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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The Wolfman - its hard to really say much about this because ive read all the production problems is movie went through. You can basically see this is 2 movies in one, there's the serious/classy slow paced period horror that i think was the original intention, then there's the gorey horror movie chucked in there as well. The producers were not happy with the end result so all the gore was pretty much added later from what i can tell. Having said that, i actually enjoyed it and thought the movie worked pretty well as a gorey, fun horror movie...it's just it doesn't really sit well next to the serious tone of the movie. The werewolf bits were pretty on cool though and the two main transformation scenes were fantastic. Joe Johnston has said there'll be a full-on directors cut on dvd, so i'll be interested to see how that is.


and what was with Anthony Hopkins disappearing/re-appearing irish accent?

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and what was with Anthony Hopkins disappearing/re-appearing irish accent?


Probably due to the fact that he's rubbish.

It's true, this and Fracture are two films you must see if you consider him a decent actor. His varying accents are comic gold.

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My latest rental. I remember seeing the trailers for this and thinking it looked quite fun. It was ok but it didnt really hold my interest as I was browsing the net for the majority of it. Didn't think much of Hayden Christiansen, but I quite enjoyed Jamie Bell and I just love pretty much anything Samuel L Jackson does. The effects were quite good, but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it again.



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I'm on somewhat of a bad run at the moment in terms of the quality of films i've watched as of late:


Youth In Revolt- Probably the best of a bad bunch. Michael Cera plays his usual "geeky" character which, in fairness he at least does very well. Considering the last film I saw at the cinema was "The Hangover" I probably set my expectations a bit too high for this film. It had a few laughs, but nothing laugh out loud worthy, and the story is solid and coherent for the most part, although there were a few scenes that were animated or in stop motion for seemingly no reason what so ever. Considering it also starred Zach Galaf....Alan from the Hangover, I was expecting it to be a bit funnier and for him to have a more prominent role, but the film was less like the Hangover and more like Juno.


Green Street 2- My Dad said he'd attempted to watch this on TV and couldn't believe how terrible it was. Id previously been told by an ex work colleague that the film was pretty good so thought i'd give it a go late one night seeings as it was on tele. My God what an abortion of a film! Say what you want about the first Green Street movie, but it's a million miles better than this heap of crap. I don't even want to go into detail and spend time on reviewing this film, but believe me it's not worth watching, even if your bored. The only redeeming qualities this film has is that the actress playing the head screw in the prison does a good job of being a complete bitch, and some of the violence is pretty grim if your into that type of thing. The ending is laughable, and whilst the first film had some questionable cockney accents, this one is even worse!! AVOID!


Terminator Salvation- It just didn't hold my attention! I think the main problem was that I was well aware of one of the "twists" having previously read about in in another movie thread here, so the surprise factor was immediately ruined. What was the point in the girl who didn't speak? Was there something I missed cos there seemed to be no valid reason for her being there what so ever. The special effects were pretty cool but as we all know, that's not what makes a decent film these days. I would probably give it another go just to see if I'm being a bit too harsh on it, but as it stands now, I personally thought it was only slightly better than Terminator 3!!


Observe and Report- Not terrible...just not THAT funny and seems a bit rushed. The ending where everything is wrapped up in a neat bow is literally done in about 5 minutes. And on a side note, what the hell has happened to Ray Liotta? Why does he feel the need to be doing comedies now? (he's also in Youth In revolt). I can only assume he thinks that by being in films with the likes of Michael Cera and Seth Rogan who are quite popular these days, that it may lead to better roles for him?? Also, I think i'm starting to develop a bit of a thing for Anna Faris, who is one of the saving graces in this film. Like I said, it's not terrible and there are some awkward moments that will generate a giggle, but I don't think id be able to watch it again.



Next up for me is Training Day (I recently took advantage of Tesco's selling DVD's for

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After reading so much praise for the show, I searched out a copy of the Freaks & Geeks TV series and am thoroughly enjoying it at the moment, and am currently half way through the box set.


For those who dont know it is set at McKinley High School in 1980, and focuses on the lives of two siblings, Lindsey and Sam Weir. Lindsey was a previous A-Grade student, who changes her image and befriends the 'Freaks' whilst her brother Sam is a 'Geek', and the show concentrates on how they make their way through high school and the problems and issues that they face. The pilot is a tremendous episode, and my other favourites are 'Beers and Weirs' (where the Weir's parents go away for the weekend, and Lindsey's new friends persuade her to have a party at their house), and 'Carded and Discarded' (where a new girl transfers to McKinley from a school in Florida, and gets befriended by Sam and the 'Geeks'. Soon however, she starts becoming pally with the head cheerleader, and they realise that she wont want to know them once she becomes friendly with 'the cool crowd'). I cant recommend this show enough, and if you can get hold of a copy from somewhere you wont be disappointed.

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I am going to try and avoid the spoilers. The only thing I haven't really cared for is the relationship between Nick and Lindsey, where it was clear he had a thing for her, but at the same time she really wasn't totally into him. Saying that, the way that they finished things between the two of them I thought was tremendously done.

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he's great in The World's Fastest Indian, check that out.


I used to be Hopkins' biggest fan, but watching things like Mission Impossible, Fracture, Hannibal and the like made me suspect that his great days are over and he's just hamming for the money. Sad but understandable.


Then I saw World's Fastest Indian, and as you say he's great. So I guess he's happy to turn up for money, but he'll only put real effort in if it's a role he's interested in.

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My latest rental. I remember seeing the trailers for this and thinking it looked quite fun. It was ok but it didnt really hold my interest as I was browsing the net for the majority of it. Didn't think much of Hayden Christiansen, but I quite enjoyed Jamie Bell and I just love pretty much anything Samuel L Jackson does. The effects were quite good, but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it again.






I quite liked Jumper in a fluff kind of way... inoffensive actioner that, if you pretend Hayden Block of Wood Christiansen doesnt exist then its all good. Jamie Bell steals the show ,if Iam honest and if the film was about him would have been a better film all round

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After reading so much praise for the show, I searched out a copy of the Freaks & Geeks TV series and am thoroughly enjoying it at the moment, and am currently half way through the box set.


For those who dont know it is set at McKinley High School in 1980, and focuses on the lives of two siblings, Lindsey and Sam Weir. Lindsey was a previous A-Grade student, who changes her image and befriends the 'Freaks' whilst her brother Sam is a 'Geek', and the show concentrates on how they make their way through high school and the problems and issues that they face. The pilot is a tremendous episode, and my other favourites are 'Beers and Weirs' (where the Weir's parents go away for the weekend, and Lindsey's new friends persuade her to have a party at their house), and 'Carded and Discarded' (where a new girl transfers to McKinley from a school in Florida, and gets befriended by Sam and the 'Geeks'. Soon however, she starts becoming pally with the head cheerleader, and they realise that she wont want to know them once she becomes friendly with 'the cool crowd'). I cant recommend this show enough, and if you can get hold of a copy from somewhere you wont be disappointed.


Watched the entire series in a weekend a few weeks ago. Loved it, especially seeing who outside Seth Rogan has gone on to become semi-famous since.


Watched Milk this afternoon and was impressed. Sean Penn, James Franco and Josh Brolin were all amazing.

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Saw Solomon Kane earlier. I really enjoyed it, it had a good story and some awesome action scenes.


The lead actor James Purefoy was really good too... Can't really remember him in any other films, but I'll definately be keeping a lookout for him in the future. He also looks very very similar to Hugh Jackman.. who played a similar character to Purefoy as Van Helsing, so it was hard to get Helsing out of my head throughout the film!

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