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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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If you watch Foxcatcher I guarantee you will do a complete 180 on Tatum. He's incredible in it.

Yes! Tremendous in this. Such a self-aware meat head. Proper mancrush material.

Monotone meathead didn't seem to be much of a stretch for him, probably the easiest payday since Arnie in a Batman & Robin.

Having said that, I'm probably just been unfair on Tatum there. He's perfectly acceptable depending what he's in, he can only work with the material he's given

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In fairness to him, he is good in certain roles, but it just get that "flavour of the month"/ "Roman reigns push" feel from him.....in like every movie he's in. "My names Jeff" = unfunny, like him in those movies.


And with Gambit coming around because he once said "I'd love to be gambit" I just don't think it'd be very good.


Probably just me on the above, but that's my impression of him.

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If you watch Foxcatcher I guarantee you will do a complete 180 on Tatum. He's incredible in it.

Yes! Tremendous in this. Such a self-aware meat head. Proper mancrush material.
Monotone meathead didn't seem to be much of a stretch for him, probably the easiest payday since Arnie in a Batman & Robin.

Having said that, I'm probably just been unfair on Tatum there. He's perfectly acceptable depending what he's in, he can only work with the material he's given

He went a bit mental in the making of Foxcatcher, apparently, all method and intense. That bit where he headbutts the mirror wasn't in the script, he legit smashed a mirror with with head. And gave Ruffalo a permanent neck injury during one of their wrestling scenes. And when Ruffalo slaps him, it's a legit slap that burst his eardrum or something because when Ruffalo pulled the slap Tatum didn't think it was legit enough! He was putting the effort into his performance, I think is my point. For better or worse.


He was good in Hail, Caesar! anyway.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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I actually really like Tatum. He's got charisma and if he gets more decent serious roles ala Foxcatcher he will definetely start to be taken seriously. That being said I just don't see him as Gambit. Just doesn't really seem natural fit for him and I don't exactly trust Fox with superheros. The X-Men movies are worth a watch but its no MCU.

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If you watch Foxcatcher I guarantee you will do a complete 180 on Tatum. He's incredible in it.

Yes! Tremendous in this. Such a self-aware meat head. Proper mancrush material.
Monotone meathead didn't seem to be much of a stretch for him, probably the easiest payday since Arnie in a Batman & Robin.

Having said that, I'm probably just been unfair on Tatum there. He's perfectly acceptable depending what he's in, he can only work with the material he's given

If you haven't seen it I suggest you do. This isn't simply a meathead role, but a complete transformation into Mark Schultz.

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My mate is a DJ for a radio station over here, and reviews movies on the station.

He gets two passes, and if his missus doesn't want to go (which is most of the time when it comes to anything sci-fi or comic book related), then he asks me along and I get a little press tag and all from his station with my name.


I'm in the same boat as you Chokey. I'm really lukewarm to the idea of seeing this flick after the whole Ninja Turtle/Abomination thing, and because, Aqua Man, but I'm hoping it can change my mind and I come out giving it a 7/10.

What I'm really looking forward to is Affleck playing Wayne/Batman. After that? Amy Adams is always nice to look at because I can't see myself becoming phallically enamoured with a malnourished Wonder Woman.

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I'm off to Dawn of Justice on Thursday night.

Not sure how I feel about it, coz I'm certainly not excited, but it is free.

I'm sure I'll have to sign a form or something, but still, if anyone is really in need of spoilage then ask away on Friday!


Not that I want like "SPOILERZ" but please do drop  non-spoiler related thoughts on the movie. ....And maybe also but some stuff in spoiler tags hah.

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I'm off to Dawn of Justice on Thursday night.

Not sure how I feel about it, coz I'm certainly not excited, but it is free.

I'm sure I'll have to sign a form or something, but still, if anyone is really in need of spoilage then ask away on Friday!

Did you like Man of Steel?

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