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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Recently caught the original Game of Death (all 39 minutes of it) and what a film it could have been if it was finished, Bruce's charisma really shines through even more than it did in the previous movies. You could tell that this was his personal baby and that it had a message to it, sadly it was ruined in 78 when they made the bullshit version with other actors playing Bruce and some of the worst "effects" ever.

I don't know what you mean, Chinese guy with a similar haircut and big glasses is just as good as Bruce is. Not to mention the excellent scene where it is obviously a paper cutout of Bruce's face with narration. Though my favourite Bruce lee knockoff actor has to be Bluce Ree.

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Watching the 1992 BBC series 'Great Crimes & Trials' on DVD that I got in the post today. Robert Powell has a lovely voice. That's all sadly. Lots of sick bastards on the display. John Reginald Christie is a terrifying fellow.

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Watching the 1992 BBC series 'Great Crimes & Trials' on DVD that I got in the post today. Robert Powell has a lovely voice. That's all sadly. Lots of sick bastards on the display. John Reginald Christie is a terrifying fellow.




This scared the shit out of me when I first saw it

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Prometheus spoilers below:






Prometheus in 3D was very average. It looked great, and the 3D worked well. Every character was bland and forgetable, though, which was a big problem with the film. There were loads of ridiculous/unoriginal scenes throughout, too (ie, the womans no-sell of the major surgery, the classic 'giant thing falling slowly down, all person has to do is take 5 steps sideways but doesnt', the look through the glass, etc).


Can someone explain the part when David put that thing in the guys drink? I assume he didnt know what it would do, so why did he do it? And for what point? Was he ordered to do it? It wasnt as if he closely monitored the guy afterwards, so it doesnt seem like it was an experiement. Also, what was with the complete non-reaction of the woman when David essentially told her "I killed the love of your life"? All of this story seems like a complete waste of time thinking about it now.




Speaking of 3D, has anyone else seen the Spiderman trailer in 3D? The parts where there were no big movements looked great, but as soon as you got into the action scenes, it became almost unwatchable. Things like Spiderman swinging through buildings, etc, were awful, and super blurry and messy looking. Has anyone else noticed the same?

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Speaking of 3D, has anyone else seen the Spiderman trailer in 3D? The parts where there were no big movements looked great, but as soon as you got into the action scenes, it became almost unwatchable. Things like Spiderman swinging through buildings, etc, were awful, and super blurry and messy looking. Has anyone else noticed the same?



No, because I hate 3d.. But is it the same Spiderman trailer that has been doing the rounds on the net for a while, or is this a new one? Will have to look it up if the latter.

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Any Return of the Living Dead fans knocking about? Some how I'd seen part 2 as a Teen but didn't see the original until a couple of nights back. Tremendous entertainment. Its like the Thriller video had some balls. I love that style of 80s horror and output from studios like Orion.


The blu ray steelbook is fantastic as well. Its got at least 4hrs of special features that include a great 2hour documentary. Not only that but the steel has the original audio track that has never been on any previous home video release due to music rights issues. Seeing as its my first watch its not such a big deal but i imagine for longterm fans its a must have.

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RotLD is a movie I can have on any time, any place - it seems to be on TV once a week, and I think I watch at least part of it every month or so. It's just so fun - I don't know how Dan O'Bannon was so brilliant, actually. His illness must have really taken its toll, for him to have no really followed up this, and his work on Total Recall.

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RotLD is a movie I can have on any time, any place - it seems to be on TV once a week, and I think I watch at least part of it every month or so. It's just so fun - I don't know how Dan O'Bannon was so brilliant, actually. His illness must have really taken its toll, for him to have no really followed up this, and his work on Total Recall.


It may have been people heard how upleasant the shoot of ROTLD was, due at least in part to him not being a people person and rubbing much of the cast and crew up the wrong way. Its a damn shame though because it would have been great if he had directed more. At least he wrote alot.

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Watched My Summer With Des on youtube today. Haven't seen it since it was on in 1998.


Anyway, for anyone that hasn't seen it, its a TV Film based around Euro 96 staring Neil Morissey and Rachel Weisz. Arthur Smith wrote it.


Enjoyable fluff!

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