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The X-Pac timeline aint too bad a watch, in my opinion there have been better WWE timelines and worse ones.Anybody seen Blood. The Hennig Wrestling Family? I was wondering if it was any good and worth a watch?Thanks in advance

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Watched "The Kevin Steen Show" - Episode #1 last night, had Elgin on it. Pretty enjoyable stuff. Not got much interest in Elgin on a whole but Steen does a good job hosting it in my opinion. His story on Nicholas Cage supposedly being at an ROH Show was brilliant, as is another where he claims Jim Cornette wanted him to go with the name 'Dr Evil - Kevin Steen.' Would I buy on DVD - No - It's barely 2 hours long. On-Demand for $14.99 - Worth it IMO.

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Steen's new ROH DVD "Hell Rising" is excellent. Its got a shoot interview on disc one intertwined with footage of his last 3 years. He's great. Kevin Steen is really interesting to me. I dont know what it is about him. He's this fat lad who has no star quality at all, but his in ring work and promos totally make you forget about it. And the person is more interesting than the character. He's a really nice guy who isn't scared to me honest without sounded bitter about certain people. Just a great guy I find. Shame he's never making it to WWE, because there's no way they'd hire him.

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He's 29. Has he really lost weight? Going by the PWG dvds i watch he keeps putting it on!He usually does commentary on 2 matches in PWG events and him and the other commentator Excalibur, obviously get on well and just have lots of fun. Steen comes across well.

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There's no way he's lost weight. There's more chance that he's 27 (which he isn't) than there is that he's lost a pound in the last 18 months. He looks fatter than ever. He isn't Umaga solid fat either. He's crisps and pop at 3 in the morning fat. Which he admits. He says he doesn't drink or do drugs, but when he gets stressed and upset, he eats a lot. And he has an autistic son, so when he worries about him a lot. But he says he'd like to go to WWE. The WWE schedule isn't the hardest thing in the world any more. The only time its really quite hard for these wrestlers is on overseas tours and the money makes up for that. You do 4 dates a week in WWE. Steen probably does that now, since he's a big name on the indies. Its a shame he wont or cant get in the shape which would make WWE have a look at him. You have to think he's really banged up as well, so those two things might worked against him to the point that you feel he's probably never going to make it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I really enjoyed the Waltman Timeline. I know there was nothing particularly revelatory in it and a fair amount had been covered by Nash in his YouShoot but I still enjoyed it. I think it's because I just really like Waltman. He just seems to be such a nice bloke.

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