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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The Sorcerer's Apprentice - It's not perfect but if there had been a little more effort put in other than "Nic Cage wants to be a wizard, so lets give it a go" it could've been really good. Alfred Molina is outstanding and Cage himself continues his good performance run (and this is coming from someone who usually hates his performances). The lead is a bit annoying at times but as the film goes on he becomes a bit more sympathetic. If this had received some of the marketing that Prince of Persia did, this could've easily been Disney's next POTC franchise.


Sacrilege! Nicolas Cage is the best!

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My Bloody Valentine - The original, not the 3D remake. Starts off pretty good but gets a bit dull as it reaches its whimper of a climax. I'm going to watch the remake at some point to see if it improves on the original in any way. The heart-shaped candy boxes were cool mind...and the washing machine bit.


The original My Bloody Valentine is quite good but nothing in it suggested it needed a remake, to be honest.

Yeah it was a bizarre choice but still I've heard mostly good things and it could end up being a surprise. Also I'm a sucker for gimmicky horror 3D.


To me it seems like a better idea to remake a nearly good film than a film thats already awesome. I've got both Bloody Valentines on Blu Ray and I'm partial to a bit of slasher. Both have there moments. For those that are interested in seeing the origional make sure you track down the new DVD/Blu with the reinstated gore. I havent seen the cut version which was the only version available up until the remake came out. But I imagine it would have FAR lesser entertainment value. If you like your 80s slashers its a gooden.

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On Friday evening, me and the good lady were at home and, her having just returned from work, decided to end the day by watching a film.


"What was the last one in that pile?" she said, and I picked up Get Smart on dvd.


It maybe wearing a little thin me declaring my praise for all these films but once again I was left entertained, this time by the stylings of Steve Carell. The supporting cast is solid but I found Carell's delivery and timing made him the stand out funny man which you don't always get. Sometimes a secondary character can have the funnier lines/performances but in this TAFKA Brick shines. Really easy going, really fun.


4 stars


Tomorrows review will be of Piranha and The Expendables. My first negative review comes... but which one...?

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On Friday evening, me and the good lady were at home and, her having just returned from work, decided to end the day by watching a film.


"What was the last one in that pile?" she said, and I picked up Get Smart on dvd.


It maybe wearing a little thin me declaring my praise for all these films but once again I was left entertained, this time by the stylings of Steve Carell. The supporting cast is solid but I found Carell's delivery and timing made him the stand out funny man which you don't always get. Sometimes a secondary character can have the funnier lines/performances but in this TAFKA Brick shines. Really easy going, really fun.


4 stars


Tomorrows review will be of Piranha and The Expendables. My first negative review comes... but which one...?

:laugh: Four for four.

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Remember Me. My husband didn't wanna watch it because it has Robert Pattinson in it. He ended up in tears at the end of the film. It was one of the best films I've seen for a while, and it was nice to see him in something that wasn't Twilight or Harry Potter.

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Bit of a long one but it features a double whammy...



What a day Saturday wasA As the day had been a literal roller-coaster of emotion, the good lady allowed me leave to go to the cinema. Myself, my goood friends Sam and Jumbo went, along with Sam's BFF Heva, with the intention of seeing The Expendables.


"Shall we watch another film in the wait?" I asked, as the current showing was full and we needed to wait. Piranha was the only one that fit the timings, so that was the choice.


This film was atrocious. It was so poor and unbelievable that it became AMAZING! We were literally sat there in fits of laughter at some points. It stank of cheesy B-Movie, which at premium prices (it was 3D!!) is not really what you want. Rent it on DVD with a load of friends around for a good laugh. Or rent it alone and use the pause facility for the hot-as-ever Kelly Brook in the nude. This is possibly my favourite-least-favourite-so-bad-its-good-nudey-titty-gory-bitey-fish-filled-fun film of all time.


0.5 stars...or 5 stars... depends how you view it.


So Saturday evening rolled on and after a short break for chow mein and kebab, it was back to the screens.


"This film is supposed to be amazing..." Sam said, almost uncontrollably excited. The Expendables, it turned out had amazing in excellus...


This is the man film of all man films. People literally grunted during several scenes with manliness. All it takes to make a film this good is explosions, violence, swearing, fighting, testosterone and car chases. Everyone of the main guys look like they could still kick ass and it features Sgt Batista from Dexter for crying out loud! The romance is minimal, the dialogue is simple. Switch your brains off, you manhood on and get ready for a wild ride. **PUMPS SIDE FIST**


Oh and FYI there is nothing after the credits...


4.8 stars

Edited by Gordon_The_Gopher
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I watched My Last 5 Girlfriends last night. It was shit. The production values looked like the sort of sterile, soulless, "corporate video wanker gets feature funding" toss that I despise. It looked cheap, gimmicky and it just contained no momentum or heart. Some of the gimmicks were alright, like the flashbacks done as a fairground ride through a Barbie house, but that was about it.

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I just watched Universal Soldier: Regeneration and I wasn't expecting much out of this film, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. JCVD can still go at his age. A few very brutal fight scenes and deaths within.


Also this week I have watched:



I will need to give this film a second viewing before deciding on how much I enjoyed it. On my first viewing I was in the mood for a film with lots of action, so not knowing anything about the graphic novels or the tone of the film did leave me dissapointed. The best part about it was the Silk Spe3ctre in that leather outfit. Now knowing what to expect I believe I will enjoy and appreciate the film more on second viewing.


Terminator Salvation

Just not the same without Arnie, but it was an enjoyable film. Some amazing effects, but at times it did seem too much like Transformers with the size and design of some of the Terminators.


Crank: High Voltage

Some great action and just none stop fun. Jason Statham is really enjoyable and Amy Smart prances about in next to nothing for the entire film. It is a shame that she looks too beat up and like a skank for most of it.

Edited by bwo
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I watched Disturbia


When you read that something is a "remake" of a Hitchcock classic (in this case, Rear Window) you don't generally expect much but this film took the fundamental concept (person trapped in a house thinks he sees a murder) and then totally did their own thing in it. And it worked really well for the most part. Some genuine moments of creep/tension, some good performances including Shia LeBoef, and a wonderful psycho performance from David Morse, who is one of those wonderful B-list actors that always puts in a good showing.


The last reel suffers a little from what these sorts of films always suffer from... at the end, there has to be some running around being chased by the axe-wielding murderer, which often ends up spoiling the well-built-up tension. I'm not sure how you get round that as a writer though. Unless you're Hitchcock.

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I just watched Universal Soldier: Regeneration and I wasn't expecting much out of this film, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. JCVD can still go at his age. A few very brutal fight scenes and deaths within.


Also this week I have watched:



I will need to give this film a second viewing before deciding on how much I enjoyed it. On my first viewing I was in the mood for a film with lots of action, so not knowing anything about the graphic novels or the tone of the film did leave me dissapointed. The best part about it was the Silk Spe3ctre in that leather outfit. Now knowing what to expect I believe I will enjoy and appreciate the film more on second viewing.


Terminator Salvation

Just not the same without Arnie, but it was an enjoyable film. Some amazing effects, but at times it did seem too much like Transformers with the size and design of some of the Terminators.


Crank: High Voltage

Some great action and just none stop fun. Jason Statham is really enjoyable and Amy Smart prances about in next to nothing for the entire film. It is a shame that she looks too beat up and like a skank for most of it.


Universal Soldier was a nice surprise for me too, the fight scenes are pleasingly rough.

Watchmen is the best film ever made

Terminator Salvation is one of my worst films

Crank 2 is fucking awesome how can anyone not love a film where SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

2 guys turn into fighting monsters

in the middle of a fight scene?


Saw Piranha yesterday, was drunk and in the back row feeling up the girl I went with, that combined with the funny shitness and B-Movie feel made for a pleasant experience, plus 3-D Kelly brook!

Edited by Pritt Stick Licker
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