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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Goosebumps, Bellers. Bernthals Punisher gave me goosebumps and nearly made me weep with joy.

Especially during episodes 3 & 4.



The scene where's had the drill put through his foot and it turns out he let them kidnap him and was playing possum may be the most 'Punisher' thing they've ever managed to do in 3 films. I love that they've managed to make him into a full on nutjob *shotgun to the face*  





I've only seen the first 4 episodes but it seems like the writers went through Garth Ennis's Punisher run and picked out their favourite moments and used them for the show, including the hidden blade in his forearm. Great stuff.





There's a scene in the prison that will probably have Branquey making sweet love to his TV


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Maybe I shouldn't be putting this in spoiler tags but if you want to know nowt about Batman v Superman walking in other than it's Batman v Superman...



The early reviews for Batman v Superman are not very kind (37% on Rotten Tomato, yo). I'm seeing it on Friday because Batman v Superman, but my excitement has always been reduced significantly for this film when I remember Zack Snyder is involved - a director that can only produce a decent movie at his best.


Hopefully going forward they sack Zack and get somebody in with a track record of making good movies; a Batfleck directed movie, for example, is a brilliant idea.


Be interesting to see how the reviews effect things going forward.


Edited by ColinBollocks
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Re Batmang/Supermang:


On reflection, it's really fucking bad. I'm going to see it again with the wee lad on Saturday, so I'll give it a final judgement then, but the brilliant score by Zimmer and Junkie XL papers over a load of cracks the more I think about it



Re Daredevil:

Chokey, I nearly turned my undercrackers a crusty, yellow shade of pale when that happened in Episode 9. My missus actually said she saw more joy in my face then than she saw on our wedding day. Which led to a row, which led to me having to pause the show and explain that I was just nervous. It was all very Revolutionary Road for about five minutes.

It was wonderful. The best representation of the Punisher character that I could ever have dreamed of. My only gripe is when he was being led into the courtroom, the guards towered over him and looked to be dragging him a bit. That's it, my only gripe. And I sound such a cunt for saying that. But yeah, Bernthal. Wow!


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the reviews for this are so confusing. They seem to be either 'it's terrible' or 'it's a mess, but one worth watching' from the critics, to 'it's the best thing EVAR' from the fans. I don't even know what to think.


It sounds too grim for my tastes. Superhero films should be big and colourful and fun.


One particular scene I've been told about sounds awful. Bruce Wayne doing crossfit to prepare for a fight against Superman?... Eurgh.


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Re Dazzler. No big spoiler spoiler in here, just a wee spoiler

BVS Spoiler



Aye, Dazzler. Batmang sledgehammering the fuck out of a tyre while topless was a trite unnecessary. But my word, Affleck is in some cunting nick for a 43 year old chap.
The gas thing is, it's not as grim as it likes to think it is. The ending is grim yet positive (I can't explain here without going full spoiler within a spoiler, if that makes sense) but it just reeks of Schumacher.



And the oul HD rips of Deadpool are up at the usual places...

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Re: Batman Vs Superman - 



Is it really that bad? I was all aboard the hype train, and as I enjoyed Man of Steel, (and the reports saying its at least better than that) again I was all for it. Seeing the critic reviews makes me think this is Fan4stic all over again. Actually feeling pretty gutted if its terrible.



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As always it depends what you're into. Malbranque not liking it has got me more nervous than most of the reviews, seeing as he's usually a lot more into superhero films than me.


My main point of interest with the reviews is how it kills the box office. No doubt it will do well, but I've read they need to do somewhere around $800-1B mark to make money. Constantly churning out middling epics when standards are high in a popular genre is surely going to negatively impact this Justice League movie (director: Zack Snyder). We'll see.


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This bleedin' spoiler thing here is getting like charity scratchcards...

BVS Spoiler


Ah it's nowhere near as bad as Fantastic Four. It's not that it's terrible, it's just not as enjoyable as I'd hoped it would be! A film with Batman and Superman fighting and sharing the screen should have been better and I was just very, very disappointed. A visually glorious mess.


Edited by Scott Malbranque
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