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Post of the Year 2010 Now Online


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Can i nominate Syms Adebayor post for most horribly awful, desperate post of the month or something?

can i second this actually! Why i thought that was a good idea i dont know! I only had a couple of beers but can barely remember posting it! Drunk me (or sober me) is not funny!

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From the Jon Venables arrest thread...


People still defending him? LMAO. Is it because it cool to be anti media?


What does he have to do to make it his fault? You people need to wake up and smell the coffee. If we made him what he is which is ,lower than an animal then tough shit, im feed up of paying for his life if we cant kill him then lock him up and throw away the key.


People are now saying he shouldnt have been locked up at all? as it might spoil his childhood? Fucking laughable the fact is the guy is a fucking loon always was and clearly always will be. You can try and tell yourself he wasnt and we made him and all that other bullshit all you like.


Rick you say relaseing him would have been "terrify him" Maybe they should have


1. Taken him a railway track and beaten him to death after blinding him with paint.

2. Abused the fuck out him and took pictures.


See how scared the poor little mite is then. My only hope in all this is the poor parents dont get dragged into it again i think they have suffered more than anyone ever should.


With any luck the dad will do what he should have done a long time ago and track them down and butcher them, make no mistake about it someone did that to my boy i would have no problem killing them nice and slowly and as painfully as possible doubtful i would have cared how old they where or not.


Quote The Raven, never more.

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Can we bring in the rule that posts can only be nominated if they show that the person that wrote them knows how to use a full stop?



If you wish to put it like that. I just have difficulty believing that a post that contains the following single sentence can be a candidate for the best thing written on this forum in June.


With any luck the dad will do what he should have done a long time ago and track them down and butcher them, make no mistake about it someone did that to my boy i would have no problem killing them nice and slowly and as painfully as possible doubtful i would have cared how old they where or not.


There's 'grammar nazi' and there's 'barely literate'.

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Can we bring in the rule that posts can only be nominated if they show that the person that wrote them knows how to use a full stop?



If you wish to put it like that. I just have difficulty believing that a post that contains the following single sentence can be a candidate for the best thing written on this forum in June.


With any luck the dad will do what he should have done a long time ago and track them down and butcher them, make no mistake about it someone did that to my boy i would have no problem killing them nice and slowly and as painfully as possible doubtful i would have cared how old they where or not.


There's 'grammar nazi' and there's 'barely literate'.

It's missing probably one full stop and one comma, it's certainly not on the same level as killing a toddler for kicks. :rolleyes:

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Can we bring in the rule that posts can only be nominated if they show that the person that wrote them knows how to use a full stop?



If you wish to put it like that. I just have difficulty believing that a post that contains the following single sentence can be a candidate for the best thing written on this forum in June.


With any luck the dad will do what he should have done a long time ago and track them down and butcher them, make no mistake about it someone did that to my boy i would have no problem killing them nice and slowly and as painfully as possible doubtful i would have cared how old they where or not.


There's 'grammar nazi' and there's 'barely literate'.

It's missing probably one full stop and one comma, it's certainly not on the same level as killing a toddler for kicks. :rolleyes:

How many nominations did Jon Venables' murder of Jamie Bulger get for "Post of the Month: June"?

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Could be a contentious nomination, but:


It just had to be done.




I wish I had done that, and I haven't. This equals great to me. Plus, it makes the bird in Waterboy's post in the first dance thread even more of a fool (or the dirtier word he called her) for not latching on to one of life's clear winners. 5 stars.

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Could be a contentious nomination, but:


It just had to be done.




I wish I had done that, and I haven't. This equals great to me. Plus, it makes the bird in Waterboy's post in the first dance thread even more of a fool (or the dirtier word he called her) for not latching on to one of life's clear winners. 5 stars.


Not seconding the post, as it's cool but not amazing. However, for whatever it's worth, I'll second everything NEWM said from "Plus" onwards.

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I enjoyed this:


Christ, how self indulgent and un-post worthy is this thread? Dragging up a dead guy's name to make a broad statement that everyone in the world thinks at least once in their poxy little lives, despite the fact that time itself is a constant and is no faster or slower now that it was one, ten or a hundred years ago.


Either make a topic about Michael Jackson or just make your cretinous Old Bag "Eeeh, doesn't time fly when you're full of yourself?" topic.

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I'm being a bit of a nomination slut, but I think this is total magic:


The Matt Hardy stuff will never get old, I love it, he's like the little brother that everyone liked and then when he got older, he became a cunt.


And died alone.

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Can I do a group Nomination for Mr Seven's World Cup summary post's! Informative, yet funny! :thumbsup:


Yeah, I'd go for this too. Simple, straight to the point, yet very informative for those of us with only the occasional interest in football.

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