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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I was going to watch Cabin In The Woods but it turned out to be a version that someone had recorded on a cam in a cinema. I struggled through the first 5 or 10 minutes and gave up, it was unwatchable. Mind you, it is a Joss Whedon film.


I watched Cube instead. It's not all that great, is it?

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I was going to watch Cabin In The Woods but it turned out to be a version that someone had recorded on a cam in a cinema. I struggled through the first 5 or 10 minutes and gave up, it was unwatchable. Mind you, it is a Joss Whedon film.


I watched Cube instead. It's not all that great, is it?


Cube is ok, for the budget it had it was very well done. I think stripped down and done as an episode of Outer Limits or Twilight zone it could have been great

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Its main problem was that the acting was utter, utter shit and that none of the characters were especially likeable. Are the sequels any good?

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I didn't think the characters needed to be likeable in Cube; I just saw it as an interesting look at how a group of people who found themselves in that situation might behave. I thought both of the sequels were entirely unnecessary and not very good at all. I'd say Cube Zero is better than Cube 2, but neither are particularly worthwhile. I've had arguments with people in the past who criticise the first film's ending because it doesn't spoon feed you a bunch of answers re: why they were put in there, who did it, what's going on outside it etc. and the sequels seem to be designed to cater to those people.

Edited by JLM
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I didn't mind the ending at all, I really don't mind when they are left open like that. I understand what you're saying about it looking more at how these people might co-exist, but I think to base itself around that concept it really needed people who could act. If it had been more about the traps themselves, which I think it should have been, then it might not have mattered so much.


I think I've just watched too many of these kinds of films recently, almost all of them except Exam have disappointed me and that did have an absolutely crap ending as well.

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The sequels build on the 'mythology' of the Cube which is code for back story no one really gives a shit about

Which made the sequels uneccesary and shit. Cube worked when it was this little indie film which left the film open to interpretation. It's like a magic rick once you know how it's done then it loses any interest.

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