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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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From what I've read too, the Directors Cut is always how Hill wanted the film to be.


Well he's a knob. It doesn't need any of that shit. It completely fucks up the tone of the film and just hammers home the whole point of the film rather than letting you figure out by yourself. It's really stupid.

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Whats everyones thoughts on walter hills: the warriors?


One of my favourite films, specifically the Blu-Ray Ultimate Director's Cut. I think I've already watched it three times since I bought it earlier this year, and I have some of the soundtrack on my iPod. Sadly it's very misunderstood by a lot of people because they expect a big action gang-war style film, when it's not meant to be that at all. It's just a really stylish thriller.


I love The Warriors. I have the Directors Cut, which is essentially the same film but with a comic book style cut in between each scene. How does the Blu-Ray Ultimate Directors Cut differ?


The Ultimate Director's Cut runs around 1 minute longer, adding a voiceover introduction from director 'Walter Hill (I)' describing a legendary Greek army's attempt to fight its way home, and comic-book freeze frame shots bridging various scenes in the film. - IMDB

They really add to the film, I think. Plus the Blu-Ray upscaling looks quality.


Here's a breakdown of the comic book stuff and Director's Cut changes, Gladstone - http://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=4270


Personally I like the comic book stuff, but I can see why some wouldn't.


That's exactly the same then, minus the up scaling. I like the comic book stuff too. Adds a bit more character to an otherwise dated looking film.

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That's exactly the same then, minus the up scaling. I like the comic book stuff too. Adds a bit more character to an otherwise dated looking film.


It makes an enjoyably silly film unnecessarily sillier.

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The Warriors is one of my all time fav films. The Directors cut should be ignored at all costs, The animated inserts take away from the film. My main gripe with the Directors Cut is that it doesnt include any of the footage that has turned up in other cuts of the films (Alternate openings and additional scenes at the end) Walter Hill is a very underrated Director, Southern Comfort has been mentioned on here ages ago, Trespass is a cracker, 48 hrs, The Ryan O'Neal film the Driver is great and he wrote Aliens for fucks sake.


Millers Crossing is fantastic. It is essentially a film about hats but has some of the Coens best dialogue

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The Warriors is one of my all time fav films. The Directors cut should be ignored at all costs, The animated inserts take away from the film. My main gripe with the Directors Cut is that it doesnt include any of the footage that has turned up in other cuts of the films (Alternate openings and additional scenes at the end) Walter Hill is a very underrated Director, Southern Comfort has been mentioned on here ages ago, Trespass is a cracker, 48 hrs, The Ryan O'Neal film the Driver is great and he wrote Aliens for fucks sake.


I watched Streets Of Fire for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Bloody insane. Michael Pare is really shit. But I loved it.

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Good is a major stretch but there were certainly worse films from that year with better ratings on RT; The Book Of Eli (48%), Alice In Wonderland (51%) and Red (71%) to name a few. 2010 was not a great year overall but there were some flicks that garnered a lot more hatred than they deserved. Repo Men was one of these, along with From Paris With Love and The A-Team. Were they GOOD? Not really but arguably more entertaining than they were given credit for.


Personally the incredibly goofy nature of The A-Team movie was what I expected from The Expendables, which unfortunately ended up being quite dull for the most part.


What's wrong with The Book Of Eli? Yes there are better post-apocalyptic films, but it's still an entertaining and cool movie.

It's just so painfully dull. I could overlook the unoriginal design and the painful religious undertones in the narrative but when the movie is so dull that even Tom Waits blends into the background, like some disinterested set-dressing, I just tend to give up any hope of enjoying it.


What happened to Denzel anyway? Training Day was like 11 years ago and the only thing he's done of remote interest since then was that runaway train movie...the one that wasn't a remake...

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The Ultimate Director's Cut runs around 1 minute longer, adding a voiceover introduction from director 'Walter Hill (I)' describing a legendary Greek army's attempt to fight its way home, and comic-book freeze frame shots bridging various scenes in the film. - IMDB

They really add to the film, I think.


Not they don't. They are fucking epically shit. They don't fit in at all with the 70's vibe of the film (which is a big part of what makes it so good), they are completely jarring and take you out of the movie, they are incredibly corny and childish and finally the actually comic book art used it's dreadful.


I don't give a fuck what the director originally wanted. Sometimes directors needs to realise that they don't always know what's best. In this case when he said to the studio "can I have some money to put some fucking awful shitty cartoon bollocks in the blu-ray edition of the movie?" they should have taken him out and shot him.

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The Ultimate Director's Cut runs around 1 minute longer, adding a voiceover introduction from director 'Walter Hill (I)' describing a legendary Greek army's attempt to fight its way home, and comic-book freeze frame shots bridging various scenes in the film. - IMDB

They really add to the film, I think.


Not they don't. They are fucking epically shit. They don't fit in at all with the 70's vibe of the film (which is a big part of what makes it so good), they are completely jarring and take you out of the movie, they are incredibly corny and childish and finally the actually comic book art used it's dreadful.


I don't give a fuck what the director originally wanted. Sometimes directors needs to realise that they don't always know what's best. In this case when he said to the studio "can I have some money to put some fucking awful shitty cartoon bollocks in the blu-ray edition of the movie?" they should have taken him out and shot him.


No, of course, you're right. It's shit and I don't like it anymore.

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Not they don't. They are fucking epically shit. They don't fit in at all with the 70's vibe of the film (which is a big part of what makes it so good), they are completely jarring and take you out of the movie, they are incredibly corny and childish and finally the actually comic book art used it's dreadful.


I don't give a fuck what the director originally wanted. Sometimes directors needs to realise that they don't always know what's best. In this case when he said to the studio "can I have some money to put some fucking awful shitty cartoon bollocks in the blu-ray edition of the movie?" they should have taken him out and shot him.


No, of course, you're right. It's shit and I don't like it anymore.


What kind of a response is that? LaGoosh isn't trying to change your mind, he's pointing out what he thinks is wrong about it, what kind of bollocks forum would it be if everyone responded to an opposite opinion like that?


He is absolutely right, though. It's so, so unnecessary, and I'm really surprised that he even thought that it looked good in the first place, it really is most unlike Walter Hill to completely miss the point.

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The Ultimate Director's Cut runs around 1 minute longer, adding a voiceover introduction from director 'Walter Hill (I)' describing a legendary Greek army's attempt to fight its way home, and comic-book freeze frame shots bridging various scenes in the film. - IMDB

They really add to the film, I think.


Not they don't. They are fucking epically shit. They don't fit in at all with the 70's vibe of the film (which is a big part of what makes it so good), they are completely jarring and take you out of the movie, they are incredibly corny and childish and finally the actually comic book art used it's dreadful.


I don't give a fuck what the director originally wanted. Sometimes directors needs to realise that they don't always know what's best. In this case when he said to the studio "can I have some money to put some fucking awful shitty cartoon bollocks in the blu-ray edition of the movie?" they should have taken him out and shot him.


No, of course, you're right. It's shit and I don't like it anymore.


Yeah you're right about Red Dwarf too in that other thread. I'm going to stop liking Red Dwarf aswell.


You daft cunt.

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What happened to Denzel anyway? Training Day was like 11 years ago and the only thing he's done of remote interest since then was that runaway train movie...the one that wasn't a remake...


Off the top of my head American Gangster, Man On Fire & Inside Man all came out after Training Day and all were awesome.

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Man I hate the Directors Cut of Warriors. It absolutely ruins the pacing, editing and just plain looks shit. Whats more you can't get the theatrical cut on DVD anymore and I doubt it'll get a Blu-ray anytime soon. It really is up there my most hated alternate editions along with Human Traffic Remix and Apocalypse Now Redux.

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