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Ben Saunders vs Brian Warren

Jesus, Ben Saunders' Muay Thai clinch is fucking nasty. Once he gets a good clinch on it's pretty much done 9/10 times and that was the case here. 22 second massacre, absolute brutality.




That cut was horrible aswell, looked like a good chunk of Warren's eyebrow was gone. Just look at it;




I love Killa B, always something exciting going on when he's in there. Wherever the fight goes he doesn't stop. Glad to see him back to winning ways. Happy they got this aired on the main broadcast.

Warrens' eyebrow after the doctors seeing to it;




That shit is going to leave a scar.

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Jesus, that pic of Brian Warren's eye is horrible.


As for Saunders vs Daley, maybe that's what's next. Neither are in the tournament but both will need a fight soon. Why not.


Logically, Saunders should have the advantage you'd think. The reach plus he's much better on the ground. But Daley has stupid power. And despite being a great striker Saunders gets hit quite a lot and has been stopped a couple of times. If he tried to clinch Daley I could see him eating a bomb. If he kept it at distance and used his reach he'd have the advantage.


It's really interesting. I'd probably pick Saunders by submission. I think.

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yeh Saunders would have a massive advantage on the floor but i think Daley's power would be the telling factor standing...still it's a fight that needs to happen.


Thing is though, with the tournament concept it as well, it doesn't really serve either man well when it comes to getting close to the the belt. If Daley beat Saunders he'd be 2-0 in the promotion but still at least than 3 fights away from a title shot.

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goes down tomorrow, minus it's original main event but the two featured fights are important.


Travis Wiuff had one hell of a year, if he takes this tomorrow and goes on to win the 205lb strap he'll end up on my figthters of the year list, he was once considered a glorified journeyman but he's turned into a monster.

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Yeah Wiuff's had a resurgence recently. He looked scary in his last few fights. Not exactly what you'd call an exciting style but he looks really dominant and he gets the job done.


I loved this from his last fight



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that was a dangerous f'n slam.


Wiuff's old school as can be, he's definitly not a crowd pleaser, but i always got time for guys like that who've just fought anyone and everyone. I'm pretty sure the Bellator win would be his biggest paycheck too, i hope he gets it.

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well the Wiuff train got derailed. I'd still wager on Wiuff to beat Vegh 9 times out of 10 due to the styles clash but Vegh pretty much had one chance and that was to put his gloves on Wiuff's chin, he did that and he did it early, folded Wiuff up early and Christope M'Pumbu is the most relieved man in MMA. To be fair, Bellator is probably happy because they have a much more fan friendly fight now going into the Championship fight.


Galvao/Nogueira is worth you're time if you're interested, wild little slugfest between two little Brazilians. Always got the impression that Galvao would win out if it came down to guys trading bombs, Nogueira was game but a little outgunned, he should probably fight at 125. I'm pretty certain the last 4-5 strikes were illegal though, Jimmy Smith was adamant that the 12-6 elbow is legal but that still doesn't mean you can hit the back of the head! Fun fight.

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