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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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Not understanding why people think  BMTH's new sound is a 'progression' of their music. The style they've approached for this album is a MASSIVE step down from the previous two. They've gone from melodic hardcore with hints of post-rock and math-rock to nu-metal sounding drivel. It's awful.

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 I've liked the changes they've made before this album. I enjoyed some of their extremely early deathcore stuff, mainly due to the breakdowns, and loved their progression into a more structured hardcore band. But this new stuff is just a weird new direction. I heard it on the radio at work a few times and thought it was Linkin Park until i heard an advert for the new BMTH abum with the same songs. It's a shame as it marks downward turn in quality.


It reminds me of Our Lady Peace, a fucking stonking alternative rock band who put out some of my favourite albums, who decided to go a little more 'mainstream' in 2002 and have released really dissapointing drivel since then.

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Couple of mates have got tickets for Hellfest next year, they are hounding me about going, im unsure. Im quite happy attending Bloodstock every year. The heat and size of Hellfest puts me off a little.


Anyone been? Recommend it?

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Seeing as a few people have mentioned some of the bands already, what do you guys reckon to this 'new wave' of pop punk with bands like The Wonder Years, The Story So Far, Knuckle Puck, Neck Deep etc. I've been jamming Knuckle Pucks new one and it's pretty damn solid.


I have this weird thing with pop punk where I almost feel too old for it, maybe it's me clinging onto youth or something. It makes me feel better knowing some of the guys in these bands are my age or older. I guess I never had a massive problem with the style per se, it was more the shitty bands that sung about absolute garbage and all the naff joke bands. Some of this new stuff though is hitting the mark

Edited by lightningxlock
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I can't imagine listening to new pop punk, I can't even listen to stuff I used to like like Goldfinger or New Found Glory and take them seriously.

Actually I still enjoy Alkaline Trio, they always were the coolest pop punk band though.

Edited by Call me Bellend
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I wouldn’t even class The Wonder Years as pop-punk tbh. That genre conjures up images of grown men, dressed like children singing cringe worthy lyrics about not having a prom date despite them being in their thirties. Lots of it doesn’t even sound like punk, just pop. Indistinguishable from the likes of McFly & 5SOS.


I’ll happily listen to early Green Day (nothing past ‘Nimrod’ & their headline set at Leeds the other year with the ‘Dookie’ play through was horrendous) & I absolutely love Rancid. Blink 182 are the worst ‘headline’ band I’ve ever seen live although I’d be curious to see them with Matt Skiba as it was Tom Delonge who was absolutely the weakest link in that band.

Edited by Dead Mike
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Nimrod is my Green Day cut off too, Insomniac is underrated. American Idiot makes me cringe, I can't believe how acclaimed it is.

I've got a man crush of embarrassing proportions on Matt Skiba, he can do no wrong in my eyes. I'd like to see him in blink and I'd have no interest in them otherwise.

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Nimrod is my Green Day cut off too, Insomniac is underrated. American Idiot makes me cringe, I can't believe how acclaimed it is.

I've got a man crush of embarrassing proportions on Matt Skiba, he can do no wrong in my eyes. I'd like to see him in blink and I'd have no interest in them otherwise.

It's weird both you say that about Nimrod seeing as it's viewed pretty poorly by the press. 21CB is the cut off for me the 3 Uno, Dos, Tre! albums where pretty dire stuff. Their side projects 'Foxboro Hotubs' are well worth a check out though. One of my favourite albums ever. Think Ramones in the mid 2000's. Surprised Mike didn't like GD's live show? What was wrong with it.. I wasn't there but they hardly ever get a bad rep, seem to be one of the best live bands. Caught them in 2008 and they're still the best act I've ever seen live.


Can't wait for Blink to tour with Skiba over here, they've started recording material from the last I've heard? Hoping they do academies with a few sub-headliner festival performances come Summer but I'm doubtful. 

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I do listen to the stuff that I grew up with, and can be a lot more objective about it. Dude Ranch by Blink 182 is an excellent, excellent album...of it's time.


Your Favourite Weapon by Brand New is an excellent, excellent album...of it's time. Etc etc.


Bands like Neck Deep, Knuckle Puck, You Me At Six etc I can enjoy and it doesn't make me cringe or whatever, but a lot of things that I used to listen to makes me a little embarrassed and I probably was back then as well. Bodybag by Hit The Lights came on the other day on Spotify and I nearly felt sick. But then the next song was The Best Of Me by The Starting Line, and I still love that song.


I get embarrassed more by the Hip Hop (Cage, High and Mighty urrrrggggh) and Metal that I liked more than the punk that I used to listen to.


I've always fucking hated Greenday, so that doesn't count for me.


I do think bands should grow up though. I mean Blink still writing songs about farting, sex, shit, high school whatever is just fucking creepy when you're, what, mid 40s?

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