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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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The character pre dates DC and Marvel and DC. DC actually sued because he was a copy of Superman, then ended up bringing him back under the DC banner.


Yeah, I love DC but I think that was a really cuntish move, on the bright side he's still around today which might not be the case if DC hadn't sued Fawcett into submission then appropriated him for their own use.


Personally I would of rather The Rock chose the Shazam! role... his natural youthful exuberance and intensity would of worked... but I'm sure he'll also rock Black Adam too.


Good luck to ever does get the Shazam! role.... you're going to need it. Not an easy character to pull off.  


Shazam is a really hard character to cast, he has an innocence about him that I hope they keep, It's a shame Patrick Warburton isn't 20 years younger. The Rock is too old, it's about a boy turning into a Superhero, he shouldn't be a bald and in his 40s. but he'll be a good Black Adam if he plays it straightish.

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Deadpool movie gets the go ahead, from Empire



After years strolling the halls of Development Limbo, it appears the merc with a mouth is finally getting his moment. Yes, 20th Century Fox has officially announced a Deadpool film for February 12, 2016.


The fan-favourite Marvel character has long been in demand for his own film following a less-than-pleasing big screen introduction in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Wade Wilson deserves better and there has been script after script written, with Zombieland Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick two of the primary contributors.


VFX veteran Tim Miller is confirmed as directing the new film and, given the man’s enthusiasm for the role, Ryan Reynolds is likely to be back as Deadpool himself, though no actual deal is in place yet. The announcement comes soon after test footage for the new film found its way online, with Reynolds telling the Niagara Falls Review it definitely helped the project’s case. "The movie has been in a state of limbo for a while. There was such an overpowering reaction to the footage, you sort of feel like, 'Oh, so we weren't crazy for our reasons for loving this character, for loving this role.' It's interesting to see the power of the Internet. It's awe-inspiring, actually. And it's neat that Twitter and Facebook and Instagram can move mountains when used in the right way."


In related Fox release date news, it appears that the Assassin’s Creed adaptation won’t be ready in time for 2015, and the studio has moved it from its August 7 release date in the States to an unspecified 2016 spot. The Fantastic Four is moving to take its place (no word yet on how that might affect the UK release, which was set for next June) and has also slotted in John Green novel adaptation Paper Towns for June 19.

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The fan-favourite Marvel character has long been in demand for his own film following a less-than-pleasing big screen introduction in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Wade Wilson deserves better


I thought the Deadpool parts of Origins were really good, personally. Unless Empire are saying the character deserves better than just an appearance in a sub-par X-Men movie... which I agree with, for the most part, even if I didn't hate Origins half as much as most.

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This whole ‘Deadpool’ rating debacle is really irking me as late. So so so many comic book fans – and more disturbingly – alleged Deadpool diehard fans are clamouring for an R Rated Deadpool. That’s fair fucking enough, and I’d like that too, but when has Deadpool ever been rated R besides the shit MAX Series (That pains me to say, as I have been a fan of that character for a very, very long time), Pulp, Kills the Marvel Universe and few one shots?
Joe Kelly and Nicieza’s runs (which most fans agree to be the best) had fuck all profanity or gore in their respective runs, and Daniel Way - who is very hit and miss – the same. I’d love to know where the script writers, Reynolds and the internet people got this idea that Deadpool is, was and should be R Rated.

Again, I’d love an R Rated Deadpool, as I enjoy hearing a superhero curse, but for fucks sake, the comics – for the most part – are no harder than an issue of Oink magazine or X Men, and I’m just baffled as to this outcry.

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Like Baffleck it will probably not end up being any of these guys but here's the apparent shortlist for who could be playing Doctor Strange;


Ewan McGregor, Jake Gyllenhaal, Matthew McConaughey, Oscar Isaac, Jared Leto and Ethan Hawke. Joaquin Phoenix was the favourite but he's now pulled out.


Interesting list, I can't see McConaughey doing it and I hate Oscar Isaac. I think Jared Leto or Ethan Hawke are my favourites out of those guys, Hawke would look great but I think he's too hit and miss to put a big superhero franchise on his back, Jared Leto seems like the right kind of actor, acclaimed, diverse and might bring something of his own to the role. Obviously if it was up to me it would be Nicolas Cage.


Who's up for Doctor Strange?

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DC has apparently announce their line up of films till 2020 (courtesy of IGN.com):


  • “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” directed by Zack Snyder (2016)
  • Suicide Squad,” directed by David Ayer (2016)
  • Wonder Woman,” starring Gal Gadot (2017)
  • “Justice League Part One,” directed by Zack Snyder, with Ben AffleckHenry Cavill, and Amy Adams (2017)
  • The Flash,” starring Ezra Miller (2018)
  • “Aquaman,” starring Jason Momoa (2018)
  • “Shazam” (2019)
  • “Justice League Part Two,” directed by Zack Snyder (2019)
  • “Cyborg,” starring Ray Fisher (2020)
  • “Green Lantern” (2020)


YESH! Green Lantern sequel!


In all seriousness if Marvel keeps up their momentum, you're potentially looking 4 super hero films a year. Surely this is going to burn the genre out?


Apparently there is another Superman and Batman film to add to the above. Interesting that they are splitting Justice League into two films. 

Edited by andrew "the ref" coyne
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