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Bellenda Carlisle

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I can take our leave Irons as Alfred, but Jesse fucking Eisenberg!? Jesus! I know that people were hoping for Bryan Cranston, and Id have liked that but he's just signed onto play Lyndon B Johnson on Broadway.

Anyone would have been better than Eisenberg


#HeisenbergNotEisenberg is no doubt trending right now

Edited by KingOfMetal
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Steve! I watched a superhero film the other day AND enjoyed it. What's more, Nicholas Cage was in it and I liked his performance too! I hope you're proud.


P.s. it was Kick Ass, not Ghost Rider


I am proud champ, Nic is brilliant in that, you'd have to be nuts not to think so.


Jeremy Irons as Alfred is a great choice, it's nice to see an Alfred that's not 90 years old too.


Jesse Eisenberg as Luthor is so unexpected, with the talk of Denzel & Joaquin Phoenix I was sure he'd be a middle aged dude with screen presence. It sucks that the backlash is already kicking off, these cunts bitching about everything before even giving it a chance give a bad name to the guys who are into this kind of crap but aren't desperate to be the first one to shit on it.


edit* also I love Breaking Bad as much as the next man but I thought Bryan Cranston would've been too much of a buzz casting choice, "he's bald and popular, make him Lex!"


Not in love with Eisenberg in the role but I'll give him a chance, wanted to see a more virile intimidating Luthor but at least it won't be a quasi-humorous Gene Hackman rehash like Kevin Spacey was.

Edited by Call me Bellend
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I can take our leave Irons as Alfred, but Jesse fucking Eisenberg!? Jesus! I know that people were hoping for Bryan Cranston, and Id have liked that but he's just signed onto play Lyndon B Johnson on Broadway.

Anyone would have been better than Eisenberg


#HeisenbergNotEisenberg is no doubt trending right now


Don't know when filming for this would start, but I'm pretty sure it's a relatively limited engagement, at least for Cranston.

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Seems to be pretty much confirmed that the after credits scene in Captain America is


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The introduction of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch as a lead in to Avengers 2. If its true its a nice little fuck you from Marvel getting their version of Quicksilver in cinemas first ahead of Xmen.


[close spoiler]

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There is no way I'm clocking on that link chokey, waiting to see what's after the credits is part of the fun with these movies.



Some details on the casting of Lex Luthor have come out, it turns out Bryan Cranston was never in contention, they did consider Tom Hanks but never actually made a move to get him. The role was indeed offered to Joaquin Phoenix but he turned it down.


I can't imagine a role written so that Eisenberg or Phoenix could have been in contention for it, surely they'd be two very different Luthors?


I can't wait for the new batsuit to be revealed, apparently it's grey which I'm really pleased with because since Tim Burton's first one 25 years ago every single one has been black rubber, definitely time for something different.


Matt Damon's seen a picture of his buddy Ben Affleck in the suit, he says; "I have seen a picture. It's excellent. And I've talked to him about the story line, and it's great. Look, I've known him for thirty-something years. I'd be the first guy being like, 'Buddy, what are you doing?' But I think the movie is going to be great."



In other news Dr Doom is going to be the villain in the new Fantastic Four film but he/she may be a woman, also a list of the actors who have so far tested for the FF reboot


Is Dr Doom going to be a woman?


A black Human Torch and a female Dr. Doom? At least it gives comic fans who like whinging something to focus on other than Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot and Jesse Eisenberg because the backlash against the casting of those 3 was doing my head in.

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I can't wait for the new batsuit to be revealed, apparently it's grey which I'm really pleased with because since Tim Burton's first one 25 years ago every single one has been black rubber, definitely time for something different.


Kevin Smith on his podcast said Snyder had shown him the batsuit and was saying how brilliant is was, he was hinting it at the Frank Miller grey i think.

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A black Human Torch and a female Dr. Doom? At least it gives comic fans who like whinging something to focus on other than Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot and Jesse Eisenberg because the backlash against the casting of those 3 was doing my head in.


I try not to be too Comic Book Guy over casting, even though I mostly fail. The worst effect in the last shit Fantastic Four movies was Jessica Alba's blue contacts, because I guess they couldn't either cast a real blue-eyed actress, or ditch that aspect altogether, so they stuck her in a wig and had her be the sister of a guy she looked nothing like.


The casting for this one is confusing though. There's a black Human Torch, which is fine, but the actresses they're testing for Sue Storm are white, so will they not be brother and sister? Or will they be half-siblings? Adopted siblings? Also, the testing actresses are all about a decade older than the guy rumoured to be Reed Richards, which completely fucks that dynamic too, with Richards being half partner, half father figure. Maybe that's how it is in the rebooted comic, which I read so long ago, I can't remember, but it's such a screwy take on the classic oddball-family FF dynamic, why even bother?


Hopefully this one won't have the Marvel universe's most powerful villain's entire motivation be that some guy stole away his secretary girlfriend.

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Paul Bettany is the Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron


I assume Jarvis is going to be involved somehow rather than Bettany just pulling double duty like John Rhys-Davies as Gimli and the voice of Treebeard in Lord of the Rings.


I actually like the Vision a lot but I am a bit fearful that they're adding too many second fiddle characters, I hate Quicksilver, he's just a shit X-Men version of The Flash and he's going to be in this and the next X-Men film.

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