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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Until now, the identity of the Marvel film set to open on May 6, 2016, has been kept secret; Marvel Studios and Disney claimed the date first before Warner Bros. slotted the next "Superman" installment for the same weekend.


The mystery has been solved -- the untitled Marvel Studios tentpole that Warner Bros.' Batman and Superman movie will go up against on May 6, 2016, is Captain America 3, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.


That's the plan, anyway, creating the biggest superhero box office showdown in history. (Marvel Studios and parent company Disney staked out the date first.) Shooting schedules and postproduction could always impact the current blueprint, however. Also, Marvel and Disney have a second untitled movie scheduled to open that summer on July 8, so there is wiggle room.


Marvel films have all but owned the first weekend of summer for the past decade to enormous success, so all of Hollywood was surprised when Warner Bros. announced in January that it would open Batman-Superman on May 6, 2016 as well.


Batman-Superman stars Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill once again as Superman. It was originally supposed to hit theaters in summer 2015, but its release was pushed back nearly a year. There's no doubt that Warner Bros. is hoping to replicate the blockbuster returns Marvel has enjoyed with its multihero Avengers universe.


This week, when promoting the upcoming sequel Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige threw down the gauntlet, saying he had no plans to move off the May 6 date. He still wouldn't reveal the identity of the film; however, insiders confirm it will indeed be Captain America 3. The world premiere of Winter Soldier is Thursday in Hollywood.


Warner Bros. may have been waiting to see what the Marvel title was before considering a date change for Batman-Superman, if the studio blinks. There are still weekends available that summer, including the first two after Captain America 3 and Batman-Superman are set to open. Zack Snyder begins shooting Batman-Superman in the coming weeks.


Veteran box office observers doubt that the two films will ultimately open opposite each other.


Marvel and Disney are incredibly high on Captain America 2, which opens in north America on April 4 and is garnering huge interest, according to prerelease tracking. They believe Winter Soldier, with Chris Evans returning in the title role, will benefit from the same halo effect from The Avengers that Iron Man 3 and sequel Thor: The Dark World enjoyed, as well as firmly establishing Captain America as a standalone franchise.


Brothers Anthony and Joe Russo directed Winter Soldier and are in talks to return for Captain America 3.


The first, Captain America: The First Avenger, took in $371 million worldwide, compared to $668 million for Man of Steel. However, Winter Soldier has a shot at matching the $641 million grossed worldwide by fellow Marvel sequel Thor: The Dark World late last year.

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Here's hoping it lasts as long as FlashForward!


I liked that show, well the first couple of episodes, then it seemed liked they didn't know where they were going.


Goyer is like the Vince Russo of Hollywood. With better talent around him, to reel him in, he can be great, The Dark Knight for example. On his own you get shit like Blade - Trinity, a franchise killing movie. Goyer would do well working in WCW 2000.

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Any mid or post credits stuff? Spoiler tags please boss.


Yes there are, one mid credits and one post. Won't say anymore, but they have leaked online so details are easy to find.



So I saw Captain America 2 last night. Awesome, really awesome.



Good to hear. I got tickets to the regional premiere next week, really excited for it.


You won't regret it. Might be one of my favourite Marvel movies thus far, and quite different in tone, feeling more like a political thriller, or a espionage adventure than a typical action film at times. Also has some fairly big ramerpercussions for the Marvel Universe going forward too.

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So glad its getting almost universally positive reviews, can't wait for it. Im just trying to stay spoiler free till i see it now


Also has some fairly big ramerpercussions for the Marvel Universe going forward too.


Possibly my new favorite word

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So glad its getting almost universally positive reviews, can't wait for it. Im just trying to stay spoiler free till i see it now


Me too, I haven't even watched the most recent trailers, same with Amazing Spider-Man 2, they're out so soon I don't need to see any more.



Regardless of what film Marvel put out against Batman v Superman i cant see many people not going to see the DC movie first even if it turns out to be a clusterfuck of a movie.


Same here, Batman's more popular than anyone, a new Batman film is much bigger than Captain America 3 or whatever, and then you've got Superman, Wonder Woman's first live action movie and the negative and positive hype on top of that, people will want to know how it turns out.

Jeremy Irons (who's a great choice as Alfred) said in a recent iterview "The script isn't entirely finished" which is a bit scary as it starts filming in a month.

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I didn't bother with Captain America 1 as I heard it was a bit pony but I'm pretty sure I can safely jump in to number 2 and know what's going on...


Really looking forward to new Spider Man though.


Just watch the first one Chest, it's pretty good. Hugo Weaving's really fun in it too. I think the new Spider-Man has so much potential, I really liked the first one and I loved the trailer for the new one.

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I didn't bother with Captain America 1 as I heard it was a bit pony but I'm pretty sure I can safely jump in to number 2 and know what's going on...


Really looking forward to new Spider Man though.


Watch the first one Chest, its not a masterpiece but I thought it was great and manages to dodge the 'God bless America' stuff and actually plays up to them.


Im a huge Spider-man fan but there seems to be a never ending amount of clips and trailers being released for it (which i'm actively avoiding). If the rumours that they are gearing up for a sinister 6 movie are true it'll be great to see them pushing villains without the usual origin, battle, death that they seem to cram into most of these films and they can hopefully pad the characters out a bit more

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I didn't bother with Captain America 1 as I heard it was a bit pony but I'm pretty sure I can safely jump in to number 2 and know what's going on...


Really looking forward to new Spider Man though.


The first Captain America's really fun, certainly worth a watch. The WW2 setting gives it a refreshing sort of feel against all the modern day superhero films, Hugo Weaving and Toby Jones are good baddies, Evans is easy to root for, and feels like a proper superhero, and it's got Hayley Atwell in it. I think it's underrated as far as the Marvel films go; I'd certainly rewatch it over Iron Man 2, anyway.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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A +1 on watching the first avenger. Its not the best but well worth a watch, the opening half of it was amazing, i think the second half was rushed and painted over alot of battles and cap kicking ass.


And you learn all about the cube from avengers.


Marvel are very smart making the movies join up, you dare not miss one incase it has a major plot point for the next one.


Hyped for W/S and Xmen this year

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