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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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You should just watch the trailer chest it's great.


My only criticism of Watchmen is that I don't know how easy it would be to follow if you haven't read the comic 5 times. Terry Gilliam said it was unfilmable and he's put some crazy shit on screen over the years.


Henry Cavill looks so fly as Superman too, his look and performance is as important as anything else in this film

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Watchmen is an ok film, it's biggest problem is its based on a phenomenal book. Well, that and half the casting is poor. It was just too literal a translation of a work that just doesn't fit in a film very well. I do really like 300 but the less said about Sucker Punch the better. I don't think a film Snyder directs would make me want to see it any less for that reason, but I'd hardly be drawn into a project because he's directing either. Man of Steel definitely has potential, but Warner's DC movies are so inconsistent.


I'm just happy to wait and see it really, far too many people on these big blockbusters have already decided its going to be a pile of shit or the greatest thing ever way before they actually see it.

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It was just too literal a translation of a work


A mistake made by far too many films in history, and not just comic book adaptations. If Watchmen was first and foremost meant to be an accurate retelling of the comics, then Snyder's a fucking idiot. Why would I want to watch it under those circumstances?

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I loved the Christopher Reeve ones. And all the various Spiderman and Batman cartoons and series that were around when I were a lad.


Mainly because they were fun and just used the basic characters and stories to create something that would appeal to anyone that just wanted to watch a good show or film, and that didn't concern themselves with the ins and outs of whether the costumes were the right colour and so on and so forth.


Post-Tim Burton's Batman, it just seems to me that you have to have read every comic book going to understand the references and what the fuck is going on. I'm sure that's not the case with them all, but case in point. I went to see the first X-Men film whenever that was released (that's been rebooted now, hasn't it?) because I did quite enjoy the cartoons for a while and my best friends were well into the comics. And it was shit. Not fun at all - just a set up for the franchise, no background to the characters at all, and all the gaps left to be filled in by buying the comics. That's not the point of a film and it never should be.

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I think that's a pretty fair assessment.


I'm into comics but much of the recent crop have left me somewhat cold. For quite a while I couldn't quite put my finger on why it was. Even when I enjoy them on some level.. Like, I enjoyed the X-Men a bit because it was fun to see the cartoons and comics come to life, but there's no rewatch value and it ultimately leaves me cold because the storytelling is not at the heart of the film.


I struggled for a while to see why they weren't "clicking" for me because on the surface they should tick all the boxes.


I think it's a little similar to my views on period dramas that I gave in (I think) the TV thread a little while back - I find all the effort put into historical accuracy and costumery very distracting and detracting from the story.

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The new Man of Steel only makes me want two things - 90 minutes of Russell Crowe as Jor-El giving motivational monologues in his silk-gravel tones, and Kevin Costner to be my dad.


It looks like a hell of a lot of material they're trying to pack in. This'll probably over two and a half hours long, making it about an hour too long, in my opinion, unless it really does debunk all my expectations.


I'm not sold on Snyder at all. I agree with Alan Moore, when he says why copy the graphic novels on film, when we already have the graphic novels? With both 300 and Watchmen, he could have made a movie version of the stories - instead he gave us actors making pictures in washed-out tones, and went and did it all in fucking slo-mo too. The trailer looks like bits of other films - Krypton looks like Cybertron, Superman in cuffs is Loki in the helicarrier, and the Syncopy guys have even nicked the idea of a police interrogation room from their own Dark Knight trilogy. I didn't rate Cavill in Immortals, and although he looks the part in stills, I don't feel the charisma I'd need from a title star playing the biggest name in comics.


However, Shannon looks to be a good slimy Zod, and his TV spot was creepy and intriguing. Shame they couldn't shoehorn in a quick "kneel" line, though, especially as they went to the trouble of including a ham-fisted "oops! Nearly said Superman! Lolz" gag.

Edited by CavemanLynn
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I'm not sold on Snyder at all. I agree with Alan Moore, when he says why copy the graphic novels on film, when we already have the graphic novels?


And he's right as well. As usual. I just don't understand the point of a shot-for-word version of any novel or comic book. It's absolutely pointless. By all means take the characters and some basic plot elements, but if you're going to do that then you should be using them to make as good a FILM as possible, not as accurate a version of the source material as you can.


In that X-Men film, it was like Bryan Singer was so scared not to annoy the comic book nerds that he actually forgot to make anything more than a short introduction for all the characters.


It's not even as if I would be that much more interested in these films anyway if directors showed a little bit more bottle and tried to do something cinematically challenging with this material. The whole general superhero mythology is something that just seems to become incredibly repetitive and unoriginal very quickly, but at least they would be doing something a bit more stimulating than making the Forbidden Planet crawlers happy.

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I'm not having the criticism being leveled at Snyder here over Watchmen.

Who else could have done a better job - as a fan of the novel himself - than what he did?

If he had made a balls out action movie, fans of that sanctimonious Moore prick and the novel would have thrown bile fuelled wobblers over his Hollywoodising of the tale (the change to the already shit ending alone, had them reaching for their keyboards as it was), and if he had stayed as close to the source material as possible and make the best possible Watchmen film (which he did) he alienates the general public who were expecting something akin to Batman.

Snyder was fucked either way, and I admire him for bollox alone on taking on such a thankless task.

In the realm of the discussion group here, he was Kobayashi Maru'd.

Sucker Punch was a load of cunt though.


I wish they'd hurry up and make Deadpool though, and wipe that abomination from Origins out of my mind.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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I saw Iron Man 3 last night. It's absolutely superb. Sir Ben Kingsley steals the entire movie and Shane Black has done a stellar job with the story and progression. As ever stay till the end of the credits for a short additional scene.

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I saw Iron Man 3 last night. It's absolutely superb. Sir Ben Kingsley steals the entire movie and Shane Black has done a stellar job with the story and progression. As ever stay till the end of the credits for a short additional scene.



Easily the best of the trilogy and Shane Black can do no wrong in my eyes. It's a shame it took him so long to take the helm of a flick after the incredible Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

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I'm not having the criticism being leveled at Snyder here over Watchmen.

Who else could have done a better job - as a fan of the novel himself - than what he did?


I'd have liked to have seen Bela Tarr have a crack at it, personally.

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I'm not having the criticism being leveled at Snyder here over Watchmen.

Who else could have done a better job - as a fan of the novel himself - than what he did?


I'd have liked to have seen Bela Tarr have a crack at it, personally.


I have been put firmly in my place. What an obscure, yet magnificent shout.

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In that X-Men film, it was like Bryan Singer was so scared not to annoy the comic book nerds that he actually forgot to make anything more than a short introduction for all the characters.


It's not even as if I would be that much more interested in these films anyway if directors showed a little bit more bottle and tried to do something cinematically challenging with this material. The whole general superhero mythology is something that just seems to become incredibly repetitive and unoriginal very quickly, but at least


That Bryan Singer X-men film was shit and it was ages ago so probably not fair to judge them all on that, also if he was really scared of annoying the comic nerds he wouldn't have put them all in black leather & ditched Wolverine's mask.


A director making something their own is risky, Sin City was exactly, exactly like the comic and was great for it. Dark Knight Rises was a Chris Nolan movie that kind of had Batman in it a bit and it was horrible.


Good to see your thoughts though, you should try watching a few newer ones at face value.

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