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Just got Booker T's , Hardcore Holly's and Lex Luger's ready for my holidays.


They all seem very short and small compared to many other releases :(

Holly's is good, and not particularly short.


I just read Downtown Bruno's book, heard good things about it and was pleased to find it lived up to my expectations. For those only interested in WWE, that part of his career is kind of skimmed over, the vast majority of the book is about his pre-WWF career in the territories. One thing I did find weird is that he keeps going on about some WWE management type guy called Bob Clarke who he hates. I've never heard of him. Anyone know who he is?

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Hey guys, shameless plug here, but I wrote this review of The Hardcore Truth if people wanna read it and give me feedback that would be awesome,




I enjoyed it , furthermore I'm about to go on holiday with the book and my wife just read your review and now want's to read the book :)

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I read Booker's book yesterday, pretty good but bare in mind it finishes as soon as he got to WCW, the vast majority of the book is about his childhood and young adulthood before he got into wrestling. Very entertaining, it's amazing how far he's come from a very hard upbringing. Funniest thing in the book is the bit about Stevie Ray working as an exterminator and driving around in a car made up to look like a mouse with ears and a tail.

Edited by Pier Six Brawler
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I read about 80% of Booker's book on my phone while I was supposed to be working, he's hard some really hard times in his life and knowing some of the stuff he's been through has given me a new found respect for him for achieving so much.

Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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I've been reading Kanyon's book recently. Great insight into WCW from 96-2001. There's a lovely story about Eric Bischoff as well. Bischoff gets a lot of shit aimed at him (and a lot deservedly so), but there's a touching story of Kanyon walking into his office to ask for a pay rise:


We were doing everything Eric wanted, and

doing it well, so I was confident going into our

meeting. I didn’t have a set figure in mind. I knew

what the other guys were making, but I didn’t know

how high I should go. I was thinking $85,000 — a

little more than double, but not triple what I was


I made the trip up to the nice office again, and

I was nervous through the initial exchange of

niceties. Then Bischoff casually dropped the

question I’d been dreading.

“How’s Ernest coming along?” he asked.

I had to think before I responded. “He needs

patience,” I said. “He does what he does real


“Well, you make him look good. I heard you

don’t get along real well.”

Shit. “Well, I get along with a lot of people,

but not with everyone. I just think we have

different perspectives on wrestling.”

“I know what you mean,” he said. I felt better.

He’d heard about Miller’s bad attitude. “So,

you’re here for what?”

I swallowed hard. “Well, I’ve been working

here for over a year, and I think I’m doing well.” I

told him my life story about how I love wrestling,

which I’d written down on a sheet of paper. I got

all the way up to college, describing how I found

wrestling schools, how I was making $70,000 a

year but quit to make $40 a night wrestling. I told

him how my parents were angry.

“But, Eric, I was happier making $40 a night

than $70,000 per year,” I said.

“Chris, put the paper down,” Eric said. “Stop

reading the paper. Tell me what’s in your heart.”

I stopped. I thought back to a conversation I’d

had with Page.

“To tell you the truth, Eric, DDP told me that

you thought I was sitting on my ass, and that sitting

on your ass and making $30,000 a year isn’t bad,”

I said. “If you think I have been sitting on my ass,

you’re out of your fucking mind. I want this

gimmick to work. I need this gimmick to work.

And to hear that really hurts.”

There was silence in the large room. I think

both of us were shocked I was that honest.

“Let me explain,” Eric said. “When I came

here from Minnesota, I had a wife and kids, and I

had to collect cans and cash them in to put food on

my table. We had to struggle to make ends meet.

When I hear $30,000 a year, it means a lot more to

me. When I say you were doing nothing, it doesn’t

mean you were doing nothing, it just means you’re

not collecting cans. That’s hard work.”

He drummed his fingers on the desk. I sat

back, feeling very small. I was grateful he opened

up to me, but at the same time, how could I ask for

more money after hearing that?

“How much were you thinking?” he asked me.

Fuck. How could I ask for $85,000 now? I

started thinking. Two times 30 was 60, and I could

back off that — $55,000.

“How about $55,000 per year?” I asked.

“I can’t do that,” he said.

What? I thought. “Why?”

“I was thinking 100.”

I thought he meant $100 a week. It took me a

minute. Did he mean one hundred thousand dollars

a year?

“Do you mean $100,000 a year?” I asked.


I didn’t hesitate. “I’ll take it,” I said, shaking

his hand. “Thank you so much.”

I went down to the lobby and again called my

parents. This time, there were three people crying

on the phone.


Excellent book so far. James Mitchell comes across as the biggest nutter and nicest bloke in the world. Kanyon is obviously grateful that he lived with him and knew he was gay for 15 years and never told anyone.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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