are trying to turn the JWF around and bring it up to standard in many ways.


We know that there are shortfalls in most areas and would appreciate advice and intelligent critisism. If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?


- Xavier


Get formal wrestling training. (Google it at worst)



You should expect to see much better online videos from us


This is the annoying thing, your videos didn't seem too bad compared to others I've seen (as of late) and there may be chance for improvement. Bitchin' in the one place that is most connected with British Wrestling is not going to help your course.


Still, good for you for having the guts to come back. Makes your mysterious exit look like a mask of soggy bread though.

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We know that there are shortfalls in most areas and would appreciate advice and intelligent critisism. If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?


- Xavier


Turn into an all female promotion. Then no matter how laughable a standard of wrestling you put out, you'll still develop a rabid fanbase that won't accept any criticisms of your promotion, no lie.


I like your mask.

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We know that there are shortfalls in most areas and would appreciate advice and intelligent critisism. If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?


- Xavier


Turn into an all female promotion.


Come on, Cleetus. Like they know girls.

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We are trying to turn the JWF around and bring it up to standard in many ways.


We know that there are shortfalls in most areas and would appreciate advice and intelligent critisism. If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?


- I'm sure people will just tell us to quit, which will not be happening anytime soon. You should expect to see much better online videos from us. I apoligise if i was rude and abrupt before but i feel passionate about this company and would like to see it be accepted into the community.


I won't be quitting this forum just yet, things are getting interesting.


- Xavier

They were getting interesting until you came back with a complete U-Turn trying to make yourself seem like less of a penis. You fail. The fact that an established and well respected professional like Whiplash has taken the time to tell how much you need proper training should tell you how far from being wrestlers you all are.


You can not expect anything other than harsh criticism, constructive or not, if your going to upload terrible videos like you have been. The only way those videos could possibly be worse is if you were staging professional wrestling..... in Yeovil.

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I like your mask.


name's already been done- so too has the mask!



That's quite heartbreaking, I expect cutting-edge originality from my trampoline feds, rather than just copying from the mainstream promotions. I still like the mask, though it screams more "LUCHAGIMP!" than "Last Samurai" to me.

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Xavier, you need to learn to work in this forum. You can't just come in and go from spot to spot to spot. 'I'm the respectful new guy / you all masturbate to Ric Flair / what have you ever done? / I QUIT'.


Pace it out more, and give people time to react to each major spot. Your high spots may be good, but it's all too breathless.


We know that there are shortfalls in most areas and would appreciate advice and intelligent critisism. If anyone has something costructive to say then please say it?


- Xavier


Turn into an all female promotion. Then no matter how laughable a standard of wrestling you put out, you'll still develop a rabid fanbase that won't accept any criticisms of your promotion, no lie.


I like your mask.

Both worthy of POTM nominations.

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